Title of Collaborating Centre

Activities in 2009

Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics – An OIE Collaborating Centre for the Diagnosis of Animal Diseases and Vaccine Evaluation in the Americas

James A. Roth, DVM, PhD

2160 College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University

Ames, Iowa USA 50011

Tel.: (515 294 8459), Fax: (515 294 8259)

; www.cfsph.iastate.edu/

Summary of activities specifically related to the mandate of
OIE Collaborating Centres

1. Activities as a centre of research, expertise, standardisation and dissemination of techniques within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE

·  The IICAB is affiliated with the Center for Food Security and Public Health (CFSPH), which is also based at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine. The two organizations share staff and maintain a comprehensive set of educational materials on animal and zoonotic diseases. These materials are available on the CFSPH/IICAB website www.cfsph.iastate.edu. The website received over 5.5 million hits in 2009.

·  The IICAB/CFSPH website currently contains 160 technical fact sheets (150 in English and 10 in Spanish), 56 PowerPoints with speaker notes, 111 one-page fact sheets for general audiences (89 in English and 22 in Spanish), and disease images (see following bullets). These materials are available for viewing and downloading at http://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/DiseaseInfo/animal-disease-index.php. The IICAB continually updates the disease fact sheets.

·  The OIE is in the process of updating the technical disease cards of the 30 most common OIE listed diseases. These will be translated into the three OIE official languages. In the meantime, visitors to the OIE website are directed to technical information on numerous animal disease on the CFSPH/IICAB website (www.cfsph.iastate.edu/DiseaseInfo)

·  The IICAB continued to work with the Iowa State University Department of Veterinary Pathology to add high quality diagnostic images to the 160 animal disease fact sheets that are maintained on the website www.cfsph.iastate.edu/IICAB (click on Animal Diseases). There are currently 403 diagnostic images for 98 foreign animal diseases.

·  The IICAB continued to develop the Compendium of Vaccines for Transboundary Animal Diseases. The USDA APHIS provided funding for this effort. The Directory currently contains 497 vaccine entries for 136 different manufacturers covering 71 countries and 39 transboundary diseases. Between January 1 and December 10, 2009, there were 17,000 visitors for a total of almost 260,000 hits on 92,900 pages. The Vaccine Compendium is the number one search result on Google using the keywords “vaccine directory.” www.cfsph.iastate.edu/Vaccines/

·  The IICAB continued to maintain the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza website and resources that were placed on the website in December 2007. This includes the USDA High Pathogenic Avian Influenza Diagnostic Training Course, 2007 (lectures and laboratory notes) and the Factors to Consider in Using Vaccination to Control Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (a set four presentations for different audiences, a roundtable discussion and 16 presentations by international experts). Over 33,000 individuals visited, viewed, or downloaded a resource from this website in 2009 www.cfsph.iastate.edu/HPAI

·  New resources added in 2009 include:

i.  Online training website for the U.S. National Animal Health Emergency Response Corps. This system offers several different web-based courses and can be found at this following URL: www.learn.cfsph.iastate.edu/naherc

ii. The IICAB/CFSPH launched the ‘Focus on Fish Health’ website in January 2009. The website development was funded by the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and is part of an education and outreach campaign to slow and/or prevent the spread of viral hemorrhagic septicemia. The website serves as a clearinghouse of available resources on VHS and its prevention. http://www.focusonfishhealth.org/

2. Proposal or development of any procedure that will facilitate harmonisation of international regulations applicable to the surveillance and control of animal diseases, food safety or animal welfare

·  IICAB staff met with the OIE Office of the Americas to discuss launching a new educational initiative for veterinary students and official veterinarians. The IICAB has received funding to convert materials used in US colleges of veterinary medicine and materials developed for the US veterinary accreditation program into resources that can be used in countries in the Americas.

·  Improving and maintaining the Compendium of Veterinary Vaccines for Transboundary Diseases contributes to the control of animal diseases and animal welfare. www.cfsph.iastate.edu/IICAB/Vaccines/default.html

·  The OIE/IICAB Veterinary Biologics Training Program with the USDA APHIS Center for Veterinary Biologics contributes to harmonization of international regulations for veterinary biologics. (See number 4)

3. Placement of expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE

·  Working to co-author a chapter for the 2010 OIE Manual of Standards on veterinary vaccines for Henipaviruses.

·  In 2009, the IICAB had requests for information or assistance from almost 50 individuals from 24 different countries. While the IICAB could not accommodate all requests for assistance, information or additional potential sources of assistance was provided to those who asked. The IICAB continually receives requests for permission to use fact sheets and images from the image database.

Other activities related to the mandate
of OIE Collaborating Centres

4. Provision of scientific and technical training, within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE, to personnel from OIE Members

·  IICAB/OIE Veterinary Biologics Training Program – A total of 108 individuals participated in the 2009 Program, held May 12-22, including 11 international representatives from the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Egypt, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, South Korea. This is the 14th consecutive year the Program has been offered. The annual program has become known throughout the veterinary biologics field as a successful way to train scientific and technical staff. Participants received detailed lecture notes. More information is available at: www.cfsph.iastate.edu/IICAB/meetings/may2009.htm

·  The technical disease factsheets on the IICAB website are currently being translated into Spanish. Some factsheets are already available on the website in Spanish.

5. Organisation of scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE

·  IICAB/OIE Veterinary Biologics Training Program, May 12-22, 2009, Ames, Iowa USA, 108 participants from 12 different countries.

·  Organization of the International Aquaculture Biosecurity Conference in Trondheim, Norway in August 2009. In collaboration with the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, the University of Prince Edward Island, the Norwegian Veterinary Medical Association, and the American Veterinary Medical Association.

6. Coordination of scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories, organisations or collaborating centres

·  The IICAB is working to improve the ability of veterinarians to recognize and appropriately respond to outbreaks of exotic animal diseases. Under the leadership of the IICAB, a web-based course entitled “Emerging and Exotic Diseases of Animals” was developed between 2000 and 2003 and was used by 23 U.S. Colleges of Veterinary Medicine in 2009. The course is responsive to national and international needs in veterinary education, and could serve as a way to accomplish continuing education objectives for practicing veterinarians. These modules refer to the OIE in numerous places, and are currently being translated into Spanish for use by other countries for training purposes. The course was also offered for continuing education for practicing veterinarians in 2009.

·  The IICAB is working with the USDA APHIS to develop web-based modules for the National Veterinary Accreditation Program. These modules include a review of important tasks of accredited veterinarians, information on important diseases, and scenarios where veterinarians demonstrate their knowledge. These materials are currently being translated into Spanish for use by other countries.

7. Publication and dissemination of any information within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE that may be useful to Members of the OIE

Books, DVDs, Web Publishing

Emerging and Exotic Diseases of Animals, 4th Edition, 2010. A. R. Spickler, J. A. Roth, J. Lofstedt, J. Galyon , 383 pages, ISBN#978-0-9745525-8-3.

Handbook for Zoonotic Diseases of Companion Animals, First Edition, 2008. G. Dvorak, A. R. Spickler, J. A. Roth, 361 Pages, ISBN: 0-9745525-6-9.

Maddie’s® Infection Control Manual for Animal Shelters for Veterinary Personnel, First Edition, 2008, C. A. Petersen, G. Dvorak, A. R. Spickler, 136 Pages, ISBN: 0-9745525-7-7.

OIE/IICAB 2009 Veterinary Biologics Training Program, Block 1, Block 2, Block 3 lecture notes and reference materials. Available through the IICAB office.

USDA High Pathogenic Avian Influenza Diagnostic Training Course, 2007, lecture/laboratory notes. Video and downloadable printable materials are available at www.cfsph.iastate.edu/hpai.

Factors to Consider in Using Vaccination to Control Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. This series of four presentations for different audiences, a roundtable discussion and 16 presentations by international experts is available at www.cfsph.iastate.edu/hpai or on DVD from the IICAB office.

Emerging and Exotic Diseases of Animals, a web based course for veterinary students and veterinarians. http://www.vin.com. Contact the IICAB office for details on accessing the course.

IICAB website (http://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/IICAB), contains fact sheets on 146 diseases, many with PowerPoint presentations and speaker notes and diagnostic images.

Biological Risk Management for Veterinarians contains general prevention information for beef facilities, dairy facilities, equine facilities, and mobile and stationary clinics. Information on disinfectants is also included. This site contains an online database of questions to use in biological risk management assessments. www.cfsph.iastate.edu/BRM/brmoverview.htm

Biological Risk Management for Farmers and Ranchers contains general prevention information, diseases transmission route information, zoonotic disease information, and disease specific information in English and Spanish. www.cfsph.iastate.edu/BRMforProducers/default.htm


Roth J.A., and A.R. Spickler. 2009. Duration of immunity to companion animal vaccines. An Health Res Rev. Accepted for Publication.

Platt, R., C.O. Thoen, A. Rovid Spickler, R.J. Stalberger, Y.W. Chiang, H.J. Chu, and J.A. Roth . 2009. Evaluation of the cell-mediated immune response to reduced doses of Mycobacterium avium ssp paratuberculosis vaccine in cattle. Submitted for publication.

Tamin, A., B.H. Harcourt, M. K. Lo, J.A. Roth, M.C. Wolf, B. Lee, H. Weingartl, J.C. Audonnet, W.J. Bellini, and P.A. Rota. 2009. Development of a neutralization assay for Nipah Virus using pseudotype particles. J. Virol. Methods. Accepted for publication.

Platt, R., P.W. Widel, L.D. Kesl, J.A. Roth. 2009. Comparison of humoral and cellular immune responses to a pentavalent modified live virus vaccine in three age groups of calves with maternal antibodies, before and after BVDV type 2 challenge. Vaccine 27:4508-4519.

Trampel, D.W., J.T. Zack, T. Clouse, V. Rao, D. Bickett-Weddle, G. B. Brown, H.S. Hurd, G.I. Garris, and J. A. Roth. 2009. Federal and State Transport Plan for Movement of Eggs and Egg Products from Non-Infected Commercial Table Egg Premises in a High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Control Area – a Model for Protecting Animal Health, Human Health, and Business Continuity during a Foreign Animal Disease Outbreak. JAVMA. 235:1412-1419.

Platt, R., B. A. Sponseller, Y.W. Chiang, and J.A. Roth. 2009. Cell-mediated immunity evaluation in foals infected with virulent equine herpesvirus-1 by multi-parameter flow cytometry. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. Accepted for Publication.

Weingartl, H. and J.A. Roth. 2010. Veterinary vaccines for Henipaviruses. OIE Manual of Standards. Accepted for Publication.


American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges, International Committee Annual Meeting. “Enhancing the Performance of Veterinary Services in the Americas”. Washington, DC. March 14, 2009.

National Veterinary Stockpile Nipah Virus Countermeasures Workshop. “Nipah Virus Vaccinology:
Development of Vaccine for Henipaviruses in Domestic Animals” Geelong, Victoria, Australia. March 17-19, 2009.

OIE Veterinary Biologics Training Program, “Block 1: Immunology and Principles of Vaccination” (20 hours) Ames, IA, May 12-15, 2009.

American Veterinary Medical Association Annual meeting. “Role of native defense mechanisms in disease”; “Role of T cells in controlling infectious disease”; “Evaluation of cell-mediated immunity in cattle”; “Vaccine safety and efficacy”. Seattle, WA. July 11, 2009.

International Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics Conference (5th). "Induction of T Cell-Mediated Immunity by Vaccines" Madison, WI. July 19-21, 2009.

International Aquatic Biosecurity Conference, Chair of Organizing Committee and Moderator of Conference Summary Session. Trondheim, Norway, August 16-18, 2009.

Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases. Distinguished Veterinary Microbiologist Keynote Address. “Induction of T Cell-Mediated Immunity by Bovine Respiratory Viral Vaccines” Chicago, IL, December 7, 2009.

Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Porcus Pro Meeting. “Principles of Immunology and Vaccinology” (3 hours). Majorca, Spain. December 10, 2009.


Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories
and Collaborating Centres, 2003 3