City, State, ZIP
Email Address
Certification (Check or X appropriate box)
None* / PHR / SPHR / Certification Date:
SHRM-CP / SHRM-SCP / Certification Date:
*If you are NOT currently certified as PHR or SPHR, do you plan on studying and testing for the New SHRM CP/SCP in 2017? Circle or highlight one
(See page 2 for contact information) / Yes- I would like to join a study group / Yes – I will study independently / No – I will not test for SHRM certification in 2017 / No – I have no interest in testing for SHRM certification

How did you learn about TRIHRA?

(New 2017Members Only) 


_____SHRM Member – You are a member of the Society for Human Resource Management. SHRM members may hold office on the TRIHRA executive boardand have voting rights. (No Dues for Membership).

SHRM Member Number and expiration date: No. ______Exp. Date: ______

_____SHRM Student Member – You are a member of the Student Chapter/Society for Human Resource Management. SHRM student members shall have no vote andmay nothold office. (No Dues for Membership).

SHRM Member Number and expiration date: No. ______Exp. Date: ______

_____Regular TRIHRA Member – You are not a member of the Society for Human Resource Management but are actively involved in Human Resource work and spend at least 50% of your time on Human Resource functions; or you are a faculty member holding an assistant, associate, or full professor rank in Human Resources or your related field at an accredited College or University. Regular TRIHRA Members shall have no vote and may not hold office.($30.00 Membership Dues).

_____Associate TRIHRA Member – Membership in this category shall be confined to those persons who demonstrate a bona fide interest in the HR function. Associate Members shall have no vote and may not hold office. Dues shall be the same as a Regular TRIHRA member. ($30.00 Membership Dues).

_____Honorary Member – You were a SHRM or TRIHRA member in good standing at the time of your retirement. Honorary Members shall be entitled to full membership without payment of dues. Honorary Members shall have no vote and may not hold office.


Annual dues for Regular and Associate TRIHRA Members are $30.00, payable upon becoming a member and then $30.00 annually each January 31 thereafter. SHRMand SHRM Student members do not pay TRIHRA dues provided SHRM dues are paid for the current year and SHRM Member number and expiration date are entered above.


All members are asked to actively participate in Chapter activities through involvement in committees.

See page 2 for more information. Please indicate committee interest below:

Communications (Public Relations/Web/Newsletter) / Diversity / Membership
Workforce Readiness / Executive Board Position
College Relations / Programs



Please Return Completed Form and Appropriate Membership Dues Payable To:

Tri-State Human Resource Association – Chapter #490

P.O. Box 1684,Dubuque, IA 52004-1684

Questions? Please email: or visit our Website:

If you are NOT currently PHR, SPHR or GPHR certified and are interested in joining a study group to earn a SHRM-CP or SHRM SCP certification, your contact is Kaci Simon at .

Committee involvement is a vital part of being a TRIHRA member. Any of these committees will welcome your involvement.

Program Committee

This committee is the mainstay of our chapter. The members involved on this committee are responsible for surveying the membership for interesting, timely and educational topics and then setting up those speakers and seminars for TRIHRA’s monthly meetings.The Chairperson isKrista Shadley, .

Membership Committee

This committee recruits new members to TRIHRA through a variety of initiatives and invites those professionals who have recently entered the HR profession to join TRIHRA. The committee works with the Board of Directors to identify potential members and contact these individuals to discuss the benefits of belonging to TRIHRA. The Chair position is currently open.

College Relations/Workforce Readiness Committee

The committee monitors and evaluates local activities concerning workforce readiness issues and encourages chapter involvement and activities affecting the workforce readiness arena. They oversee the chapters' educational-related initiatives making TRIHRA visible in the local colleges and community. They may visit with individuals new to the workforce and the unemployed or under-employed and advise them of the basic skills needed in the workforce, speak about interviewing skills, resume writing, teamwork, communication, customer service, and more.Co-Chairpersons areSandy Collins, and Karla Waldbillig, .

Diversity Committee

The committee provides resource information on a broad range of diversity issues and events and the far-reaching impact diversity has on individuals and organizations. Chairperson isDawn Hall,.

Communication Committee: Public Relations/Newsletter/Website

This group directs the marketing, communication, and public relations activities of the chapter. Website Chairperson is Kelsey Graefen, ; Newsletter Chairperson is Marnie Robbins,