Created by Joanne L. Stewart, Department of Chemistry, Hope College () and posted on July 18, 2008. Copyright Joanne L. Stewart, 2008. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike License. To view a copy of this license visit

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Chapter Summary

Teacher Name: Dr. Stewart
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Characters / No description of main characters / Incomplete or inadequate description of main characters / Adequate descriptions of characters / Complete description of main characters including character sketch (so we get to know the character)
Setting(s) / No description of setting / Incomplete or inaccurate description of setting / Adequate description of setting / Complete description of setting including context (historical, class, scientific)
Summary / Inadequate plot summary / Incomplete plot summary, did not include all key events / Lists all events but either highlights unimportant points or fails to emphasize meaning of important events / Complete plot summary with explanation of importance of key events
Structure (intro, middle, conclusion) / Essay does not have clear introduction, middle, or conclusion / One or more of components in essay structure is missing / Essay has clear introduction, middle, and conclusion. Begins to use linking phrases. / Essay has clear introduction, middle, and conclusion. Linking phrases used consistently.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation / There are more than 5 spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. / There are 4-5 spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. / There are 1-3 spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. / There are no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
Chemistry or history link / No link is made between the chemistry or history in the chapter and our contemporary understanding of these. / Chemistry is not clearly described or history is not adequately put in context. / Link is made, but either chemistry is not completely clear or accurate, or historical citation not provided. / Chemistry is explained clearly in contemporary terms, or history is set in context with citation provided.
Drafting / Submits no drafting with final copy / Submits little evidence of drafting / Submits sufficient evidence of drafting used to prepare for good copy / Submits sufficienct evidence of drafting and other strategies used to prepare for good copy
Discussion question (ChemBoard) / No discussion question provided or question provided after deadline. / Inadequate discussion question provided. Either asked for only factual information or confusing. / Adequate discussion question provided, but lacked either clarity or clear link between students and text. / Good discussion question. Helped students link text to their understanding of chemistry or history of chemistry.

Date Created: March 28, 2005

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