Robert Carley
Department of International Studies909 Ladove Drive
Texas A&M UniversityCollege Station, TX 77845
MS 4215Home: 979.690.7921
College Station, TX 77843-4215Mobile: 979.595.4839
ffice: 979.845.3703
- Ph.D. Sociology, Texas A&M University, 2012
- M.A. Interdisciplinary Studies, Cultural Studies Program, George Mason University, 2003
- B.A. English and Philosophy, Rutgers University, 1996
- Instructional Assistant Professor, International Studies, Texas A&M University 2013-Present
- Appointed to the Graduate Faculty, Texas A&M University, January 2014
- Collectivities: Politics at the Intersection of Disciplines.(Under Contract, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers).
- Co-opting Culture: Culture and Power in Sociology and Cultural Studies. Edited Volume with B. Garrick Harden,Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield/Lexington Books, 2009.
- “Ideological Contention: Antonio Gramsci, and the Connection between Race and Social Movement Mobilization in Early 20th Century Italy” Sociological Focus. (Forthcoming).
- “Agile Materialisms: Antonio Gramsci, Stuart Hall, Racialization, and Modernity.” The Journal of Historical Sociology. 26.4: December 2013, pgs. 413-441.
- “How Women Work: The Symbolic and Material Reproduction of Migrant Labor Camps in United States Agribusiness.” With Hilario Molina II, The Journal of Identity and Migration Studies. 5.1: Summer 2011, pgs. 37-62.
- “A Sociology of Shakespeare: Or Scattered Speculations on Capital, the Symbolic, Social Structure and Agency in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.” The ShakespeareYearbook. 19: 2010, pgs. 323-338.
- “Money’s Gest: Or the Postmodern Materialism of Fictitious Capital Formations.” EnterText 5.3: Winter/Spring 2005.
- “Revolutionary Chorus: A Materialist Critique of Social Movements’ Theoretical Presumptions.” in Revolutionary Voices: Marxism, Communication and Social Change.Edited by Steve Macek, Dana Cloud, and Mary Triece. (Forthcoming).
- “Ambiguity Will Not Stand: An Exploratory Study of Transsexuality, and the IntimateRelationship between Sex, Race, Technology, Nature, and the “Nature” of Desire.” Co-opting Culture: Culture and Power in Sociology and Cultural Studies. Edited by B. Garrick Harden and Robert Carley (forward by StjepanMestrovic). Lanham: Rowmanand Littlefield/Lexington Books. 2009, pgs. 91-106.
- “Some Brief Notes toward a Labor-Based Theory of Culture.” Co-opting Culture: Culture and Power in Sociology and Cultural Studies. Edited by B. Garrick Harden and Robert Carley (forward by Stjepan Mestrovic). Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield/Lexington Books. 2009, pgs. 63-76.
- Modernity’s South: Racialization, Culture, and Ideological Contention from The Southern Question to Occupy Wall Street. (Book Manuscript in Progress).
- “Rethinking the Concept of Civil Society in Gramsci’s Work after Negri.” (Article Manuscript in Progress).
- “Gramsci, Gobetti’s Death, and Bios Politicus:An Exploration of the Relationship between Neovitalism and Marxism Through the Problem of (In)determinacy.” (Article Manuscript in Progress).
- “Theory, Analysis, and Scope of Oppression: A Gramscian Approach Situating Ethnographic Data and Analysis” (Book Chapter Manuscript in Progress)
- Book Review. “Oppositional Discourses and Democracies.” edited by Michael Huspek. Discourse and Society. 22(4) 2011, pgs. 495-497.
- Carley, Robert and B. Garrick Harden. “Introduction.” Co-opting Culture: Culture and Power in Sociology and Cultural Studies. Edited by B. Garrick Harden and Robert Carley (forward by Stjepan Mestrovic). Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield/Lexington Books. pgs xiii-xxi.
- 2013-2016, Research Bursary, Dean’s Office, College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University, $3600.00
- 2011, Graduate Travel-to-Conference Grant, Texas A&M University, $350.00
- 2011, Summer Teaching Fellowship, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies,
Texas A&M University.
- 2010-11, Graduate Stipendiary Fellowship, Texas A&M University: $1000.00 awarded for
dissertation proposal.
- 2010, Ruth C. Shaffer Award for Graduate Student Achievement, Department of
Sociology, Texas A&M University: Runner-up, $100.00 award.
- 2009, Sociology Department Nominee, University Level Teaching Award, Texas A&M University
- 2006-7, Cushing/Glasscock Humanities Research Award, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX: Fellowship, 1 month residence in Cushing Library Archives and $2500.00 stipend.
- 2006, Women’s Studies Research Bursary Award, Texas A&M University, College
Station, TX Fall Semester: Award for research materials and travel, $1000.00.
- 2006-12, Graduate Fellowship, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, Full
funding and tuition remission.
- 2000-02, Graduate Fellowship, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, fall semester:
Full funding and tuition remission.
- 1995, Kinsella Prize, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, Spring semester: Best
essay in honors program, $250.00.
- Theory(Sociological, Cultural, and Political Theory, Theories of Gender)
- Political Sociology (Globalization, Social Movements, and Ideology Theory and Critique)
- Culture (Cultural Studies, Interdisciplinary Approaches)
- Race and Ethnicity (theory, and in international contexts and social movements)
- Qualitative Methods (Historical Comparative, Historiography, Historical Case Studies)
TEACHING INTERESTS (* indicates courses taught)
- Nations and Nationalism*
- Special Topic: Antonio Gramsci*
- Classical Sociological Theory*
- Feminist Theory*
- Contemporary Sociological Theory*
- Sociology of Gender*
- Introduction to Sociology*
- Introduction to Gender and Society*
- Globalization*
- Introduction to Women’s Studies*
- Alternative Genders*
- Introduction to Cultural Studies*
- Social Movements
- Sociology of Power
- Social Organization
- Cultural Sociology
- Social Problems
- Political Sociology
- Race and Cultural Theory
- Sociology of the State
- Historical (Comparative) Methods
Instructional Assistant Professor, International Studies, Texas A&M University
- 2014, Fall, Introduction to International Studies (INTS 200)
Nations and Nationalism (INTS 403)
Special Topic: Introduction to Cultural Studies (INTS 289)
Summer, Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (WGST 200)
Spring, Introduction to International Studies (INTS 200)
Nations and Nationalism (INTS 403)
Special Topic: Antonio Gramsci, International Relations Theory, International
Political Economy, and Neo Gramscianism (INTS 481)
- 2013, Fall, Introduction to International Studies (INTS 200)
Special Topic: Culture, Neoliberalism, and Globalization (INTS 489)
Full-time Faculty Lecturer, Women’s and Gender Studies, Texas A&M University
- 2013, Spring, Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies—two sections (WGST 200)
New Materialisms: Gender, Race, and The Body (Gender and Diversity) (WGST 391)
- 2012, Fall, Introduction to Gender and Society (SOCI/WGST 207)
Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (WGST 200)
Alternative Genders (SOCI/WGST 332)
Graduate Lecturer, Sociology, Texas A&M University
- 2012, Spring, Introduction to Gender and Society (SOCI/WGST 207)
Sociology of Gender (SOCI/WGST 316)
- 2011, Fall, Introduction to Sociology—two sections (SOCI 205)
Summer, Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (WGST 200)
Spring, Contemporary Sociological Theory (SOCI 430)
Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 205)
- 2010, Fall, Contemporary Sociological Theory (SOCI 430)
Summer, Contemporary Sociological Theory (SOCI 430)
Women’s and Gender Studies, Research Hours (WGST 491)
Spring, Introduction to Women’s Studies—two sections (WGST 200)
- 2009, Fall, Introduction to Gender and Society—two sections (SOCI/WGST 207)
Spring, Global Social Trends: Globalization—two sections (SOCI 206)
- 2008, Fall, Introduction to Gender and Society—two sections (SOCI/WGST 207)
Summer, Contemporary Sociological Theory (SOCI 430)
Spring, Classical Sociological Theory (SOCI 230)
- 2007, Fall, Classical Sociological Theory (SOCI 230)
Summer, Sociology of Gender (SOCI/WGST 316)
Spring, Introduction to Women’s Studies (WGST 200)
- 2006, Fall, Reading Seminar in Feminist Theory (WGST 485)
Full-time Assistant Lecturer, English and Women’s and Gender Studies, Texas A&M University
- 2006, Spring, Genre: Modernity, Class, and Culture (ENGL 394)
Introduction to Women’s Studies (WGST 200)
- 2005, Fall, Feminist Theory (graduate and undergraduate) (WGST 401)
Genre: Modernity, Class, and Literature (ENGL 394)
Adjunct Instructor, Women and Gender Studies, George Mason University
- 2003, Fall, Representations of Women
Graduate Instructor, George Mason University
- 2002, Fall, Representations of Women
Teaching Assistant, Honors Program George Mason University
- 2002, Spring, Honors Research Seminar
- 2001, Fall, Honors Research Seminar
Teaching Assistant, Women and Gender Studies, George Mason University
- 2001, Spring, Representations of Women
- 2014, “Ideological Contention: Genesis of a Concept” Presenter and Panel Moderator, Translating Social Movements, Department of Hispanic Studies, March 20-22, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- 2013, “An Exploration of Stuart Hall’s Relationship to Antonio Gramsci.” Presenter and Panel Moderator, Union for Democratic Communication, November 1-3, University of California, San Francisco, CA.
- 2013, “How Gramsci is Relevant to the Study of Race and Ethnicity” Presenter, Rethinking Marxism, September 19-21, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
- 2013, “Race, Modernity, and Social Movements: Rethinking Race and Mobilization Through An (Intellectual) Historiography of Gramsci's "South"” Presenter, Cultural Studies Association, May 23-26. Columbia College, Chicago, IL.
- 2013, “Theory, Analysis, and Scope of Oppression: A Critical Approach to Social Movement and Subculture Ethnography.” Presenter, Pre-constituted Panel. Cultural Studies Association, May 23-26. Columbia College, Chicago, IL.
- 2013, Gramsci and the Complexities of Modernity and Modernization: A Seminar. Selected Seminar Participant. Cultural Studies Association, May 23-26. Columbia College, Chicago, IL.
- 2012, “Gramsci, Modernity, and Racialization” Presenter, Union for Democratic Communications International Conference, May 10-12, 2012. Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
- 2012, “Conjuncture as a Conceptual Mediation in Cultural and Structural Theories of Race: The Case of Gramsci and Hall” Presenter, Cultural Studies Association Meeting March 28, 2012 - April 1, 2012. University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA.
- 2012, “Cultural Studies Methods.” Panel Co-Chair and Respondent, Cultural Studies Association Meeting March 28, 2012 - April 1, 2012. University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA.
- 2011, “Bringing Ideology Back In: Social Movements, Frame Processes, and Ideology.” National Communications Association preconvention seminar "Revolutionary Voices: Marxism, Communication and Social Change" Wednesday, November 16, New Orleans, LA.
- 2010, “Changing Concepts of Sexuality” Panel Chair, and Respondent. Women's and Gender Studies Section. the 88th Southwestern Social Science Association Annual MeetingMarch 31-April 3. Houston, TX.
- 2009, “Antonio Gramsci and Social Movement Scholarship: An Intervention into the Logic of Social Movements Theoretical Presumptions.” Roundtable: Collective Behavior and Social Movements Section, American Sociological Association, August, San Francisco, CA.
- 2009, “Culture and Need: A Theoretical Exploration of the Structure and Agency Debate under the Auspices of the Sociology of Power, the International New Left, and Western Marxism.” Glasscock Graduate Colloquium, Texas A&M University, February 24, College Station, TX.
- 2008, “The Meteorology Model: Cultural Studies, Historiography, and the Contemporary ‘Ecology’ of Social Thought.” The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Cultural Studies Association, May 22-24. New York University, NY, NY.
- 2008, “Contemporary Culture and Power,” (roundtable) the 88th Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting: Las Vegas, NV.
- 2007, “Ambiguity Will Not Stand: An Exploratory Study of Transsexuality, and the Intimate Relationship between Sex, Race, Technology, Nature, and the “Nature” of Desire.” “Intersecting Identities” Graduate Student Colloquium, February 16, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- 2005, “Philosophies of Labor: Friedrich Taylor, Martin Heidegger, Karl Marx, and the Illusions of Postmodernism.” College English Association Meeting, March 31-April 2.
- 2004, Panel Discussant and Respondent, “Like Nothing Else: Critical Analysis of the Humvee.” Second annual meeting, Cultural Studies Association, May 5-9th.
- 2002, “Re-fashioning a New Nature: Labor, Race and Communication in the Work of Antonio Gramsci.” Union for Democratic Communications, Penn State University, University Park, PA. October 11-13.
- 2002, Moderator, Cultural Studies Colloquium, George Mason University, Doug Henwood, March 7th, Presentation: A New Economy?
- 2002, “Democracy, Cosmopolitanism and Globalization.” “Globalize This” Teach-In, Montclair State University, February 18, Montclair, NJ. Presented with a panel of international scholars including Nawal El Saadawi.
- 2001, “The Touch of Gold in Your Hands Has Been Too Much: Bartolomeo Vanzetti and the Picture of Radical Italian Labor in Early 20th Century America.” Cultures of the Diaspora, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, Winter.
- 2001, Moderator, Cultural Studies Colloquium, George Mason University, Stanley Aronowitz, October 11th, Presentation: The Future of Cultural Studies.
- 2000, Moderator, Cultural Studies Colloquium, George Mason University, Cary Nelson,October,Presentation: From Revolutionary Memory, Posters of the Spanish Civil War.
- 2013, Invited to lecture to students at Grand Valley State University, Allendale MI; Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV in the areas of Classical Sociological Theory and Social Movements
- 2012-2014, Steering Committee Member, Union for Democratic Communications
- 2012-2014, Regional Chapter Coordinator, Union for Democratic Communications
- 2012-Present, Ad Hoc Reviewer for Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest,Mobilization, andCallaloo, Manuscript Reviewer for Sage/Pine Forge Press (in the area of Social Theory)
- 2013, Faculty Advisor to National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Texas A&M University, College Station
- 2013, Invited speaker at Spring Induction Ceremony for Iota Chapter of AKD, The International Sociology Honor Society at Texas A&M University
- 2010, Invited to lecture, by Professor Shona Jackson on Marxism, world systems theory,capitalism, modernization, and development in Latin America and the Caribbean at Texas A&M University. ENGL 379.600 Postcolonial Studies, spring semester.
- 2010, Referee, Glasscock Graduate Colloquium, Texas A&M University. Provide blind peer review and select four papers to be presented in the colloquium series.
- 2009, Invited to lecture, by the Student Committee on National Affairs, Texas A&M University, Topic: “Waning Influence of the US around the Globe” April 14.
- 2007, “On Interdisciplinary Knowledge.”Cushing/Glasscock Graduate Award Presentation Ceremony, Texas A&M University, October 24.
- 2007, Invited to lecture, by Professor Shona Jackson to graduate students on Marxism, world systems theory, capitalism and race at Texas S&M University. ENGL 665.600 Caribbean Discourse: A seminar in Rhetoric and Discourse studies, spring semester.
- 2001, Invited to lecture, by co-director George Mason University’s Women’s Center, to lecture to a communications/women’s studies course on political economy and media oligopoly and advertising. Spring semester.
- Graduate Student Social Theory Reading Group, Texas A&M University: Originated and organized a social theory reading group for graduate students
- Chair, Student Organizational Committee, 1 two year term
George Mason University, Cultural Studies Ph.D. Program
◦ Oversaw activities of all graduate student committees in Cultural Studies Ph.D. Program
◦ Primary official liaison between faculty’s executive committee and student committees
◦ Participated in faculty meetings with limited voting rights
◦ Organizer of George Mason University’s Colloquium in Cultural Studies—the
◦ Colloquium met 5 times a semester and invited top international scholars to speak on
their research and scholarship
Familiar with web and in-classroom based teaching technologies: Web CT (Moodle, Blackboard); Doc cam; Power point
- Union for Democratic Communications (Steering Committee Member)
- Cultural Studies Association (US)
- American Sociological Association
- National Communications Association
- Association for Political Theory
- Southwest Social Science Association
Available by Request