CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Blue

Island was called to order by Mayor Donald E. Peloquin at

7:00 p.m. on September 8, 2009.


ROLL CALL Roll Call indicates the following:

Present: 10 Ald. Ostling, Hall, Elton, Vargas, Natalino,

Vieyra, Rita, Patoska, Ruthenberg, Stone.

Absent: 4 Ald. Janko, Johnson, Cantelo, Spizzirri.

Present Also: Pam Frasor, City Clerk

Peter Murphy, City Attorney

Carmine Bilotto, Treasurer

JOURNAL OF PROCEEDING Moved by Ald. Elton, second by Ald. Rita the Journal Of Proceedings for the regular meeting on August 25, 2009 is

Accepted as printed.

Upon a vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.



EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Peloquin requested Council go into Executive Session after the meeting to discuss current financial and labor contract.

Questions To The Mayor’s Office

Ald. Vargas thanked the whole City of Blue Island for the Jalisco that was held on August 31st. It was short notice and very successful. Between 700 to 800 people showed up to enjoy it.

Ald. Vargas thanked the City again for how well the repaving of Vincennes Road is coming along.

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Ald. Vargas stated that Ms. Ortiz and family were at attendance at the meeting and would like to know what the status for the parking by the lumberyard is.

Mayor Peloquin stated that he is still in negotiations with Great Northern and would be glad to give them a written update on it.

Ald. Patoska stated that a resident is requesting a stop sign be posted on Vermont Street at the intersection of 130th & Wood.

The Mayor stated that he would have to contact I.D.O.T. and seek permission from them to allow the City to do it because it is there road. Mayor Peloquin will draft a letter to them requesting permission.

Ald. Patoska introduced a new program called City of Blue Island’s Active Citizenship Recognition Program. This is when a citizen performs actions both big and small in their Community. These acts of civic kindness are what shape the character of Blue Island and make it a better place for all citizens. Residents can submit the form to Blue Island City Hall. The nominee will be notified of their recognition and asked it they wish to be publicly recognized and will receive a Certificate of Appreciation for being an “active citizen” either in the mail or at a City Council Meeting.

This would be run out of Rita Pacyga’s Office.

Motion by Ald. Patoska, second by Ald. Rita to approve the program.

Upon a motion, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Ald. Rita also received calls regarding the intersection of 130th & Wood Street.

Ald. Elton asked if 119th Street lot could be cleaned up again.

The Mayor stated yes and also the EPA has been contacted regarding the Formold Building.

Ald. Vargas announced Metro South Medical Center, the City of Blue Island Special events and the Public Library would present Family Entertainment on September 12th at the Metro South Park on York & Western to celebrate Mexican Independence Day.

Mayor Peloquin and Chief Hoglund approached the podium to present Certificate of Appreciation to the following:

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Daniel Bacon and Andrew Scott witnessed a hit and run on May 12, 2009, Mr. Scott continued to chase the offender while Mr. Bacon flagged down the Police and told them the direction in which Mr. Scott was running. The Police located Mr. Scott and he was able to tell them which way the offender was traveling and also that he had observed the accident. Police found the offender and was charged. Mr. Scott put himself at risk for his Community and its actions like that which makes Blue Island a great Community.

Mark Miller of Florence Street witnessed an offender on May 14th go into 2238 Florence and contacted Police. The Police found the subject inside the house and found in his possession articles he had stolen from another resident earlier that day. Mr. Miller put himself at risk for his Community and its actions like that which makes Blue Island a great Community.

Mrs. Ann Lopez Konczal witnessed a suspicious subject on March 13th. She contacted Police and informed them in which direction the subject was traveling. The Officers were able to contact the offender and took him into custody and charged with aggravated battery. During his time in custody it was discovered that he had committed a homicide in Evergreen Park. Mrs. Konczal brave action put herself at risk for her Community and its actions like that which makes Blue Island a great Community.

Chief Hoglund told a story how he used to park his Police Vehicle in front of his house and how his Mom was embarrassed, that she didn’t want the neighbors to think the Police was there on a call. The Chief stated that people are afraid to call, but the Police can’t be everywhere all the time and the people have to be the eyes and ears. We had 3 phone calls and we were able to take 3 felons off the street. The Chief stressed how important it is to call the Police.

Mayor Peloquin stated that the Community is ours, that if we get involved we can maintain our Community, if we don’t get involved we can’t.


No Bids.

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City Clerk

CAVALCADE OF PRIDE Clerk Frasor reminded everyone of the Cavalcade of Pride which will be on September 19th and to please R.S.V.P. to your invitation.

ANGEL’S TOUCH TAG DAYS Angel’s Touch is requesting their annual Tag Days for September 11th & 12th to jump start their fund raiser for their food pantry.

Motion by Ald. Hall, second by Ald. Stone to approve.

Upon a motion, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

SOCCER FUNDRAISER For Council information Menerva Villanueva will be having a fundraiser soccer party on Friday, September 4th at 2800 Broadway.

TAG DAY REQUEST Repairer of the Breach Ministries is requesting tag days for the days of October 12th to 14th and they are a non-for profit organization.

On the Question: Ald. Ostling asked if this was brought up before not to let other City’s tag.

Clerk Frasor stated no.

TAG DAY DENIED Motion by Ald. Stone, second by Ald. Ruthenberg to deny the request.

Upon a vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

BLOCK PARTY REQUEST Nancy Thompson is requesting permission to have a block party on September 19th and she has met with all the requirements.

Motion by Ald. Vargas, second by Ald. Elton to approve.

Upon a vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

ALDERMEN INTRODUCTION Clerk Frasor provided each Alderman with a schedule for a short introduction of themselves for our T.V. Station.

City Treasurer

Motion by Ald. Natalino, second by Ald. Rita to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the period ending August 31, 2009 and to

be placed on file.

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Upon a vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

City Attorney

No Business.


Finance Committee – Ald. Cantelo, Chairman

PAYROLL Motion by Ald. Stone, second by Ald. Natalino to approve

Payroll for September 4, 2009 – Net Pay - $248,699.06 and

Total Gross - $381,393.55.

Ayes: 11 Ald. Ostling, Hall, Elton, Vargas, Natalino,

Vieyra, Spizzirri, Rita, Patoska,

Ruthenberg, Stone.

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 3 Ald. Janko, Johnson, Cantelo.

There being Eleven (11) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Motion by Ald. Cantelo, second by Ald. Hall to approve

Accounts Payable for the period ending September 4, 2009 for the amount of $168,936.00.

Ayes: 11 Ald. Ostling, Hall, Elton, Vargas, Natalino,

Vieyra, Spizzirri, Rita, Patoska,

Ruthenberg, Stone.

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 3 Ald. Janko, Johnson, Cantelo.

There being Eleven (11) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

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Judiciary Committee – Ald. Vargas, Chairman

The Committee heard the testimony of Mr. John Stob regarding his opinion of Video Poker Machine Gambling in Blue Island. Mr. Stob gave Ald. Vargas a packet of information, which the Alderman made copies and passed out to each of the other Alderman. Mr. Stob introduced Mr. Jerry Prosapio, the co-founder of Gambling Exposed, who spoke about his personal experiences with gambling. Mr. Stob stated the Communities that have banned video poker machines.

Ald. Hall commented that he would not be in favor of allowing them in our Community.

Treasurer Bilotto commented that he agreed with Mr. Stob and Mr. Prosapio’s views but also needed to be looked at from a financial perspective. Mr. Stob stated that it is an issue of social cost and it’s the City Councils job to protect its citizens.

Mr. Stevo commented also regarding the social cost of allowing video poker gambling in our Community.

Ms. Antonia Henry commented that she would request that the City Council ban video poker gambling in the City.

Ald. Vargas requested a public hearing on this issue for September 24th to be held in the City Council Chambers.

Insurance Loss:

Discussion on the medical bills and an accident regarding a Blue Island Ambulance.

Tendered information regarding retirement health benefits from the Cities of Tinley Park, Evergreen Park and University Park.

Ald. Vargas requested to schedule an open public hearing on the gambling issue for September 24, 2009 at 6:00 pm to be held in the City Council Chambers.

Clerk Frasor stated that it must be posted 48 hours in advanced.

Mayor Peloquin suggested to Ald. Vargas that he should set parameters in regards to the speakers and to have a pro and con sign in sheet.

Next meeting – Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.– East Annex

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Public Health & Safety Committee – Ald. Ostling, Chairman

No Report.

Next meeting – Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.- Lower Level of the Police Department.

Municipal Services Committee – Ald. Ruthenberg, Chairman

Superintendant Kozlowski stated that the resurfacing of Vincennes Street is in process. The 119th Street resurfacing is beginning and 127th Street resurfacing will be next.

Ald. Elton stated that the new one-way signs at Vernon and Vincennes Street are too high and are crooked.

Ald. Hall said that the bushes are too high at 142nd & California.

Ald. Vieyra received complaints regarding the stoplight at York & Gregory.

Treasurer Bilotto had a complaint about the traffic at Lincoln School when the children are leaving school.

Next meeting – Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. - East Annex.

On the Question: Mayor Peloquin asked if the complaints were on the timing of the lights.

Ald. Vierya stated that actually the signage on the street needed to be repainted.

Treasurer Bilotto stated that the intersection of Chicago and Broadway is the problem with dropping off and pick up of kids.

The Mayor stated that there is a solution if on Canal Street you take out the sidewalk and make it an angle-parking lane.

Ald. Spizzirri stated she also receives complaints on that issue.

Community Development – Ald. Natalino, Chairman

Mary Poulsen provided a breakdown of costs for various types of decoration package options. Since this impacts the entire City there was a motion to bring this issue before the entire City Council.

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Motion by Ald. Natalino, second by Ald. Patoska to approve the $3102.00 package.

On the Question: Ald. Ostling commented the whole town could be done with unlit wreaths for $4446.00 and would like to go with that package.

Mary Poulsen stated that it would be every other pole.

Ald. Spizzirri’s recommendation is the package with lights.

Ayes: 11 Ald. Ostling, Hall, Elton, Vargas, Natalino,

Vieyra, Spizzirri, Rita, Patoska,

Ruthenberg, Stone.

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 3 Ald. Janko, Johnson, Cantelo.

There being Eleven (11) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Calumet-Sag Trail Master Plan and Wayfinding Signage Project will be discussed at a later time.

New Businesses for the Month of September:

Mayra’s Auto Sales at 12301 Western Ave. – tabled.

Guzman’s Tire Shop at 12506 Western Ave. – tabled.

Deon’s Professional Janitorial Service at 3015 W. 140th Pl. – approved.

The Corner Store at 12458 Maple Ave. – extended hours approved, 7 am to 9 pm except from November 1st thru May 1st hours are 7am to 7 pm.

Aries Tax Service at 12702 Western Ave. – approved pending inspections.

Next meeting – Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.- East Annex.

On the Question: Ald. Stone asked if the Tire Shop Business has gone before Zoning for their special use.

Ald. Spizzirri stated that there were a lot more issues that had to be resolved before it is sent to Zoning.

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Recreation Committee – Ald. Stone, Chairman

Rec Center Business:

August receipts were $1,175.71.