COMMUNITY SERVICE EXCELLENCE (award for an individual only)

Community service awards are given for recent significant contributions made to tennis development by individuals actively involved in teaching tennis through community centers, schools and parks, inner city or suburban programs.

Criteria to consider when nominating are:

A.  Scope of program.

B.  Depth of involvement in community, i.e., impact on community’s overall recreational picture.

C.  New and innovative features resulting from candidate’s activities.

D.  Inspirational and motivational work with adult or juniors,

E.  Involvement of other recreation organization such as the YMCA/YWCA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc., in the establishment of a community oriented program, association with the USTA/ Missouri Valley Section and / or District.

DISTINGUISHED SERVICE (award for an individual only)

Distinguished Service Award recognizes outstanding, long-time performance, dedication and accomplishment of an individual’s effort in service to the ITA (Alice Eaton Distinguished Service Award) and forwarded to the USTA Missouri Valley Section.

Criteria to consider when nominating are:

A. Must be a current USTA member

B. Outstanding and sustained service to the profession through active participation, advocacy, or

leadership in USTA Missouri Valley

C. Outstanding and sustained service to the game of tennis in a manner consistent with the highest

standards of the field. These standards may be met in a variety of ways, including activity which

involves exceptional creativity, innovation, intellectual, moral courage and leadership

D. A willingness to work with others to improve the game of tennis

TENNIS FAMILY OF THE YEAR* (award for a family only)

This award is made annually to the family who in recent years has done the most to promote amateur tennis – primarily on a volunteer basis. Ideally all members of the family should participate in some way, either as a player or by offering their services in promoting tennis.


A. Serving as a volunteer in fostering tennis at any level of the USTA such as national, section,

district and/or local board or committee tournament and adult and/or junior programs. Please include years of service.

B. Developing and/or sustaining junior and adult programs.

C. Holding office(s) at the various levels of the USTA.

D. Volunteer coaching.

E. Competing in tennis, such as high school or college varsity (include age category rankings)

League or other organized play, social/recreational play. Please include years.

F. Enriching the game of tennis in other related activities such as non-tennis related activity, honors

and/or achievements. Please include years.

JUNIOR PLAYER(S) OF THE YEAR (1 female and 1 male)

Junior Player(s) of the Year award is based on performance, all current accomplishment, sportsmanship and the promotion of tennis in general, raising the standard of play to its highest level.


Adult Player of the Year award is based on performance, current accomplishment, sportsmanship and the promotion of tennis in general, raising the standard of play to its highest level.


Recognition of an Adult player (4.0 and below) who participates in USTA League Tennis or USTA Team Tennis (adult) on a regular basis AND recognition of a junior player who participates in Jr. Team Tennis (youth) on a regular basis. Both recipients should demonstrate good sportsmanship and a lover for the game.


This person or group has made significant contributions to USTA/Missouri Valley/Iowa Tennis Association junior programs, including USTA School Tennis, NJTL, Jr. Team Tennis and junior novice and 10 and Under Tennis events. Efforts may include CTA development, fund raising, equipment repair and distribution, summer tennis, special events, pro assistance, and education.

Criteria to consider when nominating:

A. Been involved or currently involved in junior recreation programs

B. Demonstrated leadership

C. Shown dedication to working with youth and promoting the game of tennis

D. Shown themselves to be good peer influence

E. Provided mentorship to youth

Emphasis will be placed on selecting an individual (or group) who has actively dedicated time, talent and energy in a voluntary capacity to improve their local junior recreational tennis programs. Consideration will also be given to individuals who have excelled in a particular area of interest, thus serving as a model of excellence for youth.

10 and UNDER TENNIS PROVIDER AWARD (award for an individual only)

The 10 and Under Tennis Provider Award is given to a person who is providing a full-service 10 and Under Tennis program. The ideal candidate meets the following criteria:

A. Program is registered on

B. Program includes clinic and competition progression (red to orange to green to yellow)

C. May be a Kid's Tennis Club

D. Host Play Days

E. includes Jr. Team Tennis

F. Hosts tournaments

G. Must be a USTA organization member


Presented annually to individuals or media outlets in recognition of outstanding contributions to the coverage of tennis. Part-time or full-time reporter, writer, editor, photojournalist, videographer, or other members of the media or freelancers who provides extensive media support for the sport of tennis and its related activities.

Critetia include coverage of USTA/Missouri Valley/ITA programs and events, awareness building of USTA and/or the game through features, frequency and depth of coverage and overall involvement in the tennis field.

Nominees need to be in one of three categories:

A. Print media (newspaper, magazine)

B. Broadcast media (TV, Radio)

C. Internet based media (websites, social media, blogs, digital publications, internet radio)


This person(s) has done the most to advance the High Performance/Competitive Training Center program. Has assisted in searching for new talented junior players, 10 and Under Tennis, involvement with Regional Training Centers and a facilitator or coach working with RTC camps and/or coaching team events.


This person(s) has made significant contributions to USTA League Tennis Program. Has participated on teams, assisted in the promotion of the program, assisted in the administration of the leagues and/or volunteered at sectional championships.

DONNA FARLEY OUTSTANDING OFFICIAL (award for an individual only)

The Donna Farley Outstanding Official award is based upon high standard of officiating and providing appropriate leadership, on and off court in the pursuit of umpiring in the USTA/ Missouri Valley Section. The umpire shall have worked substantially at section/amateur USTA events, have a current certification based at least in part on chair or line umpiring, be a positive role model, and have a supportive attitude toward the grassroots program. This award was renamed in 2009 as a tribute to the dedication and service Donna Farley has contributed over the many years to this profession.

OUTSTANDING HIGH SCHOOL COACH ( award for an individual only)

Recognition of a high school coach who meets the following criteria:

High School team had a record of success in win-loss and/or in improvement in players during the season; develops his/her players’ physical, mental and emotional abilities during the season and helps promotes development throughout the rest of the year; maintains high ethical and sportsmanship standards; promotes a passion for tennis in his/her team, school and community; supports and promotes USTA programs.

FACILITY OF THE YEAR* (award for an organization only)

Recognition will be awarded to outstanding tennis facilities under the jurisdiction of:

A.  A parks and recreation department.

B.  An educational institution.

C.  An industrial complex/convention center.

D.  Private and/or commercially owned and operated facilities with USTA and other 'growth of tennis' programs.

Must be a current USTA Organizational Member.

Criteria to consider when nominating a facility are:

A.  Overall layout and adaptation to site.

B.  Excellence of court surface and lights.

C.  Ease of maintenance.

D.  Accommodations – players, spectators, press/officials.

E.  Aesthetics – graphics, use of signs, landscaping, etc.

F.  Amenities – casual seating for spectators, food services and social areas.

Tennis programs held should include:

A. USTA programs

B. 10 and Under Tennis

C. Other tennis-related programs

D. Important contributions to the game of tennis

MEMBER ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR* (award for an organization only)

Recognition of outstanding service by clubs and other member organizations. It also represents a standard in which all member organizations can strive to achieve.

The criteria listed below are general guidelines that can be used in the selection process for the Sectional Organization of the Year award. An organization is not required to satisfy all of the suggested criteria in order to qualify.

A.  Service to the tennis community.

a.  Donating facilities for amateur tournaments of all types.

b.  Providing courts for free clinics for the general public.

c.  Providing facilities for interscholastic play.

d.  Providing facilities for USTA programs.

e.  Allowing promising non-member juniors the use of the courts

f.  Taking active role in Sectional or District affairs.

g.  Allowing use of facilities for special events.

h.  Involvement and support of multi-cultural events.

i.  Allowing use of facilities for Sectional or District events.

B.  Service to organization members.

a.  Maintaining an active tennis program including:

i.  Tennis ladders.

ii. Tournaments in various categories.

iii.  Encouraging, promoting, and participating in USTA Leagues an d USTA Junior Team Tennis.

iv.  Adaptive tennis programs.

b.  Maintaining effective systems for keeping membership informed of USTA Sectional and District tournaments and activities and of pertinent changes in USTA and sectional rules and regulations.

c.  Encouraging and assisting junior players.

C.  General service to the game of tennis.

a.  Activities which promote and strengthen the game of tennis within the member organizations and in the community.

b.  Activities promoting the benefits of individual membership in the USTA.

D.  Historical perspective: consideration of the history or past events of the organization.


An outstanding sanctioned junior tournament will include most of the following criteria:

A. Excellent tournament organization

B. Knowledge of players records and ranking to affect proper seeding, fair and equitable scheduling

C. Adequate staffing for tournaments (referees, umpires, volunteers)

D. Amenities such as water and ice or concessions, towels, spectator viewing area, shade

E. Information dissemination, the use of technology to improve tournament

F. Good site conditions

G. Contract requirements followed

H. Rules and regulations followed as outlined in Friend at Court


An outstanding sanctioned adult/senior tournament will include most of the following criteria:

A. Excellent tournament organization

B. Knowledge of players records and ranking to affect proper seeding, fair and equitable scheduling

C. Adequate staffing for tournaments (referees, umpires, volunteers)

D. Amenities such as water and ice or concessions, towels, spectator viewing area, shade

E. Information dissemination, the use of technology to improve tournament

F. Good site conditions

G. Multiple matches and/or creative formats (1 day tournaments)

H. Contract requirements followed

I. Rules and regulations followed as outlined in Friend at Court

OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY TENNIS ASSOCIATION* (award for an organization only)

A USTA Community Tennis Association (CTA) defined as: “Any incorporated, geographically defined, not-for-profit, volunteer-based tennis organization that supports or provides programs, which promote and develop the growth of tennis.” All CTAs nominated must be registered with the USTA and be a current USTA organization member.

Criteria include: CTA History, Strong Leadership, Mission Statement, Strategic Plan, Organization Structure, Program offerings, Volunteer recruitment, Community Relationships, Fundraisings, Marketing and PR Plans, Staff positions, Special Recognitions, Registered CTA, USTA Organization member.


Recognition of an non-tournament event such as membership appreciation parties, community clinics and trainings, fundraisers, Tennis Play Days, Kids' Tennis Club and other similar events. This event brought tennis to the forefront in the community and mobilized community resources.


To be defined and selected by the ITA District President annually.