Association and Division Officers may find the following books, subscriptions and websites provide them with useful reference material when assisting members.
School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (known as the ‘Blue Book’).
This is published annually by the Stationery Office usually in the autumn term. It is online at: pay, from where it can be downloaded, or via Hearth,
The Stationery Office has an online bookshop at: from which education and health and safety publications, amongst others, can be purchased.
The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), formerly the Department for Education and Skills (DfES), is online at
The teachernet website much of the information relating to teachers and schools. Teachernet contains guidance and informative publications published by the DCSF).
Conditions of Service for Schoolteachers in England and Wales (known as the ‘Burgundy Book’).
An updated version of this was published in August 2000. It contains details of sick pay regulations, maternity leave for teachers, facilities for Union representatives and other aspects of conditions of service not in the Blue Book. It is available from Local Government Employers (LGE), Local Government House, Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HZ.
Tel: 020 7187 7373
Fax: 020 7664 3030
The ‘book’ is now only available electronically.
Public Acts1988 – present and their Explanatory Notes 2005 - present can be found on
Statutory Instruments 1987 – present can be found on
A search box for both can be found on the top right hand corner on both web addresses.
Local Agreements with your LA (and possibly 6th Form Colleges, etc.)
Covering issues such as Discipline, Grievance, Competence/Capability, Harassment, Leave of Absence, Cover, Avoidance of Redundancy, Sickness Absence Monitoring, Health and Safety, etc. In many LAs, these will all be combined into one ‘Personnel Handbook’.
Please note that there may be different procedures operating in church schools – e.g., the Catholic Education Service recommends model Discipline, Grievance and Capability procedures which are different to those operating in most LAs and some individual schools may also have modified their LA ‘model’ policy.
A Guide to the Law for School Governors
Guides are available online at:
Information is available through Hearth, the online resource for officers, at:
and the NUT website at:
You can direct members to the latter for further information, such as:
Pay and Conditions of Service, e.g.:
Maternity Matters}
Health and Safety Representatives’ Briefings
Briefings are available on the NUT’s websites at:
Many leaflets are available in printed form from regional offices, and can be printed from Hearth or ordered there online.
Your Pension – A Guide to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme in England and Wales
Published by Teachers’ Pensions, CapitaHartshead, Mowden Hall, Darlington, DL3 9EE (tel:0845 606 6166) – single copies may be available from the NUT regional office or NUT Cymru.
A range of Teachers’ Pensions booklets can be downloaded from their website at:
Hazards at Work – TUC Guide to Health and Safety
From the Trades Union Congress, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3LS (tel: 020 7636 4030). Ebulletin available at:
Teacher Support Network
Is online at:
The website contains fact sheets relating to issues handled by the TSN, e.g.Counselling, Emotional Literacy, Stress, Students and NQTs, Work-Life Balance and Coping with Difficult People and many others.
Labour Research Department Booklets
Sent free to affiliates, these are very readable guides to issues for trade union members. They can also be bought by non-affiliates.
Amongstthe numerous titles are ‘Case Law at Work’, ‘The Law at Work’ and ‘State Benefits and Tax Credits’, which are regularly updated but many other useful booklets are listed in their ‘Booklets in Print’ leaflet which can be obtained from LRD, 78Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8HF (tel: 020 7928 3649/e-mail: ) or the list can be viewed on the LRD website, the home page of which is at:
The Institute of Employment – Rights : Subscription
The Union has negotiated a ‘special offer’ subscription package. The Institute of Employment – Rights is a unique network of sympathetic lawyers, academics and trade unionists, which publishes booklets and organises conferences and seminars. The Institute’s objective is to promote laws that meet international standards that promote social justice and economic efficiency and that deliver fairness and democracy at work.
Subscribers are entitled to eight publications a year and early invitations to seminars and conferences.
The Institute can be contacted at:
IERThe People’s Centre
50-54 Mount Pleasant
L3 5SD
Tel: 0151 702 6925
E-mail :
Scared Speechless: Public Speaking Step-by-Step
By RebeccaMcDaniel, published by Sage Publications – ISBN: 0 8039 51736
MediaGuardian – Media Directory 2006: An Essential Handbook by Chris Alden
Details of all media outlets in the UK with ‘phone numbers and geographical areas covered – usually updated annually.