Grant Awards 2011

Location indicates where the project will impact

An asterisk (*) indicates funding in towns or regions with highest need based on

NH Healthy Smiles Healthy Growth Survey and/or NH Child Wellbeing Index

Strategy 1: To establish gardens and curriculum at early learning centers ($53,628)
1. / Lakes Region Partnership for Public Health
Location: Laconia, Franklin
Award: $32,887 (year 1)
Term: 3 years / To train two community health educators in Early Sprouts implementation and to implement Early Sprouts in eight child care centers serving 360 children in Belknap and Merrimack counties.*
2. / Southwestern Community Services
Location: Keene
Award: $900 (year 1)
Term: 3 years / For garden equipment and supplies and cost to update the Early Sprouts curriculum in the Head Start program serving 237 low income children. The grantee is an original ES research site.
3. / UNH Child Study and Development Center
Location: Durham and Strafford County.
Award: $4,994 (year 1)
Term: 2 years / To sponsor registration costs for 30 Head Start and/or low income child care providers at the Growing a Green Generation conference, and to provide technical assistance for implementing an on-site garden and curriculum at these agencies.
4. / White Mountain Community College
Location: Berlin
Award: $10,000
Term: 1 year / To re-design and re-build the existing garden at the College child care center to promote and foster increased physical activity and make available fresh food to children in the care of the center.*
5. / New London Hospital Child Care Center
Location: New London
Award: $4,847
Term: 1 year / To improve the existing gardens and continue the related curriculum for children enrolled in the employer child care facility.
Strategy 2: Increase Safe Places to Walk and Bike ($39,380)
6. / Town of Hebron (on behalf of Newfound Pathway Team)
Location: Bristol, Bridgewater, Hebron, Alexandria
Award: $4,800
Term: 1 year / To engage Dan Burden for a one-day workshop to introduce planning and design concepts for building healthier neighborhoods and to educate residents and municipal employees about the intersection of walking and biking and land use patterns.
7. / City of Manchester Health Dept.
Location: Manchester
Award: $25,000
Term: 1 year / Toestablish healthy community indicators (access to healthy food, places for physical activity) to inform future decision making, and to implement at least one policy or environmental change recommendation from the West Granite neighborhood plan.
8. / Southern NH Planning Commission
Location: Statewide
Award: $9,580
Term: 1 year / In partnership with the HEAL Home and the Manchester Health Dept., revise the Livable Walkable Toolkit using up to date research and best practices and distribute the toolkit statewide.
Strategy 3: Policy/Environmental Change to Prevent Childhood Obesity ($92,728)
9. / Merrimack Valley Day Care Center
Location: Concord
Award: $12,500
Term: 1 year / To remodel an existing room into a play area at the Fruit Street site and purchase appropriate equipment for use during inclement weather. Up to 60 children are enrolled at the Fruit Street site and an additional 78 children enrolled in satellite sites in Concord.*
10. / Keene State College
Location: Statewide
Award: $38,191
Term: 1 year / To develop Early Sprouts online training modules forchild care professionalsto effectively implement the program. The grantee will coordinate with NH DHHS to establish professional training credit for NH child care professionals who complete the modules.
11. / Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital
Location: Mascoma Region
Award: $42,037
Term: 1 year / To implement the best practice Nutrition and Physical Activity Assessment in Child Care (NAP SACC) in rural, family-based care centers, and to evaluate the outcome.
Strategy 4: To Provide Restorative Oral Health Care for Coos County Children Up to Age 10 ($25,000)
12. / Coos County Family Health Services
Location: SAU 3, 20
Award: $10,000 (year 1)
Term: 3 years / To provide un- or underinsured children up to age 10 with restorative oral health care.*
13. / North Country Health Consortium
Location: SAU 7, 36, 58
Award: $15,000 (year1)
Term: 3 years / To provide un- or underinsured children up to age 10 with restorative oral health care.*
Strategy 5: For Preventive Oral Health Services for WIC-enrolled Children in Coos County ($8,100)
14. / Coos County Family Health Services
Location: Coos County
Award: $8,100 (year 1)
Term: 3 years / To provide two annual fluoride varnish treatments to 170 WIC-enrolled children in Coos County.*
Strategy 6: General Operating Support ($219,914)
15. / Foundation for Healthy Communities
Location: Statewide
Award: $156,546 (year 1)
Term: 3 years / For general operating support forthe HEAL Home.
16. / NH Healthy Kids Corporation
Location: Statewide
Award: $35,000 (year 2)
Term: 3 years / For general operating support.
17. / NH Public Health Association
Location: Statewide
Award: $25,368 (year 2)
Term: 3 years / For general operating support to the NH Oral Health Coalition to advance the integration of oral health into maternal and child health care.
18. / NH Center for Nonprofits
Location: Statewide
Award: $3,000 (year 2)
Term: 3 years / For NonprofitNext, a web-based center of customized resources for New Hampshire nonprofits.
Strategy 7: Capacity Building Support ($98,825)
19. / NH Housing Finance Authority
Location: Statewide
Award: $38,000
Term: 1 year / For the NH Planners Association to coordinate a two-day health impact assessment (HIA) training for up to 40 planning, municipal and public health professionals,award HIA implementation mini-grants and provide technical assistance to grantees.
20. / MissionWise
Location: Statewide and beyond
Award: $25,825
Term: 1 year / To develop a business and marketing plan for long-term sustainability for Keene Sate College Early Sprouts program.
21. / Public Policy Institute of Boston
Location: Statewide
Award: $35,000 (year 2)
Term: 3 years / For capacity building and strategic planning to transition New Hampshire Voices for Health to a NH 501(c)3 organization.
Strategy 8: Public Policy/Advocacy ($87,010)
22. / NH Public Radio
Location: statewide
Award: $16,660
Term: 1 year / To produce a one-week series on the role of policies and the environment in preventing childhood obesity, and to establish and maintain a companion interactive web component for six months.
23. / NH Public Health Association
Location: Statewide
Award: $4,350 (year 1)
Term: 3 years / To educate and inform NH legislators on the value and importance of evidence-based public health measures and those specific to the prevention of childhood obesity, and prepare and disseminate the NHPHA’s public health priorities document to educate policymakers and the public about the role policies play in improving the health of NH residents.
24. / Public Policy Institute of Boston
Location: Statewide
Award: $50,000 (year 2)
Term: 3 years / For NH Voices for Health to conduct public policy and advocacy activities to ensure access tochildren’s health and dental insurance coverage.
25. / Institute for Health Law and Ethics,
UNH School of Law
Location: Statewide
Award: $15,000 (year 2)
Term: 3 years / To track and report emerging public policy issues, options and opportunities – at the state and federal level – relative to children’s health and dental insurance coverage.
26. / NH Public Health Association
Location: Statewide
Award: $1,000 (year 1)
Term: 3 years / The first of three annual payments for public policy and advocacy work by the NH Oral Health Coalition. Funds will be used to conduct three annual legislative “lunch and learn” sessions to raise awareness of issues related to integrating oral health in to maternal and child health care.
Strategy 9: Grants to Leverage Other Funds ($16,666)
27. / Nashua Regional Planning Commission
Location: Statewide
Award: $16,666 (year 1)
Term: 3 years / For nine regional planning commissions to integrate HEAL principles into their regional sustainability plan. These funds will leverage a $3.3m US Housing and Urban Development Sustainable Communities Initiative grant.
28. / Manchester Health Department
Locations: Manchester (Center City)
Award: $15,000 (year 2)
Term: 2 years / To leverage funds from the Convergence Partnership Innovation Fund, for policy and environmental change to increase healthy eating and physical activity in four Center-City census tracks. Activities include: convene residents, assess and prioritize need, make improvements to the built environment and corner stores in the target neighborhoods. HNHf match: $30,000
Discretionary Support ($7,825)
29 / Media Power Youth
Location: statewide
Award: $5,000
Term: July 2011 / Tosustain organizational operations.
30 / Concord Hospital Trust
Location: Concord
Award: $2,825
Term: 1 year / For purchase of a pediatric mobile dental x-ray machine for use by the pediatric dental group in the day surgery center. This award was made in partnership with Northeast Delta Dental.
Total Grant Awards 2011: $649,076