CALVERT GREEN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of AGM followed by OrdinaryMeeting held on

Wednesday25May 2017 – 7.30pm –Twyford Committee room

Signed: Chairman Brian Pethick ………………………………………………………………………………………



Cllr Brian Pethick (Chairman) (BP)

Cllr Marie Swan (MS)

Cllr Jim O’Rourke (JOR)

Cllr Phil Gaskin (PG)

Cllr Carl Blakeley (CB

Clerk Andrea Curtis (AC)


Cllr Angela Macpherson (AM) (AVDC/BCC)

Also present:

Members of the Public: 3ACTIONS


  1. Chairmans report – BP read out his report to the meeting (Appendix A)

2BP was nominated chair by CB, seconded by PG.

3BP accepted the position of chair

4PG was nominated vice chair by CB, seconded by MS.

5PG accepted the role of vice chair.

6The meeting closed at 19.50 and was immediately followed by the ordinary meeting.

Ordinary meeting

  1. Declarations of interest – none
  2. Minutes of previous meeting – approved and signed
  3. The Steeples – BP said there had been no reply on the snagging list by BCC. MS suggested a formal report was required – BP will take photographs and draft a report – this will be circulated to councillors for review prior to sending to BCC BP
  4. Gigaclear – David Russell has made a DVD of the whole estate to send to Gigaclear – they have requested photos. MS said that when they return to Brickhill we should get them to do the remedials at the same time. Gigaclear are claiming these have been done and have been signed off by BCC. BP will contact Mr Essen at BCC again. BP

Mike Wright (Public) said he saw Gigaclear doing some levelling and seeding recently and he took them to other places on the estate where they threw some grass seed down (no watering).

  1. Green spaces – AVDC did not cut area 5. According to Chris at AVDC this has not been adopted by them. BP will chase this again. The shop has had drain issues – one of the flats seem to be depositing nappies into the system. The shop has had the drain people out 7 times. BP
  2. Parking – the householder opposite the T junction of Sandstone near the shop keeps parking substantial vehicles right opposite the junction which can cause issue. BP will call on him. A request for bollards will be resurrected. BP
  3. Anti-social behaviour – youths smashed a car window on Tuesday evening. This was reported to the police. There may be CCTV in the vicinity. Full sized scrambler bikes are racing up and down the bridleway with 2 people on one bike. BP will look at what action was taken last time there was an issue and will contact the PCSO. BP
  4. Community Hall Extension - MS reported that work is progressing and the foundations are in. The old kilns were encountered and this took an extra couple of days. The piles ended up being 7m and came within budget. The beam and block design has been agreed and is on order. There may be a potential delay with the timber frame but at present the build is only running 2 days behind. The current end date anticipated is 6th October 2017. There are some minor amendments to plan required – the ramp has been changed for safety reasons and cost; doors and windows – would like to go for dark aluminium instead of matching existent white UPVC – this will require a material change in planning. The bar and kitchen designs are underway. Budget –the gas trenching is expected to take 6k of the 20k contingency. Health & Safety – some residents are short-cutting over the car park when heavy plant is on site. Some people even tried to get into the hall on local election day despite the portacabin on site! The portacabin was a little too small – a larger one is on order for the general election. The contractors have moved their cabins to the side of the hall at the rear of 25 Tudors to try and negate the H & S issues – No 25 have complained and MS will go and talk to them. MS
  5. Property development – no update. This will be removed from future agendas for the time being.
  6. HS2 & E/W rail – PG has submitted the questionnaire for the public enquiry into moving the sidings. AP has kindly offered to attend as well. E/W rail – no further action or updates at present.
  7. Broadband – CB reported that Gigaclear are expected back imminently to start implementation at No 4 Brickhill, finishing at No 34. It is expected the works will take 2-3 weeks and the build no longer than 2 months. Liaison with James Keel (site manager) will take place to ensure reinstatement is carried out adequately. CB/BP
  8. VALP – no update.
  9. Cllr Macpherson annual report – the clerk read out the report from Cllr Macpherson. (Appendix B)
  10. AOB – a letter has been received from a resident concerned about littering. It was felt that overall residents were good about picking up litter and that one of the issues was overflowing bins and the large birds taking litter out of them. BP will contact Chris Ashton at AVDC to see if the emptying of bins could be done more frequently. Lids for bins will be looked into as well and Cllr Macpherson approached for possible funding from the community leader fund. BP

Only 60 people have so far responded to the community survey (approx. 15%). MS will put it on Facebook to try to encourage responses. MS

MS requested a copy of the summary of spend to be available for all councillors going forward.Clerk

Tudor Close fence – there is a broken section adjacent to Persimmon land. MS will give the clerk contact details for Persimmon.

Village gates – 3 quotes should be obtained for the post repair and repainting. BP will look out the report done by Gerry a year ago and something will then be drafted to go on the board. He will also forward the report to the LAT to see if we can get BCC to carry out the work FOC. BP/Clerk

  1. Financial summary - produced by the clerk and signed off by BP.
  2. Annual accounts and return – the clerk circulated copies of the financial figures and bank reconciliations for year ending 31 March 2017. These were approved and the return signed by BP.

The meeting ended at 21.50. The next meeting will be on Thursday 22nd June 2017 in Twyford committee room.

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