Cranbourne/Vyne/Costello Local Children’s Partnership
CVC LCP News and Information – February 2014
The aim of the Newsletter is to share information/news relevant to all members
and other interested partners, avoid duplication and where to go for information/
courses/services. If you would like anything included in the Newsletter please email ; Telephone Number: 01256 868620. Working days: Monday and Wednesday, 8.00am-4.00 pm, term time. (Note: Days may vary due to attendance at meetings, etc).
The information in this Newsletter is correct at the time of printing and is subject to change.
Page One: Diary Dates; CVC LCP Action Plan 2012-13; End of Year Report
Page Two: 2013-14Priorities Update; Funding News;
Page Three: Other Information; Support for Young People
Page Four:Support for Young People (continued); Childcare/Activities;Support for Parents.
DIARY DATES:Next CVC LCP meeting: 18th March 2014. Summer Term meeting: 17th June 2014. All meetings held on Tuesday and start at 9.30 am. Venue: Cranbourne Business & Enterprise College, Wessex Close, Basingstoke RG21 3NP. School Telephone Number: 01256 868600.
NEETWorking PartyMembers: Ed Ives Ware (BVS), Nikki Coleman (Educational Inclusion), Dawn Absalom (CBEC),John Peters (Costello), Clare Wolf (YOT), Amy Johnson (The Vyne) and Margaret Cox.
Update:Working Party membership increased to include representative from YOT and each cluster.
Agreed priorities for 2013-14: Increase mobility and affordable transport for young people; increase the opportunities available to pre-NEETs and NEETs through partnership working and meeting the RPA target.
Teenage PregnancyWorking party Members: Sally Clark, June Balcombe and Margaret Cox.
Update: Girl Talk/Boy Talk sessions have taken place at the three CVC secondary schools. ‘Train the Teacher’ project is being finalised and the programme rolled out to schools and partner agencies.
Young People Attendance & EngagementWorking Party Members: Tracy McCarley, Bob Denham, Karen Crichton (CBEC), Penny Conduct (The Vyne) and Margaret Cox.
Update:Working Party membership increased to include representative from each cluster. At the CVC LCP meeting held on 7.01.2014 members agreed the revised CVC Cluster Request for Absence form. Final version of revised form circulated to all schools in the CVC cluster on 3.02.2014.
Agreed priorities for 2013-14: In order to demonstrate impact on attendance levels, the WP will compare year on year data for the past three years based on the information supplied by schools. The WP is also looking at a common structure and traffic lighting system across the three clusters.
Parental Attendance/EngagementWorking Party Members:Working Party Members: Wendy Lee, Anwen Foy and Margaret Cox.
Update: CVC LCP funded crèche to support ‘Incredible Years’ course. The outcome of the twelve week programme held at the Octopus Children’s Centre was presented to CVC LCP on 1st October.
CVC LCP End of Year 2012-13 Report – is currently being prepared for submission to HCC Children’s Services at the end of February 2014. A copy will be sent to all CVC LCP members.
CVC LCP Priorities 2013-14
Following the Basingstoke & Deane Joint LCP Conference held in June, the Chairs of the four Basingstoke & Deane LCPs discussed the findings of the identified three top priorities with their LCP members. Working groups have been formed to focus on: Basingstoke Directory (June Balcombe and Margaret Cox); Anti-Bullying (Steve Willis) and Obesity/Mental Health (June Balcombe).
Anti-Bullying – Working Group met November 2013. Draft recommendations are being prepared and will be presented to the Working Group at their next meeting.
Basingstoke Directory – Working Group has met. Maureen Covacic (EFH LCP/BVS) has offered assistance. Draft directory is being prepared and meetings scheduled with representative from Early Help, Supporting Families and HCC.
Obesity/Mental Health –representatives from four Basingstoke LCPs and partner organisations met 16.1.14 to agree priorities. Proposalspresented to the Health & Wellbeing Committee on 20.01.14.
In addition to the Basingstoke & Deane identified priorities, the CVC LCP approved the following priorities for 2013-14 at the meeting held on 7.01.2014: Attendance (Tracey McCarley); NEETs(Nikki Coleman and Ed Ives Wara); Raising Aspirations and Attainment/Pupil Premium Students (Paul Hemmings).
Orchard Windfalls Fund 2014 and Trees for Schools (UK) - TheTree Council has announced that its Orchard Windfalls Fund 2014 and Trees for Schools (UK) are open for applications. Through the Fund grants of between £100 and £700 are available to schools and community groups for the planting of apple and pear trees (Orchard Windfalls) or trees - not hedge plant and willow (Trees for Schools). With the condition that children aged sixteen or under are involved in the planting or, where the trees are too large to be directly handled by them, related educational activities. This educational aspect might be during the design, planning and planting of the orchard or, in schools, it might be part of curriculum related projects that will be enhanced by the preliminary activities or the subsequent availability of fruit trees on or near to the school site.
To be eligible planting must take place on publicly accessible land, usually in public or charity ownership. In addition the School or Community Group must be able to raise 25% of planting costs.The closing date for applications is the 31st March 2014. See website for more details and to download application form: .
Henry Smith’s Charity – Holiday Grants for Children (UK) -Applications can be made by schools, youth groups, not for profit organisations and charities for grants towards holidays or outings within the UK for children aged 13 and under who are from areas of high deprivation, are experiencing disadvantage, or those who have a disability. Applications can be considered for holidays or outings that have the objective of providing children with a break they would not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. The maximum grant available is £2,500 for any one trip. Grants are normally limited to a maximum of two-thirds of the total cost of a trip as there is an expectation for some local partnership funding to be in place. The closing date for applications is 31st March 2014. See website for more details: .
For more funding information seeBasingstoke Voluntary Services monthly Newsletter - email to request a copy.
Change of Lead Basingstoke Children’s Centres – Wendy Lee has taken up a secondment opportunity as a Business Development for approximately six months. After a period of transition and handover in January, Nicola Daniel has taken on the lead of both Basingstoke Children’s Centre Clusters. Please add Nicola’s name to your contact list: .
The operational leadership of the clusters will remain the same and the teams will be working together across the district to prioritise and support service delivery requirements/needs.
Debra Martin - Service Coordinator for Pebbles, Octopus, Lily Pads and Courtyard Children’s Centres. ().
Lesley Bird – Service Coordinator for Honeycomb, Westside, Buttercups and Bunnies Children’s Centres. ().
Lizz Brown – Service Coordinator for Hometree, Badgers & Snowdrops Children’s Centres. ().
Chris Frankland – leads on safeguarding and quality. () .
New Chair for EFH LCP – at the EFH LCP meeting held on 16th January 2014, members voted in favour of remaining a separate LCP group and Ed Ives Wara was voted the new Chair as of 1st April 2014. During the interim period, Ed will shadow Maureen Covacic to ensure a smooth handover. Contact details for Ed Ives Wara: .
Thinking of Starting a PTA at your School? – Starting a PTA is a good way to bring together parents, teachers and others to raise money and support the school. There are different types of associations and PTA activity varies from school to school. Working in partnership with the school, a PTA can help to develop strong links between home and school. It also gives a school greater access to funding applications if a PTA is registered as a charity.
For guidance and support on starting a PTA contact Caroline Gaskin, PTA-UK Adviser for the South East area, telephone: 01959 525802 or 07834 711205, email: . Caroline Gaskin has offered to visit Basingstoke to talk to a group of schools who may be interested in setting up a PTA. See also PTA-UK website: ; PTA-UK Advice Line: 0845 850 5460.
Basingstoke & District Learning Partnership (Purple Book) – the Basingstoke & District Learning Partnership Community Learning programme offers a range of learning opportunities (including recognised National Qualifications). For further details on courses available and/or application form contact Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council on 01256 845622 or email: . Costs per course, unless otherwise stated: Voluntary/community organisations within B&D £5; Partnership members/staff £5; B&D Councillors/Parish Councillors Free; All others £25.
BVS NEET Drop In Clubs - Supporting young people with job searching, CV writing, apprenticeship referrals (in partnership with Basingstoke Consortium and HCC Youth Support Service Team), careers advice and guidance or exploring ways of getting back into education, employment or training. The sessionsare also a drop in for any other concerns or issue a young person may be experiencing.
NEET DaytimeDrop InHub – Tuesday, 12.00-4.00 pm at The Orchard, White Hart Lane, Basingstoke RG21 4AF.For more details please contact Ed Ives Wara on 01256 423892 or email .
NEET EveningDrop In Club–Wednesday, 6.30-8.30 pmat Brookvale Village Hall, Lower Brook Street, Basingstoke (new location). For more details please contact Vince Parkes on 01256 423813.
Enham, Basingstoke –Enham is running the Skills2Achieve (S2A) programme that helps and supports young people aged 16-18 (NEETs) to enter employment, apprenticeships or full-time education at The Orchard. For more details contact the tutor Dave How on 07545 503438.
CHILD CARE/ACTIVITIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – February Half Term (17-21 February 2014)
Four Lanes ‘Planet Holiday Club’ - Four Lanes Junior Community School, Chineham RG24 8PQ. 01256 810499. Open: from 8.30am-5.30 pm. 8.30-4pm £14.75; 8.30am-5.30pm £18.
Fun House Holiday Club – Daneshill Industrial Estate, Basingstoke RG24 8NS. 01256 471066. Open: £24 per day; 9-3.30 pm £18.50 per day;lunch £3 per day, per child.
ISIS Out of School and Holiday Club* – Russell Howard Pavilion, Russell Howard Park, South Ham, Basingstoke RG22 6QB; Website:; Email: ;Tel: 07516 82567 or 075116 209578. Open: 8.00-6.15 pm; £25 full day or £3.50 per hour (minimum 5 hours). (*ISIS is a brand NEW fully Ofsted Registered Out of School Club providing after school and holiday care in Basingstoke).
Family Fun Day, Wednesday, 19th February from 12.00-4.00 pm at the Basingstoke Sports Centre – this ‘free’ day is for parents/carers and their children. A chance to try new activities and have fun together – activities will include: use of play den, messy play, free swim, bouncy castle and lots more. Telephone 07927 185826 or have a look at .
Triple P Primary (daytime) – will be held at Castle Hill Infant School, starting Wednesday, 5thMarch from 9.15-11.15 am. Facilitators: Kathy Gare and Carol Robertson. Contact details: ; )
Triple P Primary (evening) – will be held at CBEC, starting Wednesday, 26th March from 7-9 pm. Facilitators: Kathy Gare and Rachel Thomas. Contact details: Email Kathy Gare (see above); Rachel Thomas on 07887 983365; email:.
Action for Children Octopus, Pebbles and Lilly Pads Children’s Centres –offer a full programme of activities to support parents with children aged 0-5 years. For further information or to book a place call 01256 357028 (Pebbles CC, Popley), email . Alternatively, contact Octopus CC, Oakridge) 01256 818514 or Lillypads CC, Chineham) 01256 843955 direct or have a look at the website:(Cluster A).
Next issue: 24th March2014– email information for inclusion by 12 noon 24th March2014.
Email: . Tel: 01256 868620.
Next CVC LCP Meeting:Tuesday 18th March 2014 at 9.30 am.
Venue: Cranbourne Business & Enterprise College, Wessex Close, Basingstoke RG21 3NP.