Performance Assessment Task – Literary Analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird

·  You are ______from To Kill a Mockingbird, and you are the President of the United States of America. Write a speech to the American people, convincing them of ways you can help make our country a better place. Your speech should be written with a strong focus on the issues and events in the story that have affected you and make you capable of making our country better. You should cite at least three pieces of textual evidence from the story to support your ideas. This could include narration, dialogue, descriptions, etc. Only ideas that are directly connected to the story can be used. You should have a well-developed introduction with a thesis statement, as well as body paragraphs and a conclusion.

·  You are writing a letter to the Future World Changers (FWC), a group of young people dedicated to making the world a better place. Using a character from To Kill a Mockingbird as a model, your letter should be written with a strong focus on how this character serves as a model of someone who has/can/will change the world, and how the FWC can put that modeling to work. You will want to focus on issues and events in the story that prove that, and you should cite at least three pieces of textual evidence from the story to support your ideas. This could include narration, dialogue, descriptions, etc. Only ideas that are connected to the story can be used. You should have a well-developed introduction with a thesis statement, as well as body paragraphs and a conclusion.

·  You are ______from To Kill a Mockingbird, and you are writing your last journal entry – or letter to your family – before your death. This writing is an attempt to let your future family members know how important the events and issues from the story are. Your focus should be on a certain message that you want to leave with your family based on the events and issues in the story, and you should cite at least three pieces of textual evidence from the story to support that message. This could include narration, dialogue, descriptions, etc. Only ideas that are connected to the story can be used. You should have a well-developed introduction with a thesis statement, as well as body paragraphs and a conclusion.

·  Other options . . .

Regardless of your choice, your writing should be two pages, double spaced, typed, using the standard format for all other major essays in class.