Pre-qualification criteria
1.  Does your agency have adequate systems, policies, and procedures to determine appropriateness of the qualifications of potential subrecipients?
Financial recordkeeping/reporting
2.  Does the subrecipient have an accounting manual, including clear and comprehensive procedures?
3.  Does the subrecipient have an existing standard financial record keeping system to be used for accounting for grant/contract funds?
4.  Are the financial records maintained and reviewed properly and up-to-date?
5.  Do the books of accounts contain sufficient information and reflect proper accounting treatment of financial transactions, including:
·  Bank account and cash balances?
·  Disbursement details, including date, payee, name, account, expense classification, and other relevant information?
·  Segregation of funds from different sources?
·  Comparison of outlays against budgets?
·  Initial recording and subsequent clearing of cash advances?
·  Accrual of expenditures to match costs to their proper period?
6.  Does the subrecipient issue financial statements, including a balance sheet and statement of revenue and expenses?
7.  Are the financial statements audited by an independent accountant?
8.  If applicable, does the subrecipient's proposed budget include an indirect cost line item based on a negotiated indirect cost agreement or an indirect cost allocation plan? / YES / NO / N/A




Cash management
9.  If applicable, is a separate bank account being maintained
for subgrant funds?
10.  Is there proper segregation of duties for signing checks and withdrawing subgrant funds?
11.  Are bank accounts reconciled regularly?
12.  Are bank reconciliation statements reviewed by an appropriate staff?
13.  Are large cash balances kept at the office premises properly justified and adequately controlled?
14.  Are disbursements properly authorized prior to check issuance or cash outlay?
15.  Is staff responsible for handling cash fully bonded?
If not, is there an appropriate alternative assurance for
the security of the funds?
16.  Is the subrecipient operations in the program area for which the funds are intended properly authorized in writing by local legal authorities?
17.  Are disbursements fully supported by invoices, receipts, or similar documents?
18.  Are receiving reports and inventory records used to evidence receipt of commodities and supplies?
19.  Are conversions of currencies properly calculated and completely documented?
20.  Are cost-share or matching funds properly accounted for, recorded, and documented? / YES / NO / N/A




Procurement/Commodity tracking
21.  Does the subrecipient have clear and comprehensive policies and procedures for procurement of goods and services/
22.  Does the subrecipient have a fixed assets listing containing sufficient information to identify items acquired by grant/contract funds?
23.  Does the subrecipient require competitive bidding for all major procurement?
24.  Is the bidding process adequately documented?
25.  Are the functions for solicitation and evaluation of bids separate from selection of the winning bid?
26.  Do written agreements contain provisions which allow for legal remedies in case of breach of contract and for termination in case of default or other similar instances?
27.  Are commodities procured under the subrecipient agreement need to be marked in accordance with donor requirements?
28.  Does the subrecipient have an existing standard commodity tracking system and procedures to be used for monitoring its subgrant-related activities?
29.  Does the subrecipient's recordkeeping system for monitoring its subgrant-related activities appropriately and adequately documented?
30.  Are financial, program, and other relevant reports prepared, reviewed, and approved properly and submitted in accordance with donor's prescribed timetable?
31.  Are requests for advances/reimbursements prepared, reviewed, and approved properly and submitted in accordance with prescribed donor requirements? / YES / NO / N/A




32.  Does the subrecipient have a personnel manual with clear and comprehensive policies and procedures?
33.  Does the subrecipient require all of its employees to sign a code of conduct or conflict of interest statement?
34.  Does the subrecipient have an appropriate and adequate effort reporting system, including proper review and approval of time allocation?
35.  Are appropriate documents or vouchers prepared and signed by the recipient of the payroll funds?
36.  Do those vouchers clearly indicate the rate and period covered by the payroll payment?
37.  Are salary rates in accordance with relevant local employment and labor laws and regulations?
38.  Are all qualified employees extended all fringe benefits required by local employment and labor laws and regulations?
39.  Are all payroll deductions properly calculated, withheld, and recorded in accordance with local employment and labor laws and regulations?
40.  Are all payroll deductions remitted to the appropriate local government agency in the correct amounts and on a timely basis? / YES / NO / N/A