Snohomish County High School Seniors,

The Snohomish County Cattlemen’s Association awards two scholarships a year to graduating high school seniors in Snohomish County.


  1. $500.00 award sponsored by the Snohomish County Cattlemen’s Association.
  2. $500.00 award from the “Jay Curtis Memorial Scholarship Fund”

The requirements that will be considered for both awards are as follows:

  1. The student should intend to pursue education in any aspect of the agricultural industry.
  2. Students GPA and financial needs are considered.
  3. Experience in the agricultural field and participating in 4-H and the FFA are considered, but not required.

Applications for the Snohomish County Cattlemen’s Association Scholarship are due no later than May 15th of each year. Applications received after May 15thare not eligible for consideration. Recipients of the scholarships will be notified at the end of May. Award recipients are asked to attend the Puget Sound Junior Livestock Show to receive the award. The Puget Sound Junior Livestock Show is held at the Skagit Valley Fairgrounds in Mount Vernon, WA. Actual checks will be delivered after validation of school enrollment. Please mail all applications to the address below:

Snohomish County Cattlemen’s Association

16603 275th SE

Monroe, WA 98272

(360) 793-2018


Gerald Labish

SCCA President

  1. Applicant Information

City, Zip:

II. Educational Background

High School:
School Address:
List any agricultural, advanced placement, career and technical, orRunning Start classed taken in high school:
Cumulative GPA:
Registrar Signature:
  1. Honors and Awards

List below any honors, recognitions, or awards that you have received:

Honor or Award / Year / Description

IV. Leadership Positions

List elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community, or work activities.

Leadership Position / Year / Description

V. Community Service/ Involvement

List all community activities in which you have participated and note anymajor accomplishments in each.

Community Service/Involvement / Year / Description

VI. School Activities

List all activities you have participated during school. Include clubs, teams,musical groups, etc. and any major accomplishments in each.

School Activity / Year / Description

VII. Future Education Plans

I plan to attend a:

 4-year college/university

 2-year community college

 Vocational/Technical school

Trade/Career School

Name of College/School:
Have you applied for admission? Yes or No
Have you been accepted? Yes or No
Reason for choice of particular College/School:
Intended Major:
Reason for Choice of major:

VIII. Personal Statement

The purpose of a personal statement is to get to know you as a person.

Please include any information that will allow us to better understand you. It is recommended that you refer to the list of ideas below. Youmay choose to address as many of these items as you wish, as well asother points that are not on the list. YOU MUST LIMIT THELENGTH OF THE ESSAY TO NO MORE THAN TWO PAGES.(Additional pages will be discarded.) Your essay must be typed, double-spaced, and 12 point font with standard 1” margins.

You may address:

a. Your need for a scholarship

b. Discuss any challenges and personal hurdles you have overcome.

c. Identify individuals who have influenced, prepared, or motivatedyou to pursue a certain profession of school.

d. Describe your goals. What do you want to accomplish with yourlife?

e. Describe your strengths and weaknesses.

f. Discuss what motivates you.

g. Project where you see yourself in 10 years.

h. Identify how you believe or think you teachers, friends, family, orother adults describe you.