Mrs. Gavin’s English Class


elcome to your English class! This year you will be introduced to new things; improve on some material you already learned; and, reinforceskills you will always need. I look forward to helping you grow!

What can you expect? What do I expect?

English Expectations

Supplies needed: 3 ring loose-leaf binder: loose-leaf paper: one pocket folder for Homework: black or blue pens/pencils: 2 highlighters(one yellow/one another color):homework /agenda book.


Course Outline and Binder/Notebook

Your loose-leaf binder/notebook should be organized in date order. It can be shared with another “after lunch” subject if necessary or you may keep a separate Enlgish Binder in the classroom.

Interactive Reader Workbook must be brought to class every day.

Grading Criteria

Each quarter grade will include assessment of vocabulary, writing, comprehension, literature, and skills. Grades will be computed as follows:

Tests count two times: Quizzes count one time: Essays/Projects count two times. An organized, complete notebook is essential forgood study skills and will be checked periodically.



Participation/Class work: Homework is given on a regular basis and is fundamental to preview and review class lessons. Independent reading is essential. Reading and studying at home are vital to successin school and are integral parts of NYS English standards. Students should copy assignment from board upon entering class and can also check my website on the Levittown Schools Site:

Since homework is reviewed daily in class, it is due on time.Missed or incomplete homework must be made up.

Homework is computed as 10% of the quarter average.

Students must be prepared with books, assignments, and materials each class.

Students must actively participate in class lessons and activities as this is essential to student success in seventh grade English class.


eneral Procedures

1. When bell rings each student will take a “Do Now”, be in his/her assigned seat, take out supplies,copy homework, take out last night’s HW, and complete “do now” task.

2. Respect for others and for class rules/school policies is required at all times.

3. Students should raise their hand if they have a question or if they wish to contribute to class discussions.

4. Each student will be prepared for class with HW Agenda book/ binder/and anyworkbooks every day with pen/pencil.

5. Parents will be notified of pattern of lack of student participation in homework or class work or inappropriate behavior.

6. Student must be prepared to make up quizzes, tests, and assignments upon return to school after absences.

7. Extra-help is available if a student needs or wants it -

(Wed. 7:15AM in Room 106)

Student signature / Date


Parent signature/ Date


Mrs. Gavin English Expectations/Supplies

Name: ______

3 ring loose-leaf binder

Loose-leaf paper

Loose-leaf divider

One pocket HW folder

Black or blue pens


2 highlighters yellow/other

Homework /Agenda Book

Signed English Contracts








