Salado Adult Athletics Soccer rules of Play

7 V 7


FIFA Laws of the Game can be found at

Law 1- The Field of Play. Confirm to FIFA small sided rules of play U12. 6’x18’ goals.

Dimensions: The field of play must be rectangular. The length of the touchline must be greater than the length of the goal line.

Length: minimum 50 yards maximum 70 yards

Width: minimum 35 yards maximum 45 yards

Law 2- The Ball… Size (5).

Law 3- The Number of Players: two teams, each consisting of not more than 7 players one of whom is the goalkeeper. A match may not start without a Goal Keeper. Each team must have two women on the field of play at all times. Goalie can be either gender but 2 women must be field players at all times.

(Team Captains can agree on modified number of players but once agreed to it remains for length of match)

There are free substitutions but must be made at midfield on any stoppage of play. Please make sure that you sub properly, have your player or players stand by mid field when they’re ready to sub.

All players must be registered with Salado Adult Athletics! Any knowledge of allowing a un registered player to play is a automatic forfeit and banned from all league play. Players shall have a picture idea available when requested.

Players are to registered to a primary team and can be a guest player to any other team. Refer to law 10 for Guest player scoring..

Law 4- The Players Equipment: Conform to FIFA. Non-uniform clothing is allowed based on weather conditions, but uniforms must still distinguish teams. Shin guards, worn under the socks are mandatory.

Soccer Cleats are REQUIRED!

No baseball cleats with a “toe cleat” or metal spikes are allowed.

No jewelry is permitted during play:

·  Exception: Exercise monitoring devices such as Fitbit and Apple Watch are allowed so long as no sharp edges or pose danger to other players. They must be covered by an article of clothing.

Law 5- The Referee: An OFFICIAL registered Adult referee, especially Grade 9 or above.

*Team Captains please Encourage Good Sportsmanship From Visitors and Players Towards our Referees. There is zero tolerance for arguing with a official! If a official fills threatened at any time the match may be forfeited players/ teams will be punished at the sole discretion of Salado Adult Athletics.

* Any questions of the Game Should be addressed to the Referee at Half Time or at the end of the Game by team captain.

Law 6- The Assistant Referees: None is required

Law 7- The Duration of the Match: Conform to FIFA, with the exception of The match being divided into two (2) equal halves of twenty- five (25) minutes each, in which a water break can be agreed upon the clock keeps running, There should be a half-time interval of five (5) minutes, There’s No timeouts and switching sides takes place at halftime, There’s no Overtime.

Law 8- The start and Restart of Play: Conform to FIFA: The team that wins the coin toss chooses which goal to defend; the other team starts play with a kick from the center mark, it must touch another player or double touch on the starting of the game, Also a game can be started by the home team, with referee’s approval, Opponents of the team taking the kick-off are at least (8) yards from the ball until it is in play, Team who won the coin toss will kick off the second half. Game clock starts on time regardless if kick off has taken place.

Law 9- The Ball In and Out of Play: Conform to FIFA.

The ball is in play until it “completely” crosses over a touchline or goal line.

Law 10- The Method of Scoring: Conform to FIFA. Women’s goals count as 2 points. Maximum goals to be scored by any player in the over 30 division is 3 goals (Women 6 points). After a player scores 3 goals any future goals by that player will not count and will result in a goal kick for the opposing team and a verbal warning. Scoring additional goals after being instructed are grounds to be carded.

A goal is scored when the ball completely crosses over the goal line, between the goal posts and below the crossbar.

Guest players are only allowed 1 goal women guest players still count for 2.

Law 11- Offside: NOT ENFORCED

Law 12- Fouls and Misconduct: Conform to FIFA .

Remember this is a recreational league and meant for fun if you feel something might be dangerous don’t do it. Everyone should be out here to have fun and enjoy the sport. No slide tackling or playing from the ground allowed.

There are several different levels of players and we encourage good sportsmanship and playing for the fun of it. Any player not following Salado Adult Athletics guidelines of playing for fun can risk being disqualified. No refunds after two games have been completed.

Law 12.A. Zero tolerance means Zero tolerance.

Law 13- Free Kicks: Conform to FIFA

Indirect kicks must be touched by another player before going in the goal for the score to count.

Law 14- The Penalty Kick: Confirms to FIFA

Law 15- The Throw in : Confirms to FIFA

Law 16- The Goal Kick: Confirms to FIFA

Law 17- The Corner Kick: Conform to FIFA with the exception that opponents remain at least four (8) yards from the ball until it is in play.

Salado Adult Athletics Reserves the rights to adjust our local rules of play at anytime.
