Shoscombe’s SEND annual report to governors 2015-2016
SEND School profile
There are currently 4 pupilswith EHC plans and 2 with statements,14pupil with a support plan, with 20 children on our SEND register. Needs range from communication and interaction, cognition and learning and social, emotional and mental health. There is also assessment of an EYFS pupil on going with needs that have yet to be identified. This brings our overall SEND numbers is approximately 20% currently, which is the average for a school of our size however, 6 are EHC Plans/ Statement the average is 1 EHCP for 75 children which means significantly above average.We also have 1pupils with significant and potentially life-threatening allergies.
Due to small numbers at St Julian’s and the ability to easily identify individuals the above information will be tailored to be put up on our website to protect parents and pupils right to confidentiality.
The school publishes its SEND local offer to parents and SEND POLICY on our website which clearly outlines how we identify special educational needs and our graduated response, along with the types of support we are typically able to offer. If, following observations and specialised assessments, pupils are identified as having Special educational needs these will be categorised in one or more of the following areas:
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, Emotional and mental Health
- Sensory and/or physical
Following government reforms with regard to SEND there are now only 2 categories for recording SEND pupils. These are pupils with an Education and Health Care plan (EHC), formerly known as Statement of Special educational needs and all other pupils with identified Special educational needs, who are recorded as K. This last category replaces school action and school action +
Parents and carers are involved in every step of the SEN process at Shoscombe School. They attend meetings and reviews regularly with the SENCO/Assistant Head, Class teachers and TA’s and are an integral part of any EHC/SUPPORT plan reviews and target setting. We believe it is essential for our school and families to work closely together in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for our pupils.
The SENCO/ HEAD TEACHER/ EYFS teacher and Assistant head teachers meet with all the new EYFS Parents prior to the pupils starting school. At this meeting they are given an overview of SEND at Shoscombe School and information about our SEND policy and Local Offer. During the first term at Shoscombe School, all new parents are offered 1:1 meetings with the SENCO/Assistant Head.
The SENCO/Assistant Head is also available throughout the year on an informal basis should any parent wish to discuss any concern as well as jointly attending parent meetings with class teachers on occasions at parent consultation evenings.
This year the SENCO/Assistant Head has had termly review meetings with those pupils and their parents/carers who have an Individual support plan as well as conducting an EHC annual review and a medical annual review.
Regardless of any identified special educational needs, we have high expectations and aspirations for all of our pupils and are committed to ALL pupils making progress. In consultation with specialist outside agencies, parents and where possible pupils themselves, realistic targets are set with specific, usually short term measuresin order to achieve this. The curriculum for pupils with special educational needs, by its very definition is ‘substantially different and additional to’ what is providedfor other pupils. Any child on the SEND register therefore receives additional targeted support. Interventions are monitored and progress tracked.
In addition to targets on individual support plans, we use the following measures to track pupil progress:
Salford reading test twice yearly
ARE – age related expectations document
Specific maths and literacy tests- abacus
We also use specialised assessments carried out by the SENCO or specialist outside agencies such as Speech and language therapists and Educational psychologists to track and measureprogress.This tracks the small steps of progress of pupils who would always be below age related expectations using only ARE documents.
Shoscombe works closely with a wide range of outside agencies throughout the year. They are able to provide highly specialised support, contribute to EHC and support plans, offer advice and carry out assessments which help to guide and inform next steps for SEND pupils.
During the last year the following agencies have worked with us:
O/T (Occupationaltherapy) – they have carried out routine screening of all EYFS pupils to identify any need as early as possible. They have designed specialist programs for 4 of the children with EHC plans and two other children with single support plans.
Speech and language Therapist (SLIP)- as above. In addition, we buy into a service level agreement with SLIP for them to deliver high quality interventions to our SEND pupils fortnightly throughout the year. Work which is then followed up and reinforced by 1:1 TA’s and class teachers. They have also offered advice and support regarding selective mutism.
Educational Psychologist
They have carried out assessments on 6 pupils and have made recommendations for their support plans thus offer advice on next steps. The EP reviews/monitor these children 6 monthly/ yearly as appropriate. They have contributed to requests for EHC plans and provide reports for pupils with SEND.
Behaviour support
They have worked with the 8children and their parents in a variety of ways including; delivering an intervention based around sport and raising self-esteem and promoting leadership skills; a mentoring programme that provides a mentor to work alongside an individual child and activities after school and at the weekends; weekly small group forest school sessions at Fosse way school; a keyworker to work weekly on a tailored programme to raise self-esteem, become aware of how we feel our emotions and how to manage them; Focus counselling and a parent support worker. Behaviour Support has also paid for the Assistant Head teacher to be trained as a Thrive Practioner.
ASD support
The ASD support team support one child in KS1. They have made recommendations for their support plans and thus offer advice for next steps. They also review and monitor this child.
School nurse
She has met with vulnerable pupils where there may be a further need for counselling services.
South Side are currently supporting two families at home. A keyworker from Southside is also supporting one child in school by providing weekly arts based activities.
The following amounts have been allocated to Shoscombe School.
SENDhigh needs top up funding £35,867
Top up funding because we have a higher that average number of EHCPs £24,000
This is used for the following:
1:1 specialist TA support
Purchasing services from Specialist such as SLIP and EP
Buying into SEN network
Buying into Behaviour support network
Resources and training –emotional health and well-being resources/resources and games to support speech and language/writing slope/fiddle toys/ sunshine circle and mindfulness resources. See also cpd and training section
Dyslexia screener- purchasing of 5 tests annually with license
Nessy reading and Phonics programme for 30 pupils
KEY PRIORITIES for academic year SEPT 2016
- Ensure SEN documentation/policy and procedures kept up to date, including conducting all EHC and medical reviews.
- Early identification of any SEND in EYFS or any transferring pupils and provide additional support where necessary
- Ensure SEND Local offer/policy and annual report to governors is up to date and on website
- Keep governors informed of SEND matters and regularly meet with SEND governor and SLT to discuss SEND.
- Continue to attend conferences/network meetings and work with outside agencies to deliver specialist services and to ensure quality approach to SEND
- Training – respond to training needs identified. Organise 1 day INSET on attachment and Makaton sign language
- ASD- work closely with ASD support there are two children identified with ASD in year 6.
- RESILIENCE FOR LEARNING- provide whole school training on developing emotional health and well-being and resilience for learning so that all pupils can make better progress as they are ready to learn.
- Thrive implemented throughout the school
- Thera play training to be undertaken by TA and used with identified pupils / a nurture groups.
In order to keep up to date with SEND matters, SENCO and staff are involved in a wide range of support networks and have access to many training opportunities
A group of 23 local schools and academies who meet termly (6 x per year) to offer support and advice to one another on all matters relating to SEND.
Head teacher attends and contributes to SEND panel meetings. This is highly beneficial and offers insight into how decisions are made and the levels of need throughout the authority.
All staff are encouraged to develop their knowledge of SEND. There is an SEND staff meeting led termly by the Assistant Head teacher to which all staff are invited.As well as discussing individual pupils and areas of SEND, Staff are signposted to useful websites and resources to assist in delivering quality first teaching and to help with support and interventions.
SENCO/Assistant Head teacher also meets termly with TA’s to discuss SEN/interventions/signpost resources and discuss concerns
All staff across the federation attended one day INSET training on ADHD/dyslexia/Tourettes, organised by St Julian’s. This was also attended by 5 other schools in the local area.
ASD training- TA teacher attended in preparation for September 2016
Selective mutism- training held
EHC plan training attended by Assistant Head teacher
Thrive Training attended by Assistant Head teacher
Tania Rorison
Assistant Head Shoscombe School
July 2016