Math Syllabus/2015-2016
Mrs. St.Andrews
Room 217
To be successful in this class you are expected to listen, take notes, and participate in class discussions. Take pride in your work and be neat. All work should be done in pencil. Work done on torn loose leaf paper will NOT be accepted. In addition, you will need a red,blue,or blackpenfor marking papers. However, colored gel pens will NOTbe accepted, as some light colors are hard to read. Homework will count as one grade while tests will count as two grades. To improve your grade I allow you to make up any low papers that you havecompleted for a 70. You will have two days after the date it was graded to correct and return to me. This is my only form of extra credit. On Fridays students will work on AM (accelerated math)in class with the option of completing it at home. The late homework policy is 1 day late the maximum grade is 95%, 2 days 90%, 3 days 85%, 4 days 80%, 5 days 75 %, after 6 days is 50%.
Weekly homework assignments will be accessible on line. This is a great way to check assignments if you are absent or forgot your agenda. Homework will be accessible through
Some of the big concepts we will learn are geometry (areas of figures), probability, fractions, decimals, coordinates, and percent.
You may feel free to work outside class with a teammate to help clarify your understanding of the assignment. The grading system, rules, and materials for this course are listed below.
Tutoring will be offered throughout the year. Watch for further information on when and where.
* One of the requirements to pass 6th grade is for your child to pass math and the EOG test in math, which counts as 20% of their average for the year.
Grading systemRulesMaterials
90 – 100A1. Be respectful to others1. One 1 1/2 inch notebook
80 – 89B2. Be prepared for class 2. Twodividers
70 – 79C3. Keep hands and feet to yourself3. A blue, black, or red pen
60 – 69D4. Follow directions4. Pencils
below 60 F5. Obey all school rules and policies5. Loose leaf paper
Student signature
Parent signature