May 10, 2011
GreenwoodTownship –RegularMeeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Greenwood Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Terry Gill at 7:30 p.m. at the Greenwood Township Hall, 9025 Yale Road. Other board members present were Clerk Jonseck, Treasurer Ramsey, Trustee Vincent, and Trustee Kaltz along with7residents. The minutes from the regular meeting on April 12,2011 were approved as presented.
The treasurer’s report was read by Ramsey. Kaltz made a motion to approve the monthly bills are presented with Ramseyseconding. Motion carried 5-0.
Keith Berg presentedthe fire report for the month ofApril. In KenockeeTownship there were 5medicals, 1 fire, and 1 animal rescue. In Greenwood Township 1 medical, 1 wire down, and 3 mutual aids for a combined total of 12 runs for the month. Supervisor Gill also took a minute to thank Jim Rutledge for all the hard work he has been doing at the fire hall in maintaining the township’s fire trucks. Jim does this maintenance/mechanical work on the vehicles at no charge to the township, except for parts.
The Zoning Administrator was present to inform board members that she will have a resolution for the board next month to update minor issues with the planning commission that are required.
In new business Gill made a motion to have Ameriscapes weed and put down mulch in the perennial flower beds located at the front of the building for $176. Vincent seconding. Motion carried 5-0.
Gill made a motion to accept an estimate from Network Computers to purchase a computer for the township assessor, who currently shares a computer with the zoning administrator. To purchase a new computer (excluding monitor) for the supervisor to update her current computer that is outdated, Microsoft office 2010 home & business for the two new computers and the front office computer, and data recovery/transfer from the old computers to new. Vincent seconding. Roll Call: Kaltz – yes, Vincent – yes, Jonseck – yes, Gill – yes, Ramsey – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
Jonseck presented to the board the 2011 Parks and Recreation request for local millage distribution. GreenwoodTownship will receive $6,926.23 in recreation money this year. Kaltz made a motion to approve the request as presented with Gill seconding. Roll Call: Ramsey– yes, Jonseck – yes, Vincent – yes, Kaltz – yes, Gill – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
Lastly, Supervisor Gill updated residents about the ongoing court case. Former Treasurer Tina Trombley has been charged with one count of Embezzlement by a Public Official, two counts of Forgery, and one count of Illegal Use of Financial Transaction Device. The preliminary hearing that was set for Tuesday May 10th has been adjourned till Tuesday May 24th at 1:30 p.m. in the 72nd district court. Information is available at the township office, posted on the township’s bulletin board, and also through the St. Clair County website listed under courts. Gill stated that she had to go to the sheriff’s office to obtain a copy of the incident report narrative for our insurance company to process our bond claim. Gill then read directly from the incident report dated February 18, 2011 stating “At the time it is noted that Mr. Washenko was able to track and identify suspect in an embezzlement of $34, 951.19”.
Gill continued to read on about the interview that took place on March 2, 2011 between Detective Patterson, Attorney Edward L. Keller, and suspect, Tina Trombley. Detective Paterson began the interview with an explanation that the information from GreenwoodTownship has been submitted to a forensic auditor, that the forensic auditor has prepared an audit which does identify monies that are missing, each item is referred to by a tab number for a total of 44 items. In a continued interview with Ms. Trombley she did state “she believes the Township had violated labor laws, that she has not collected her last two paychecks from GreenwoodTownship and those monies are still owed to her”. Gill ensured residents by presenting evidence documenting that former Treasurer Tina Trombley has been paid her full salary for the months of September and October. Trombley’s resignation was accepted by the board at a special meeting held on October 22, 2010. A copy of this incident report is available to the public through the Sherriff’s office or residents may submit a FOIA request at the township hall.
In citizen’s public comment the fire department inquired about obtaining an in house account with Marathon in Yale to use for gas for the fire department. Questions were also heard regarding the court case and medical marijuana.
Gill made a motion to adjourn, with Jonseck seconding. Motion carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Cyndee Jonseck
GreenwoodTownship Clerk