February 10, 2012

The February 10, 2012 meeting of the Marshall County Board of Health was called to order by Chairman Donald Mason at 7:30AM, with the following board members in attendance: Carol Wade, Janet Kendzierski, Robert Riggenbach and Shirley Byard. Board members absent: None. Staff members present: Kenneth J. Allen, MD, Physician Director; Ronda Francis, LHA; Patty Owens, RN; Connie Veronis, DH; and Richard Lucas, RS.

Public Comments:

Jon Lewis, American Lung Association, introduced himself in his new position as Pam Wilson’s replacement.

Previous Minutes:

Previous minutes of the December 16, 2011 meeting were read and approved on a motion by Carol Wade and a second by Bob Riggenbach. All were in favor – motion carried.

Financial Report:

Dr. Allen reviewed the financial report, noting that we are on target with income and expenses with nothing unusual to report. Motion was made by Carol Wade, seconded by Janet Kendzierski, to accept the financial report as presented. All were in favor – motion carried.

Proposed Budget:

Regarding the proposed budget, Dr. Allen explained the estimated $47,000 deficit at the end of fiscal year 2013. Ronda explained the budget details such as cuts to threat preparedness funding, loss of the oral health grant, estimated increase in insurance premiums, and the increase in retirement match. It is hopeful that we will receive the state emergency fund distribution. Motion was made by Janet Kendzierski, seconded by Carol Wade to approve the proposed budget as presented and that Dr. Allen and Ronda Francis were authorized to present it to the County Commission. Motion was carried with one abstention by Don Mason.

Report by Director:

Dr. Allen noted that there were no diseases to report and flu cases are almost non-existent throughout the state. There is, however, a considerable amount of pneumonia throughout the region.

Report by Administrator:

Ronda informed the board that Pat Krause, CFNP is our new replacement for the family planning clinics through Wheeling Hospital.

The Wii Program started on January 28th with 18 participants registered.

Board of Health and Staff Comments:

Rich Lucas stated that there has been an increase in campgrounds due to the influx of gas well drillers to the area. We might want to consider putting something in the paper explaining the process to install a permitted campground.

A discussion ensued regarding Mozart sewage problems. Don Mason explained the county’s financial needs required to carry out the installation of a centralized sewage system.

Patty Owens stated that we have flu vaccines remaining. Additionally, there has been a strep A outbreak in the schools, as well as norovirus. Patty continued by stating we are very happy with the addition of Erica Cumpston, our newly hired nurse.

Connie Veronis indicated she has been working with Scott Varner and Jeff Kessler to resolve dental program funding issues. Board member Bob Riggenbach noted that given the fact that the state is experiencing a good financial status, it is a shame to deprive children of the much needed oral health program in Marshall County.

Janet Kendzierski thanked Dr. Allen for the Christmas gathering in December.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 AM.

NEXT BOARD MEETING – Friday, March 23rd– 7:30 AM.


Kenneth J. Allen, MD

Physician Director