Unit 14: The World Between the Wars (chap.27); APEH
- After Versailles: Demands for Revision and Enforcement
- Paris
- Toward the Great Depression in Europe
- Warren Harding
- normalcy
- Casualties from the war
- Great Depression
- Financial crisis
- Crisis in the production
- No major Western European country…
- Financial Tailspin
- France
- Collect reparations from Germany
- United States
- Debts
- 1923
- Default
- French and Belgian occupied the Ruhr mining
- Weimar Republic
- General strike
- Cost of the Ruhr occupation
- American investment capital
- May 1931
- Kreditanstalt
- U.S. President Herbert Hoover
- One-year moratorium
- Lausanne Conference
- Problems in Agricultural Commodities
- Market demand
- Agriculture
- Government held reserves of raw materials reached record levels
- Stagnation
- “Soft” domestic markets
- Depression and Government Policy in Britain and France
- ‘Governments’
- Moderate
- Labour Party
- Great Britain
- King George V
- Ramsay MacDonald
- Labour
- Conservative ministry
- Stanley Baldwin
- Irish State
- Dublin
- Sinn Fein
- DailEireann
- Irish Republican Army (IRA)
- Irish Free State
- Northern Ireland
- United Kingdom of Great Britain…
- Free State
- Neutral during WWII
- French interwar..
- Popular Front
- Socialists
- Soviet government in Russia
- Fascist regime in Italy
- Nazi dictatorship in Germany
- The Soviet Experiment
- Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
- Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- Revolution
- Marxist-Leninist ideology
- Epoch-making events…
- War Communism
- Leon Trotsky
- Cheka
- Dictatorship of the proletariat
- War Communism
- Workers and peasants
- “Peace, Bread, and Land”
- Mutinied at the Kronstadt
- Red Army
- The New Economic Policy
- New Economic Policy
- Industrial production
- The Third International
- The Third International of the European socialist movement
- Comintern
- Twenty-one Conditions
- Separate communist
- Stalin versus Trotsky
- 1924
- Trotsky
- Joseph Stalin
- Left wing
- Rapid industrialization
- Voluntary collectivization
- Pravada
- Stalin
- Continuation of Lenin’s NEP
- Relatively slow industrialization
- Support
- “Socialism in one country”
- Nationalized
- Exiled to Siberia
- The Decision for Rapid Industrialization
- Party Congress
- Rapid industrialization
- “Industrialization by political mobilization”
- Departure from NEP
- Enemies
- Five-year plans
- State Planning Commission
- Gosplan
- Large Factory labor force
- Results
- Collectivization of Agriculture
- Grain at prices…
- Scarcity of consumers
- First, they asserted that the traditional peasant holdings were too small to produce enough grain to meet the country’s needs
- Second, they claimed that a class-enemy was responsible for the hoarding and for what they regarded as speculation in the grain trade
- Kulaks
- Collectivization
- Dekulakization
- Collectivization
- Sabotaged Collectivization
- Starved to death
- 2 million were forced out of their homes…
- Prison camps
- Ukraine
- Russian Orthodox Church
- Harsh treatment
- By 1937, over 90 percent of Soviet grain production…
- The Purges
- The Great Purge
- Assassination
- December 1, 1934
- Show trials
- Politburo
- Increasing Stalin’s authority
- Eliminate any opposition
- “Centrally authorized chaos”
- “Old Bolsheviks”
- The Fascist Experiment in Italy
- Italy
- Fascist
- Benito Mussolini
- Fascism
- The Rise of Mussolini
- Fasci di Combattimento
- Milan
- Duce
- Benito Mussolini
- Avanti
- Il Popolod’Italia
- Extreme nationalist writer
- Gabriele D’Annunzio
- The Socialist Party
- Catholic Popular Party
- Local squads
- Chamber of Deputies
- Black Shirts
- March on Rome
- King Victor Emmanuel III
- Prime minister
- The Fascist in Power
- Dictatorial authority
- Mussolini
- Control of the Chamber of Deputies
- Rule by Decree
- Single-Party
- Lateran Accord
- Temporal Ruler
- Catholicism
- German Democracy and Dictatorship
- The Weimar Republic
- Weimar Republic
- Social Democrats
- Versailles Treaty
- Highly enlightened
- Reichstag
- Article 48
- Possibility of presidential dictatorship
- Kapp Putsch
- In May 1921 the Allies presented a reparations bill…
- Invasion of the Ruhr and Inflation
- Economic woes
- German currency fell
- French invasion of the Ruhr
- Weimar government
- Unemployment soon spread from the Ruhr
- Hitler’s Early Career
- Adolf Hitler
- Christian Socialist Party
- German nationalism
- Extreme Anti-Semitism
- Hate Marxism
- Fought in German army
- Iron Cross
- Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party
- Nazis
- Black Swastika
- Twenty-Five Points
- Socialist
- Subordination
- Storm Trooper
- SA (Sturm Abteilung)
- Captain Ernst Roehm
- Brown-shirted uniform
- Against the Weimar Republic
- General Erich Ludendorff
- Unsuccessful putsch
- Convicted and sentenced to five years in prison
- Mein Kampf
- Fierce racial anti-Semitism
- Opposition to Bolshevism
- “living space”
- Natural targets
The Stresemann Years
- Gustav Stresemann
- Reconstruction of the republic
- HjamlarSchact
- In 1924 the Weimar Republic and the Allies renegotiated the reparation payments
- Dawes Plan
- Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg
- Locarno
- Locarno Agreements of October 1925
- The spirit of conciliation
- Austen Chamberlain
- Aristide Briand
- France supported Geramn membership
- Kellogg-Briand Pact
- Renounce“War as an instrument of national policy”
- Young Plan
- Great Depression of the 1930’s
- Depression and Political Deadlock
- Hitler Comes to Power
- Hindenburg
- Franz von Papen
- Another election was called in November
- Civil War
- Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany
- Head of government
- Support for Hitler
- Hitler’s Consolidation of Power
- The crushing of alternative political groups
- Purging of rivals within the Nazi Party
- Fire to the Reichstag
- Emergency Decree
- Enabling Act
- National Socialists
- 1933, all major…
- President Hindenburg died
- Führer
- Anti-Semitism and the Police State
- Police state
- SS (Schutzstaffel)
- Heinrich Himmler
- Attack on Jewish Economic Life
- Anti-Semitism
- Racial Legislation
- Nuremburg Laws
- Kristallnacht
- Kristallnacht
- The Final Solution
- Racial Ideology and the Lives of Women
- German women
- Preserving racial purity and giving birth
- Racially fit for it