Specific Residency Advice



October 14, 2009


Ø  Which rotations should be considered "absolutely essential?"

ANE 460, they should be assigned early in the year well before the match

They could do a second external rotation in anesthesiology (not essential but it helps to confirm their interest)

ANE 463 - multidisciplinary pain medicine (particularly if they are interested in the possibility of a pain fellowship)

Pulmonary medicine - critical care


General medicine

Ø  Which rotations should be considered "recommended"; a good idea but not generally viewed with a high level of importance in their application package?

Emergency medicine


Research elective

Surgery trauma - critical care

Ø  Are there any other experiences that would be useful to help their application packet?

Richard Rivera, our IOR for ANE 460 established a Student Interest Group (SIG) that has students from all years participating. This is a very useful tool for students who may be interested in anesthesiology. There is considerable peer support in the group. Not all are interested specifically in anesthesiology but they get an opportunity to hang out in the CVC and develop some acute care management skills (airway, IV's, resuscitation, etc.) I don't think this is formalized in any way but I know there are others doing similar things. You would not want to formalize a SIG in any way but students should be aware they are out there and accessible for those interested.


Ø  Internal medicine rotations such as “sub-internships” and subspecialties such as allergy/immunology

Ø  Rheumatology

Ø  Infectious disease

Ø  Plastic surgery is desirable


Because of the broad nature of the field, the more variety of electives, the better the preparation for residency training in EM.

ESSENTIAL: 1-2 EM rotations (many EM faculty recommend doing a rotation at a very busy ED preferably one with an EM residency since the emergency department experience can vary from institution to institution)

DESIRABLE: 1 or more rotations in Intensive Care Unit (usually MICU, SICU)


Ø  Cardiology (CCU or consult)

Ø  Radiology (Current UCD rotation includes too many of the specialized imaging modalities and focuses less on the essential CT, Xray, and US - but students may be able to cater rotation to EM needs per discussion with IOR)

Ø  Orthopedics (OSU 428 - the UCD 2wk rotation is very high yield and relevant to future EM residents)

Ø  Anesthesiology (ANE 460)

Ø  Toxicology (EMR 430)

Ø  Pediatric EM (not currently available at UCD)

Ø  Ophthalmology(OPT 442)

Ø  ENT (OTO 450 or 460; very flexible to student's future goals)

Ø  any internal medicine specialty electives

Ø  surgery electives (although many EM faculty recommend a Trauma rotation, the current UCD 4th year trauma rotation seems to be more of a shadowing experience when compared to the SICU or MICU).


*The breadth of this field is such that it is hard to make any firm recommendations, these are just some suggestions.

Ø  AI in Primary Care oriented field is ideal

o  Family Medicine

o  Internal Medicine

o  Pediatrics, etc.

Ø  Useful subspecialty rotations to be considered

o  An advanced outpatient primary care rotation (generally Family Med.)

o  Dermatology

o  EKG reading

o  Radiology (practice reading plain films primarily)

o  Orthopedics/Sports medicine (outpatient oriented rotations primarily, ideally with fracture evaluation and splinting/casting)

o  Emergency Medicine

Ø  Depending on student’s interest, some other subspecialties to consider

o  MICU (if they want more confidence in caring for very sick people)

o  CCU/Cards inpatient (if they want more experience in taking care of acute coronary syndrome/chest pain/etc.)

o  OB/Gyn elective, L&D experience (if they have a strong interest in OB/women’s health)

o  Medical subspecialties they feel weak in or interested in (e.g. lots of students take nephrology because it’s a well-taught elective and also they feel like they never really mastered the knowledge base in the preclinical years)

Ø  Recommend students to visit the American Academy of Family Physicians web site resource called the Virtual Family Medicine Interest Group for further guidance

o  http://fmignet.aafp.org/index.xml


Internal Medicine Program Tracks

1.  Categorical IM—programs have different emphases: hospitalists vs. primary care providers vs. subspecialists

2.  Primary care IM—a separate match that emphasizes the outpatient experience

3.  Preliminary IM

4.  Research track--more time for research prior to a physician entering a fellowship program.

5.  Special tracks (TEACH)

Letters of Recommendation: If applying in categorical, ask for Department (Chair’s) LOR – Meyers, Henderson, or Prescott

Selecting a program

Information resources:

FREIDA (Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database)


Primary Care IM Program Directory:

SGIM (Society of General Internal Medicine) website


Global Skills needed:

Ø  Take a complete history: including knowing the red flag questions to ask to help rule in or out serious disorders (requires a solid medical knowledge database)

Ø  Complete physical examination skills: including eye, neuro and genital/pelvic that students sometimes feel weak in.

Ø  Management skills: ability to organize and PRIORITIZE problems and data

Specific skills needed:

Ø  CXR interpretation

Ø  EKG interpretation

Ø  ABG interpretation

Ø  Electrolyte interpretation


Helpful skills to have:

Ø  Ventilator management


Ø  Suturing

Ø  Venipuncture

Ø  IV insertion

Ø  Arterial puncture

Ø  differentiating transudates from exudates

Exposure to: lumbar puncture, paracentesis, thoracentesis, arterial lines, central lines and codes.

Pneumonia CHF

COPD Diabetes

Sepsis Diabetic ulcers

Renal failure DVT

UTI Abdominal pain

HIV Leukemia

Stroke/TIA GI bleeding

Htn Metastatic cancer of unknown primary

Prostate/Ovarian/Breast CA Pancreatitis

Symptom: Chest pain CAD


Pharyngitis Nicotine dependence

Otitis media and externa Other substance abuse

UTI Depression

Osteoarthritis Care of the older adult

Birth control Cancer screening tests

STDs Hypothyroidism

Menopause and surrounding issues Type II diabetes

Osteoporosis Minor orthopedic problems

Low back pain Stable CAD and CHF


Headache Irritable bowel syndrome

Sinusitis Diarrhea

Asthma Anemia

Allergic rhinitis


Suggested rotations: There is no magic formula – above all, choose rotations that interest you.

Ø  Inpatients: An AI provides great experience and confidence building: choose from MICU, CCU or wards. An MICU rotation is felt by some to be the single most helpful rotation because it exposes students to really sick patients, allows opportunities to learn procedural skills, ventilator management, CXR reading, empiric antibiotic use and many more skills.

Ø  Neurosciences, must be comfortable with a full neurological exam: choose from Neurology inpatient or arrange an outpatient rotation.

Ø  One or two IM subspecialty rotations. There are numerous rotations but the most popular ones include: infectious diseases, nephrology, cardiology, pulmonary, endocrinology (a good outpatient subspecialty experience).

Ø  Cardiology (for EKG reading and common cardiovascular problems): choose either: CCU, Cards consults, preventive card outpatient rotation

Ø  CXR reading: either 1 mo MICU, Pulm consult service or Radiology elective

Ø  Eye: 2 week outpatient elective recommended to develop physical exam skills

Ø  Managing Outpatients: An IM outpatient clinic experience away from UCDMC (the IM clinic isn’t really representative here of what outpatient practice is like) or a Family Practice rotation could be very valuable in this area. Also, women’s health appears to be an area that a lot of people wished they had more exposure to before residency. Women’s issues encompass many office visits seen in IM Clinics.



Ø  AI in medicine

Ø  Neurology

Ø  Core psychiatry

Ø  Ophthalmology

Ø  Otolaryngology

Ø  Neurosurgery useful.


The residency application process is very competitive, there are approx. three times as many applicants than PGY-1 positions nationwide (140), the level of applicants is incredibly high (on paper at least). Residency application goes to a central match specific for neurosurgery in San Francisco, with early results (late January).

Ø  Necessary are two rotations (one outside UCD, e.g UCSF or UCLA, Loma Linda) in neurosurgery.

Ø  Helpful would be any other surgical specialty where the evaluator could comment on the student's "talents" in the OR

Ø  Neurology is, of course, useful


To stand a chance, one needs at least 3 of the following 4

Ø  Very good recommendations from the chair and the chief or senior resident from the neurosurgery rotations one has done.

Ø  Medical board scores above the 90th percentile

Ø  One article in a major journal or two articles in second tier journals (can be any field, even outside medicine).

Ø  “Proof" of creativity and/or craftmanship (interesting paintings, is or has been -almost- professional piano player, built wooden boat or a violin from scratch etc).

Dr. Shahlaie and Dr. Muizelaar are always available to advise students who are interested in neurosurgery.


The OB/GYN Department at UCDMC recommends that students do at least 2 electives in OBG, the rest need to be from the below list with the most important being:


Ø  General Medicine

Ø  Emergency Medicine

Ø  Dermatology

Ø  Infectious Disease.

Recommendations copied from the web site http://www.apgo.org, which is the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics:

Ø  “Audition Elective” in Obstetrics and Gynecology (at another institution)

Ø  Subspecialty Elective in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Ø  Dermatology

Ø  Emergency Medicine

Ø  General Medicine, with emphasis on Outpatient Management

Ø  Gerontology

Ø  Infectious Diseases with special emphasis on Adult Sexually Transmitted

Ø  Diseases

Ø  Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Ø  Obstetric Anesthesia

Ø  Surgical Intensive Care Unit


As hybrid medical/surgical specialists, prospective ophthalmologists need a comprehensive grounding in general medical and surgical skills. Students considering a career in Ophthalmology should consider contacting Dr. Lloyd or Dr. Mannis directly if they would like help in planning their fourth year program. Learn more about the Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Science by visiting our website http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/ophthalmology.

Prospective ophthalmologists should consider a straight medical or transitional internship.

Ø  During Third Year of Medical School:

o  2 week rotation in Ophthalmology

o  4-6 weeks of AI or advance rotation in Ophthalmology combining clinical activity with some clinical research (time permitting)

Ø  During Fourth Year of Medical School:

o  Important to maximize rotations in general medicine during the fourth year that closely interface with ophthalmology and provide its medical underpinnings.

§  Neurology

§  Endocrinology (diabetology)

§  Rheumatology

§  Dermatology

§  Neuroradiology


Orthopaedic residency positions are extremely competitive. In order to receive an interview, successful candidates usually have the following characteristics:

Ø  Outstanding interpersonal skills

Ø  Score of at least 90% on USMLE Step I

Ø  Honors in most of the 3rd year clerkships

Ø  A clear evidence of a passion for orthopaedics, i.e. taking multiple Orthopaedic AI Rotations, etc. Take at least 1 Orthopaedic AI rotation here at UC Davis and rotations at other programs where you might be interested in applying. You should perform at 100% of your capacity during these rotations.

Ø  Advisor in Orthopaedics or at least speak to someone in the Department of Orthopaedics as you will need an advocate for your cause.

Ø  Participation in a small meaningful research project is suggested

Suggested rotations:

Ø  at least 1 Orthopaedic AI rotation

Ø  Bone Radiology


Ø  Anatomy SSM or other elective

Ø  Emergency Medicine

Consider possibly delaying graduation in order to create a strong application if the student has not taken orthopaedic rotations by May-June. Without exposure to clinical orthopaedics prior to the start of the 4th year, a number of medical students are invariably missing out on a career in orthopaedics. If after a 4th year rotation in orthopaedics a student decides that they would like to pursue this specialty, usually their only real option is to delay graduation by a year in order to create a strong application.


Otolaryngology is quite competitive

Anyone who has a possible interest should meet with one of the faculty members, hopefully in the 1st or 2nd year. We will help them with activities to be more competitive. Also, if they want to spend a day or two in the clinic or OR to see if this is a good specialty for them. Most applicants do some research in Otolaryngology, typically clinical.

This does not mean someone who chooses Otolaryngology during the 3rd year is out of luck. They just have fewer options.

Anyone with a serious interest in Otolaryngology should do a 4 week rotation with us. They also should plan on doing an AI at one or two institutions. This, in essence, gives the applicant a free interview for each AI as the rotations are not competitive and the interviews are. Most programs would rather take a known entity rather than one that did well on a interview.

With the limited anatomy students get nowadays I advise anyone going into a surgical specialty to do extra anatomy dissections. This can be done as a TA or as a special studies module or independent study in the fourth year.


Ø  8 weeks of Pathology, the UCD pathology elective course includes both anatomic and clinical pathology.

o  Recommend that 4 weeks of surgical pathology and/or autopsy pathology be taken at an outside institution.

Ø  12 weeks of surgical specialties.

o  Recommended services include: Surgical Oncology, Urology, Gyn-Oncology, Otolaryngology

Ø  8 weeks of medical subspecialties

o  Recommended services include: Hem/Onc, Infectious Disease, Nephrology, Dermatology

Ø  4 weeks of other electives.

o  Recommendations include: Radiology with an emphasis on CT and interventional, Emergency Department, Breast disease which combines surgical/medical/radiology/pathology.

Ø  4 weeks SSM teaching basic science or an SSM offered by Pathology faculty or a Scholarly project mentored by Pathology.

PEDIATRICS – Guidelines for 4th year Rotations for students interested in pursuing a Pediatric Residency

Ø  Philosophy: In general, the 4th year should be a time for you to further your skills and demonstrate competencies in the areas of:

o  Patient ownership: learning what it means to take primary responsibility for your patients’ well-being (including for example ‘thinking about your patient even when not in the hospital’)

o  Recognizing and coping with uncertainties in medicine