After Action Report / Improvement Plan Operation Volusia Virus Tabletop Exercise

Operation Volusia Virus

An MRC / AMTS Exercise

June 11, 2011


Volusia County Emergency Management Department


1.  The title of this document is The "Operation Volusia Virus - An MRC / AMTS Exercise " After Action Report.

2.  The information gathered in this AAR/IP is classified as For Official Use Only (FOUO) and should be handled as sensitive information not to be disclosed. This document should be safeguarded, handled, transmitted, and stored in accordance with appropriate security directives.

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4.  Points of Contact:
County Emergency Management:
Rick Moore
Volusia County Division of Emergency Management
(Office) 386-254-1500 # 1031
Exercise Director:
Chris Floyd
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
(Office) 850-241-3565






Exercise Details 5

Participant Information 5


Exercise Purpose and Design 6

Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities 6

Scenario Summary 6







Operation Volusia Virus - An MRC / AMTS Exercise was designed and facilitated to assess the general knowledge of the Volusia County Medical Reserve Corps in regards to implementing an Incident Command System with the goal of establishing, managing and demobilizing an Alternative Medical Treatment Site in response to a SARS outbreak in Volusia County.

The purpose of this report is to analyze exercise results, identify strengths to be maintained and built upon, identify potential areas for further improvement, and support development of corrective actions.

Incorporated in Section 3: Analysis of Capabilities of this After Action Report is a comprehensive listing of each Target Capability with its associated Major Strengths, Primary Areas for Improvement and Improvement Recommendations


Exercise Details

Exercise Name: / Operation Volusia Virus - An MRC / AMTS Exercise
Type of Exercise: / Tabletop
Exercise Start Date: / June 11, 2011
Duration: / Three Hours
Location: / Volusia County Health Department
Sponsor: / Volusia County Emergency Management Department
Program: This exercise enabled members of the Volusia County Medical Reserve Corps to work together to strengthen the team dynamics of mobilizing to assist residents of Volusia County.
Purpose: To assess the general knowledge of the Volusia County Medical Reserve Corps in regards to implementing an Incident Command System with the goal of establishing, managing and demobilizing an Alternative Medical Treatment Site in response to a SARS outbreak in Volusia County.
Mission: To enhance the overall team dynamics of the Volusia County Medical Reserve Corps while gaining a stronger understanding of the Incident Command System.
Scenario Type: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Participant Information

Participant / Location
Community Based Organization
Medical Reserve Corps
Volusia County - Division of Emergency Management
Volusia County - Health Department
Number of Participants / 12


Exercise Purpose and Design

To assess the general knowledge of the Volusia County Medical Reserve Corps in regards to implementing an Incident Command System with the goal of establishing, managing and demobilizing an Alternative Medical Treatment Site in response to a SARS outbreak in Volusia County.

Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities

Capabilities-based planning allows for the exercise planning team to develop exercise objectives and observe exercise outcomes through a framework of specific action items that were derived from the Target Capabilities List (TCL). The capabilities listed below form the foundation for the organization of all objectives and observations in this exercise. Additionally, each capability is linked to several corresponding activities and tasks to provide additional detail.

Based upon the identified exercise objectives below, the exercise planning team decided to demonstrate the following capabilities during this exercise:

Alternative Medical Treatment Site Management
Activity / Target Capability
# 1 / Direct AMTS Operations
# 2 / Identify and Address Issues
# 3 / Prioritize and Provide Resources

Scenario Summary

An outbreak of an unusually severe respiratory illness is identified in a small village in southern China. At least 25 cases occurred affecting all age groups; 20 patients required hospitalization, five (5) of whom have died to date. Surveillance in surrounding areas was increased resulting in new cases being identified throughout the province.

Samples of the virus are sent to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for further characterization. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determines that the samples are Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

For the past five months seven members from the United Congregation of Christ Church based in Daytona Beach have been undertaking missionary work in China. The team departed for home prior to the outbreak being detected.

Several days after returning home five members of the missionary team begin to have serious respiratory problems and are admitted to the hospital. In the meantime, SARS is spreading throughout Volusia County and has infected thousands of people.

Hospitals throughout the region are overflowing with patients and the Volusia County Health Department has declared a local Health Emergency and begun the process of establishing an Alternative Medical Treatment Site.


Alternative Medical Treatment Site Management

Performance / Target Capability
Adequate /
Activity # 1: Direct AMTS Operations
Associated Critical Tasks
Task # 1.1: Establish a system to effectively manage the operations of the AMTS.
Adequate / Evaluator # 1
Observations / ·  The team utilized ICS.
·  The team selected command and general staff positions that were needed for the scenario.
·  A basic understanding of the various roles and responsibilities were observed by the exercise participants.
Recommendations / ·  Continue to operationalize ICS in drills and discussion to enhance comfort levels of participating MRC members.
·  Predetermine the ICS structure needed to support an AMTS in the planning phase, so a plan can be implemented rather than creating something in response.
Task # 1.2: Ensure that the facility used to house the AMTS is appropriately utilized.
Adequate / Evaluator # 1
Observations / ·  All members of the group contributed to the optimum use of the facility used to house the AMTS site.
·  The group successfully identified the following areas within the facility: registration, EMS entrance, logistics / supply area, patient treatment area, triage, patient rooms, feeding and administration support.
Recommendations / ·  In the planning phase, inventory possible locations and determine best facility to accommodate the established requirements.
·  Develop a site plan for an actual AMTS before it is actually needed
Task # 1.3: Coordinate management of the AMTS with other various governmental agencies and community / faith based organizations.
Adequate / Evaluator # 1
Observations / ·  The team recognized that support beyond the MRC would be needed to effectively operate the AMTS.
·  Productive discussion surrounding intake of unaffiliated volunteers, potential stakeholders and processes took place.
Recommendations / ·  During the planning phase, establish agreements with groups that may be needed to support an AMTS such as the Florida Department of Children and Families, churches to help with childcare, volunteer center to assign volunteers, etc…
Task # 1.4: Manage the AMTS via a flexible operational plan.
Adequate / Evaluator # 1
Observations / ·  MRC members remained flexible and willing to adjust their plans as resource requirements to support the AMTS became known.
Recommendations / ·  Review supply list in local AMTS plan.
·  Amend as needed based on input provided during exercise.
Performance / Target Capability
Adequate /
Activity # 2: Identify and Address Issues
Associated Critical Tasks
Task # 2.1: Identify and elevate needs / issues up the chain of command as needed.
Adequate / Evaluator # 1
Observations / ·  During the various injects, it was evident that participating MRC members recognized limitations and funneled issues to appropriate staff members.
Recommendations / ·  Continue to train together to increase comfort levels with the various roles and capabilities of members with AMTS operations responsibility.
Performance / Target Capability
Adequate /
Activity # 3: Prioritize and Provide Resources
Associated Critical Tasks
Task # 3.1: Facilitate resolution to legal, policy, political, social and economic sensitivities as they impact response and recovery operations.
Adequate / Evaluator # 1
Observations / ·  Members recognized when issues of legal, policy, political or social and economic sensitivities arose and properly elevated them to the responsible agency staff.
Recommendations / ·  Engage agency administration leadership on issues that may arise during activation of AMTS such as unaccompanied minor, spontaneous volunteers, care for pets, etc…


Exercises such as this one allow personnel to validate training and practice strategic and tactical prevention, protection, response and recovery capabilities in a risk-reduced environment. Exercises are the primary tool for assessing preparedness and identifying areas for improvement, while demonstrating community resolve to prepare for major incidents.

Exercises aim to help entities within the community gain objective assessments of their capabilities so that gaps, deficiencies, and vulnerabilities are addressed prior to a real incident.

Exercises are the most effective (and safer) means to:

·  Assess and validate policies, plans, procedures, training, equipment, assumptions, and interagency agreements;

·  Clarify roles and responsibilities;

·  Improve interagency coordination and communications;

·  Identify gaps in resources;

·  Measure performance; and

·  Identify opportunities for improvement.

This exercise succeeded in addressing all of the above as it provided examples of good to excellent participant knowledge, teamwork, communication and use of plans and procedures while pointing out areas in need of improvement and clarification.

Listed below is a summary of the level of performance the Target Capabilities and Tasks evaluated during the exercise. This summary outlines the areas in which Volusia County Medical Reserve Corps is strong as well as identifying areas that the county should invest future planning, training and exercise funds on.

Alternative Medical Treatment Site Management
Activity / Target Capability / Performance
# 1 / Direct AMTS Operations / Adequate
# 2 / Identify and Address Issues / Adequate
# 3 / Prioritize and Provide Resources / Adequate

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC – 3 | Page

After Action Report / Improvement Plan Operation Volusia Virus Tabletop Exercise


This Improvement Plan has been developed specifically for Volusia County Division of Emergency Management based on the results of Operation Volusia Virus - An MRC / AMTS Exercise conducted on June 11, 2011. These recommendations draw on both the After Action Report and the After Action Conference.

Capability / Observation / Recommendation / Responsible Agency / Completion Date
To effectively work with community partners to ensure that assistance is provide to disaster victims in an effective and efficient manner. / Additional information needs to be obtained regarding who the county’s community partners are in regards to disaster preparedness, response and recovery. / Identify the appropriate representative to various community and faith based organizations from the Volusia County Health Department. / Volusia County Health Department / 8/31/2011
Identify and contact various community and faith based organizations within Volusia County. / Volusia County Health Department / 9/30/2011
Schedule, develop and facilitate a county wide disaster preparedness, response and recovery summit comprised of appropriate community and faith based organizations with the goal of becoming familiar with various organization’s resources and missions regarding disaster preparedness, response and recovery. / Volusia County Health Department / 2/29/2012

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After Action Report / Improvement Plan Operation Volusia Virus Tabletop Exercise


Thumbs Up
Good team building experience.
Interaction among all he team members.
Better understanding on how to assess and use a facility.
Helped to define the ICS structure as it applies to the MRC and its members.
Identified the need to gain additional involvement from the community.
I have a better understanding of the reason for establishing and AMTS.
Great learning opportunity about how an AMTS operates.
Finding team strengths and weaknesses.
Finding out what will / might be expected of a volunteer in this situation.
Moderator kept things moving.
Clarified the ICS for me as well as gave me a better understanding of what an AMTS is and how it differs from a hurricane shelter.
It was nice to see how the pieces the ICS would fit into a scenario.
Brought to light that we still have a lot of work to do to be ready for any disaster. It showed that we need to involve more community based resources in the planning such as the Department of Children and Families for child issues, the Sheriff Office to background check volunteers that just "show up" and the Council on Aging for issues dealing with the elderly.
The exercise brought up special needs scenarios such as the single parent, non-English speaker and pets.
Identifying the different agencies that are needed when determining when an ATMS would be needed.
Determining where the facility would be located and walking through the site. Learning the functionality of the site and remembering to have designated areas assigned.
Understanding the roles that are needed at the ATMS.
Able to put into practice the individual roles of ICS.
I learned in more detail about the ways in which my county has prepared or is preparing for disasters.
In having group participation we learned about individual strengths and what each has to offer to the team.
Very well organized and orchestrated exercise.
I was able to reaffirm my knowledge of the ICS concept and see how the MRC adapts it to their needs.
Learned the workings of an AMTS.
All points we wanted covered were introduced and discussed.
The facilitators were excellent in encouraging people to participate.