HagerstownCommunity College


COURSE:IST102 Introduction to Information Technology


SEMESTER/YEAR:Fall/Spring/Summer 2006/2007


This computer literacy course provides students with an opportunity to become successful computer users. This course offers knowledge of computers in the real world context that students must master in order to succeed in college and in their careers. Students learn about different components of a computer and the different roles computers play within an organization. They will explore operating systems, storage devices and learn tips for making wise computer purchases.Basic application software, file management and basic Windows principles are explored. After completing this course, students will have the foundation to prepare for the IC3 certification. The philosophy behind IC3 certification is to define the concepts all students must know in order to be considered computer literate.The Internet and Computing Core Certification program is a global, validated, standards-based training and certification program.Three credits.

Additional time outside of class is necessary to complete projects and reading assignments.

Use of cell phones is prohibited in the classroom.


Computer Literacy for IC3,John Preston, Sally Preston, Robert Ferrett, Prentice Hall, 2006

Materials Needed:

Media storage devices, either CD-R, CD-RW or a USB flash memory drive.


  • Select and use the appropriate software applications to complete an information processing task and produce the desired result.
  • Apply the hardware, software, and network principles learned to evaluate a personal computer purchase and incorporate best practices when using technology.
  • Locate and evaluate information sources and use in support of classroom learning.

HCC Blackboard Website

Students use the HCC Blackboard website to view/print/download files that are relevant to the course.

Step 1 / Open your web browser, Internet Explorer. Do this by double clicking on the IE icon on your desktop.
Step 2 / On the address line, key in (use lower case letters)

Step 3 / Click LOGIN.
Step 4 / Key in the username: usually first initial, middle initial, last name (no spaces, use lower case letters)

Step 5 / Key in the password: your 7 digit student id
Click LOGIN.
Step 6 / In the MY COURSE dialog box, which is on the right side of the screen, click on the link for the course.

Step 7 / Now you are into the website for the course IST 102. You can access this site from any computer. Please use this site to view/print/download files needed for the course.

You will find the following files at this web site:

  • Syllabus
  • PHIT Sign-In Instructions
  • Course Schedule
  • Topical Outline
  • Course Content Objectives
  • Assignments1-10
  • Document explaining Information Literacy Project
  • Document explaining Capstone Project: Which Computer Should I Buy?
  • Grades
  • Communication and/or additional information from instructors may also be found there. Please check the website frequently.
  • If you view files in Blackboard choose – OPEN IN NEW WINDOW – for better performance


Information Literacy Project 5%

Capstone Project20%

Assignments (10% each X 3)30%

Exams (15% each X 3) 45%


Failure to complete all projects will result in a failing grade.

Information Literacy Project – found at website Login with your name and birthday. There are three modules to complete. At the end of each module you are given a quiz. You must score 70% or above on each of the module quizzes. If you do not results to an email address. Send results to . You may also wish to send results to your email address. Note schedule for due date.

Capstone Project – culminating project incorporating windows, word, excel, PowerPoint and internet. Work is submitted on paper and electronically under Blackboard assignments. Capstone document explains project and provides grading rubric.

Assignments (10) are found under Blackboard Assignments. Check schedule for due dates. You download assignment document from Blackboard. Many questions come from the sections at the end of each of the projects in your textbook. Complete work within document. When assignment is complete submit as attachment to Blackboard Assignment. 5 points will be deducted for each day assignment is late.

Exams are administered at end of each of the three units in your text book. They are given from the Blackboard Website. The exam questions are comprised of multiple choice questions.

Study guides for exams: 1) Screen Id and Multiple choice questions at end of chapter, 2) website and 3) practice quizzes in TAIT.

Grading Scale for Final Grade

A =90% - 100%

B =80% - 89%

C =70% - 79%

D =60% - 69%

F = 0% - 59%

Any violation of the Hagerstown Community College Honor System will result in a failing grade for the entire course.


Attendance Policy: Attendance will be taken daily. (Attendance sheet). More than three hours of absences from class may result in your final grade being lowered by one or more letter grades. This is in compliance with Page 17 of the Student Handbook. Students are expected to attend all classes. In the case of absence due to emergency (illness, death in the family, accident), or participation in official College functions, it is the student’s responsibility to confer with the instructor about the absence and missed course work. Further, it is the student’s responsibility to withdraw officially from any class which he/she cease to attend. Failure to do so may result in the recording of an “F” grade.

Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to alter the assignments, examinations, and lectures in any way to best utilize the class time. This includes increasing/decreasing coverage of topics changing assignment deadlines, or exam dates.

Services for Students with Special Needs: Students who have special needs are encouraged to identify themselves with the coordinator of special student services as early as possible. Reasonable accommodations, based on current documentation, are provided to qualified students.

All exams must be taken in the classroom on campus under the supervision of the professor.


All correspondence with instructor (email, phone, electronic reports, reports manually submitted, etc) MUST clearly identify student name and course section of IST 102. Your Blackboard account must contain an up to date phone number where the student can receive a message and an email address that is frequently checked by the student.

Project/Data files:

Before completing some of the lab work and assignments within this text, you will need to download Data files from the blackboard Web site. do not attempt to open a data file in blackboard – down load first! SEE INSIDE COVER OF YOUR TEXTBOOK FOR INSTRUCTIONS.

Reading Assignments: - it is helpful to read textbook before lecture. Bring questions to class. After lecture there is usually time for lab work. During lab there are activities used to reinforce the lecture. Lab work is not collected but you may save any files you need. (Note: files left on computer are erased at the end of the day – make sure you take all needed files with you.)


Project 1: SKIP: Lesson 4

Project 2: Cover everything

Project 3: SKIP Lessons 1, 2, 6

Project 4: SKIP Lesson 1, 2, 9, 10

Project 5: SKIP Lessons 5, 6

Project 6: SKIP Lesson 9


Project 1: Cover everything

Project 2: Cover everything

Project 3: SKIP Lessons 4, 8

Project 4: SKIP Lessons 4, 5, 6, 7

Project 5: SKIP Lesson 2, 4, 6, 7

Project 6: SKIP completely

Project 7: SKIP completely

Project 8: SKIP 6, 7

Project 9: SKIP Lessons 4, 5

Project 10: SKIP Lesson 5


Project 1: Lesson 1 SKIP Hardware for Larger Networks (page 621 – 623)

SKIP Lesson 3

Project 2: SKIP Lessons 1, 3, 4, 5, 7

Project 3: SKIP Lesson 4, 5, Lesson 6 SKIP p 679 to Spam, 8, 9, 10

Project 4: SKIP Lesson 1, 4, 5, 6

Project 5: Cover everything

Project 6: Cover everything

Project 7: SKIP Lessons 1, 2, 4

Project 8: SKIP Lesson 1, 3, 4, 5


Instructor:Steve Shank

Office Phone:301/790-2800 ext. 536

Email HCC:

IST 1021Fall/Spring/Summer 2005/2006