A Member of Bowls England.
G.B.A Joint Executive Committee
Minutes of meeting of Saturday 25 July 2015
Falcon B.C. : 10.00 a.m.
Members present: Chair - Peter Langley (County Administrator) PL, Lindsay Collin (Deputy County Administrator and WD BE Delegate) LC, Peter Bowles (County Treasurer) PB, Glyn Marriott (MD Delegate) GM, Angela Harris (WD Delegate) AH, Anne Beaven (WD co-opted Delegate) AB,Bryan Fox (MD BE Delegate) BF,Roger Harrison (MD Fixture Secretary) RH.
- Apologies. Maddie Hale (Asst County Treasurer) MH,Myra Savage (WD Fixture Secretary) MS.
- Joint Executive Meeting Minutes 9 June 2015
2.1 GM requested several alterations to the minutes. After discussion, most of these were agreed by the committee.
2.2 No significant items were retained under AOB.
2.3 Minutes ratified subject to these changes.
- Matters arising from those Executive Minutes
3.1 [ Item 8(e) ] LC confirmed that she had written to the club which had nominated a member for Bowls England JVP, and had received an acknowledgement. PL to now formally write to Bowls England. (action PL)
3.2 [ Item 4.4 ] PB noted that he had now made arrangements for on-line banking with Barclays, after much irksome difficulty with that bank. This would not include making payments, as two GBA 2010 signatories were required and this requirement could not be accommodated on-line.
3.3 [ Item 8(d) ] The marking course in September at Bristol Indoors had been widely publicised, with good uptake. PL expressed the hope that another course would be arranged in the north of the County.
- Financial Report (Treasurer)
4.1 Payments in mostly late affiliations. Though travel grants from Bowls England received, paid in, but distributed to the divisions - £279 to men, £255 to women.
4.2 Income £369, expenditure £945 since last meeting. Balance this reduced from £2879 to £1934. Little outstanding, though still awaiting monies from either President and also from mixed fixtures. (action RH)
4.3 LC offered a draft 2016 Affiliation Form, which had also been agreed with the Treasurer. Couple of suggestions from committee members – clarify more strongly that the Handbooks referred to are not County Handbooks, but BE, and also add PB’s telephone number. These forms would go out in the near future. (action LC)
4.4 Treasurer asked for GBA 2010 expenses claims by 15 September. (Action, all committee members)
- The future of the GBA Presidential Team[s] (ongoing discussion)
5.1 The long discussion documented in the previous minutes, was ongoing. GM made several points, including about how the ‘proposal’ had been handled so far and whether it should be ‘cascaded’ down to the divisions. No particular consensus emerged amongst other committee members, but GM’s comments were noted and would affect future handling of the issues involved.
5.2 GM and PL in particular had views on how the matter of attracting Presidents to the Men’s Division should be dealt with, and felt that this was now a matter for the men to consider. After a very full discussion, with all Executive members expressing their views, it was accepted that the issue and the possibility of future difficulties in securing Presidents, would be handled within the MD as PL felt to be appropriate, as he perceived the issues as being somewhat sensitive. This would involve firstly raising the topic at the MD divisional management committee, in September, with future action to depend on what happened at that point. (action PL)
- Annual GBA Dinner & Presentations
6.1 LC ran through what actions had been taken so far to publicise the 2015 Presentation Luncheon. Felt generally that these were sound, and it was hoped that a good response would be forthcoming from both divisions. Expected that the initial target of 140 attendees should be reached without too much difficulty.
6.2The Luncheon Sub-committee of LC, AB, RH and Gill Hodder would function in September, when making the final arrangements, and LC would seek advice and help at that point in time.
6.3LC and PB would confer on the handling of the ticket requests and advise later on, but PB would receive forms in the first instance, with these being copied to LC for the making of the detailed arrangements. (action LC and PB)
6.4Agreed that members of the Executive, and possibly divisional officers, would make their own applications for tickets, rather than appear on their club lists. LC distributed at the meeting copies of all necessary documentation, to facilitate this process. (action all committee members)
- Autumn meetings
A consideration of the timing and scope of the various Autumn meetings was undertaken, with the dates indicated below being agreed, sometimes after a necessary change of date due to clashes unknown when the dates were originally agreed (in November 2014).
- Executive meetings – Saturday 19 September and Wednesday 14 October not now possible, due to clashes, so a single meeting to cover this period now on Saturday 3 October agreed (10.00 am, Falcon, if venue available). No date possible when 100% attendance could be vouchsafed. In addition, a late Autumn meeting immediately after the Joint Council Meeting also agreed, of Wednesday 18 November, 6.30 pm, Falcon if available. (action MS, to confirm)
- Joint Council Meeting. Set for Saturday 14 November 2015, 10.30 am. PL to ask if Cotswold BC available as venue. (action PL)
- Annual General Meeting. Set for Saturday 16 January 2016, 10.30 am. PL to similarly seek to book Cotswold BC. (action PL)
- Bowls England
Not a great deal going on news-wise, as it is the playing season and – with the National Championships imminent, little other administrative information is coming out.
As a matter of information, LC noted that there is Web link to the various competition results in the (men's and women's) National Championships :
Using this you can, if so interested, check up on a daily basis on how Gloucestershire's representatives in all the competitions are getting on.
- Any other business
9.1 LC thanked PL for his work on publicity for the GBA generally, and including the WD.
Date of next meeting - Saturday 3 October 2015 - 10.00 am - Falcon B.C