Mike Lawler

Sports Activities and Nutrition

Site One

  1. Health and Physical Education Assessment.
  2. This site does a good job in making all areas of education available and not just health and physical education. It’s good that the site also presents links that can help handling other languages and special needs because that seems to be a growing trend in the U.S. I would rate this site a 4 out of 5.
  3. I think there is a good amount of blank space on this site that isn’t being used. They could enter in some sort of table to present data or a few more links from other sites.
  4. I would’ve liked to see more information pertaining to other areas of physical education. They cover the fitnessgram, but they could enter in some examples of physical education curriculums to help aspiring teachers develop ideas on how to make one or specific assessments or rubrics for a unit such as basketball or soccer.
  5. There are some excel spreadsheets and pdf documents with a lot of data presented on them and I can’t tell whether it’s accurate or not. I’ll have to say it’s not simply because there are very little references to where this data came from.
  6. One way I could use this site is to develop a generalization of the fitnessgram tests by looking at the past reports and seeing what is considered the average for a certain age group. By doing so I develop a standard by which to grade certain students and over see their growth in certain fitness aspects.
  7. There was no quiz on this site to take

Site two

  1. Volleyball Skills Assessment.
  2. The site focuses on Special Olympics and more specifically, volleyball. It presents plenty of links and information about the Special Olympics. It’s easy to find out what sports they have and how to get involved. It’s not hard to navigate.
  3. I can’t necessarily find something to add. I think it does a good job of using tables and not leaving empty spaces and has a variety of links.
  4. I’d like to see a more detailed explanation of volleyball and how it’s played in the Special Olympics. Its summary only focuses on the coaches allowed and the basic rules. I’d like to know if the game is altered at all for the participants.
  5. I believe this site is very accurate because it provides a multitude of links in alphabetical order to other sites that help back up the information provided.
  6. This site could be very useful in helping me understand how to teach special needs students if that were ever the case. This site provides good information and links on how to work with special needs students and what adjustments would need to be made when dealing with functioning students as opposed to special needs students.
  7. The quiz on this site and extremely useful because it helped me understand what is the best way to teach special needs students.

Site Three

  1. Calories Burned with Sport.
  2. This site isn’t too great in my opinion. It isn’t laid out well and the first thing I see is it telling me to create a free account in order to use it. I don’t really know how to use this site.
  3. This site could probably use some form of graph to explain how calories are burned in sports. Maybe showing what sports burn the most calories or at least a link to a page showing that graph.
  4. I haven’t seen a single sentence on this site that explains at all how sports and calories burned relate. There are links taking me to exercises and specific ways to burn calories, but not having to do with sports. So, I’d like to see something that shows me how sports burn calories.
  5. There was no information given for me to determine if it’s accurate or not.
  6. Well, if I could use this site the way I would hope to, I’d use it as a way to teach students how playing sports can burn calories in a way similar to that of attending a gym because some kids aren’t able to have gym memberships at all.
  7. I took the calorie intake calculator. I really liked this calculator because it asked me information about my activity level, age and weight and it showed me a precise amount of calories I should take in to maintain my weight by a specific date. They take the time to account for an individual’s activity level.

Site Four

  1. Calorie Counter.
  2. This site gets right to the point when I click on the link. The entire page is a calculator and asks a variety of questions. It’s very easy to use and no real need for navigation.
  3. It’s a pretty bland site. There is no color involved and its all bullet points. There are no pictures, tables or any real descriptions.
  4. I’d like to see some form of paragraphs explaining what each bullet point means and maybe an example so someone who is unsure of what the questions apply to.
  5. The information is accurate because I am in control of what information is being plugged in and whatever results come out of that are because of what I entered.
  6. I’d use this site to help obese kids who were self conscious about their weight and try and motivate them and give them a specific, detailed plan on how to improve what they’re doing.
  7. I used the calculator and felt that it didn’t do well in identifying with a large population, but rather a specific people. When it asks about activity, the choices pertain to running mostly such as a ½ marathon or a 10K run and I don’t feel that reaches out to a larger population and myself.

Site Five

  1. Calories Burned During Activity.
  2. This is an easy site to use and navigate. It has each category divided up and it’s specific and easy to follow.
  3. The site could fill up a lot of space. There is one giant table that runs down the center of the webpage with lots of space on the sides. They could have broken up the one giant table into multiple tables categorized by specific workouts.
  4. There is such a lack of explanation of each specific category. They have a lot of exercises and activities and they could take the time to explain some of them to give the audience a general idea of what that activity looks like.
  5. I would’ve liked to have seen where they found these numbers at. I don’t know if it’s accurate, but I feel confident that it is because the exercises listed require a lot of force and effort applied which results in calories being burned.
  6. This is a great site to use to explain to kids what activities burn what calories and for students in gym class, I feel that it’s important to let them know how they can burn these calories and to let them know there are healthy and fun ways to get exercise.
  7. There wasn’t any quiz or calculator listed on the site.