Ranch Rules

1)  Please obey all house rules as set forth by the director.

2)  Absolutely no violence at any time, physical or verbal. This is cause for dismissal.

3)  No drugs, alcohol, or any substance that can be abused. Meds must be approved.

4)  Let the facilitator know at all times where you are. Ask before you go outside.

5)  Let the administrator know all court proceedings and if you have a probation officer.

6)  All Bible studies and church meetings are mandatory. Do daily program: all scheduled events.

7)  This is a 60-day program.

8)  You will trust God, for He is in control.

9)  The stereo and television are off limits unless you have permission.

10)  No smoking. Do not ask church members to make calls or for information or any other items.

11)  There will be room inspections at any time.

12)  Lights out at 11:00 PM on Monday, Friday and Saturday.

13)  Lights out at 10:00 PM on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

14)  Ask for prayer or help whenever you need it. Don’t get stressed out.

15)  No phone privileges outside of designated times. No visitors except approved visits.

16)  No cursing or rude language or negative talking. This also includes in your room upstairs.

17)  You can receive mail after two weeks. It must be healthy and packages must be opened in front of a facilitator. There is no correspondence allowed from girlfriends, jails or prisons, etc.

18)  You will take an urinalyses at any time that the administrator feels necessary.

19)  Upon entrance or suspicion of smuggling something, you will be expected to dress down.

20)  You will not have any money while on the program.

21)  You will not touch any other person’s property without permission. Stealing is grounds for dismissal from the program.

22)  Anything extra that you need (clothes, hygiene products, etc.) may be provided.

23)  All will sit together in front at church. No sitting with women.

24)  You will write a letter to your judge and public defender thanking them.

25)  No sleeping together. Suitable clothing will be worn to bed.

26)  Be dressed and ready for the day every morning: no pajamas downstairs.

27)  No makeup or jewelry except for wedding ring will be allowed. This includes body piercings.

28)  No low cut shirts or shirts that show your mid drift. Appropriate dress is required.

29)  We serve three meals a day and there is no snacking between meals. Food areas are off limits unless you are scheduled to cook or have a helper.

30)  The King James Bible will be your only reading material during your first 30 days. You may use our dictionary and concordance as study tools.

31)  All showers will be short: approximately 7 minutes. Be courteous.

32)  Take showers before breakfast or on free time only.

33)  Stay out of the staff area behind the computer desk.

34)  Please take care of doctor’s and dentist’s visits before coming in. You will only be allowed to go if there is an emergency or an approved appointment.

35)  If you leave the program for any reason, you must spend thirty days out before re-entrance to the program. This is based on the director’s & administrator’s decision.



Parents if under age______Date______/______/______