The Human Security Division of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs is looking for a

Deputy Patrol Hub Leader

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine

Within the framework of the co-operation between the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the OSCE.


You will find the detailed vacancy on thissite.

The basic requirements for Swiss candidates include:

  • Professional fluency in two Swiss national languages;
  • Swiss citizenship.

Duty Station / Kyiv, Ukraine
Start of assignment / To be determined
Duration of contract / The assignment of the selected candidates will be until 31 March 2018, subject to extension in line with the extension of the mission
Family / an accompaniment of a partner and children is not possible
Deadline for application / 4September 2017

Click here to learn more about the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine:

How to apply

Candidates interested in this job position are requested to apply online using the application form to be found under the linktill 4 September2017 (the deadline for nomination for the participating states is 10September 2017).The online application system will forward applications directly to the respective authorities in your country of nationality.

The motivation part of the application is addressed to the OSCE and contains your assessment of the job position and what you may contribute.Please be aware, the online-application is the only source for the decision to longlist or shortlist a candidate. Therefore it is important that you explicitly mention your experience, your knowledge and your abilities (General tips for your OSCE application).


The Swiss Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding will examine the personal profiles and the job descriptions to ensure that proposed candidates meet the listed criteria. The candidates considered to be the most suitable will be short-listed and interviewed by OSCE before a final selection is made.


The assignments take place within the framework of the Swiss Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding Section. All seconded experts receive a contract with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs for the duration of their deployment (

For further information please contact:

  • Mr Stefan Indermühle (, +41 58 46 23552) for questions related to the missionor
  • Mrs Janine Misteli, (, +41 58 46 26339) for questions on requirements and on the selection process.

Swiss Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding

The deployment of civilian experts within the scope of Switzerland’s policy on peace, human rights, and humanitarian issues is part of an old tradition. According to the specific needs, these civilian experts are made available for temporary civilian peace projects in such capacities as election monitors, police advisors, or specialists in domains such as constitutional matters, mediation, rule of law, human rights, and humanitarian law. (
