Pre AP World History to 1500 CE/Geography

Mr. Brosh

Course Introduction 2013 –2014


The purpose of this course is to study thedevelopment of civilizations and the contacts among various societies from pre history to 1500. Comparisons and contrasts between societies will be a major emphasis. Pre AP World History will prepare students for the World History I SOL Test and AP World History. This class will emphasize methods of presentation, reading selections, and formal writing for AP World History.

The Loudoun County Course Syllabus may be accessed:

The Course Outline may be accessed at:

General Instructions and Preparation

You should expect to be challenged in terms of going beyond an understanding of world history in a chronological sense. The course is an in-depth study of world history that will allow you to analyze and evaluate. You will be required to read for understanding both in class and out of class. It is important to actively participate in class activities.


Your grade for the marking period will be based on the items identified below. This class will use a “point system” for both “Mastery” and “Practice” Assessments.“Mastery Assessments” will equal account for 80% of your Marking Period grade while the other 20% will come from “Practice Assessments”. An overview of each follows:

Mastery Assessments

  1. Unit Tests

Tests will be given at the end of each unit of study (usually one to three chapters). Tests consist of objective questions and analysis/writing. There will be two to three tests per marking period.

NOTE: Students will have an opportunity to improve their test scores. Students may complete test corrections as directed by the teacher.Completion of “Test corrections” will increase the student’s score on that Test one letter grade.

  1. Formal Writing

Formal Writing includes thesis paragraphs, short answers, and essays that may be written in class or as homework. These will be graded on content and form. Proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling will be emphasized.

  1. Quizzes

Quizzes will be based on the current chapter/reading assignment or material covered previously in class. These Quizzes will multiple choice or short answer.

  1. Visuals/Projects

Topic Visuals/Projects are in class assignments requiring students to analyze, explain, and/or interpret content.

Practice Assessments

  1. Class Work

Various written class activities will be graded for completion. These will be based on text questions or class activities.

  1. Homework

Written Homework will be used to reinforce material covered in class. These assignments may be graded on completion and/or accuracy. Homework is due on the assigned date at the beginning of the class.

  1. World History Binder

Class Work, Homework, and Handouts are to be kept in a three ring binder that is specifically for World History. Students are expected to use this binder daily and organize the materials according to class directions. The binder will be checked as each Unit/Chapter is completed.

NOTE: Both “Mastery” and “Practice” Assessments are due as assigned, not later in class. Assignments not turned in as due are subject to “Woodgrove High School Grading Procedures”.

General Policies and Procedures

  1. You are encouraged to answer in class, ask questions, and voice opinions. It is important to listen also.
  2. Be on time. Trips to the restroom and locker should be completed during class change. “Tardy Policy” will be reviewed in class.
  3. Bring what you need to class. This includes your textbook, World History Binder, paper, pencil/pen, and Agenda.
  4. Know what is going on in class. An outline of objectives will be written on the board daily. Pay careful attention to “due dates”.
  5. Be sure to turn in or make up any missed assignments due to absences. Missed assignments are due the next class after your return. Make up Tests are to be completed outside of the regular class time.
  6. There are several aspects of“Woodgrove Student Rights and Responsibilities” that I would like to emphasize:
  • Students are expected to do their own work on all assignments, including both class work and homework. Collaborative assignments will require individual effort.
  • The use of unapproved aids on quizzes and tests, or copying from another student will result in a zero grade. This includes homework. Do not copy homework from another student or give you homework to another student.
  • Electronic devices such as phones, music devices, etc. are to be put away during class.