Fathiya Elfurjani
I Believe That Rich People Treat Very Good and Respect
From Others
There are many things in the world more important than money, such as education, and humans; on the other hand, some people believe that money is the basis for every thing, such as emotion, feeling, and treatment. However, other people think that money can not make a person happy without friends and communication. I believe that rich people are lucky when they go to some places; they are treated very nicely from people who live near them or have relationship with them.
I believe that people should not judge others who have a lot of money because rich people are treated differently than poor people. For example, some countries respect wealthy people without asking about their education or manners. Others also admire them when they have been in some places. In addition, they have many cars, houses, and companies; therefore, they are treated nicely. However, less fortunate people are treated badly by some people because they can not either ride luxury cars or travel on every vacation. Moreover, they also can not own houses or have power.
When people are treated differently, that is not fair. .for example, when wealthy people go to relatives s` wedding or neighbors, they serve different kinds of food to them and sit them in the best place in the wedding. Moreover, they wear expensive clothes and gold, so every one will say “wow”. I believe in this statement that people should not hurt poor people s` feeling because they can not wear either clothes or gold like rich people. In addition, simple clothing and jewelry are more comfortable for them.
Finally, some people respect rich people and appreciate their talking; words, if they say right or not. Not only they wonder what they said but also what they believe. Although some wealthy people got their money by swindling people who trust every one, they have been like angels; therefore, people respect and prefer them to less fortunate people.
In conclusion, many things adjust and effect for treating people, such as money. People are treated in some places according to how much money they have. I strongly agree that money is not as important as humans because people make it. Moreover, it should not control the feeling and emotion for human.