

  1. Describe and quantify needs, first for persons eligible for “prevention,” and then for persons identified as “homeless.” How will you monitor changes in needs over the course of the program?
  1. Describe how the HPRP program will fit within the bigger housing and homeless service system. Diagram the paths out of homelessness in your area.
  1. What are some potential gaps in the service system that may create a problem for the clients of the program, either before or after they are enrolled? How do you propose to address these gaps? (an example would be a lack of emergency shelter in the community)
  1. Describe how your organization will work or partner with other housing and homeless agencies within the community. Name each and describe.
  1. Describe how your organization will work or partner with mainstream and supportive service providers within the community. Name each and describe.


  1. What population will you target for the Prevention portion of HPRP? What portion of your efforts will go toward this population?
  1. How will you identify and conduct outreach to this population? How will you ensure that this outreach will extend to the entire area?
  1. What population will you target for the Rapid Re-Housing portion of HPRP? What portion of your efforts will go toward this population?
  1. How will you identify and conduct outreach to this population? How will you ensure that this outreach will extend to the entire area?
  1. Proposed beneficiaries: (2 year totals)
  2. Individuals:
  3. Persons in Families:
  4. Total (1+2):
  5. Households*:
    * Note that multiple individuals or families can occupy a single household.


  1. How will you determine if someone is a good candidate for the HPRP program? Describe your intake, screening and assessment process.
  1. If someone is not eligible or is not a good candidate for HPRP, describe the process that you will take to ensure they are connected to services that are a better fit for them.


  1. Housing Stability Plans – How will housing stability (case management) plans be developed and implemented? Include timeframes for development and frequency of follow up with clients in order to update their plans and housing status
  1. What are the likely barriers to obtaining and retaining housing? How will you assess these? How will you address each of the barriers?
  1. Briefly name each primary supportive service to be provided by YOUR agency as a part of HPRP.
  1. Briefly name any supportive services to be provided to HPRP clients by YOUR agency that are outside of the HPRP program. If client is charged for any of these services, please provide details.
  1. Briefly name each supportive service to be provided by PARTNER agencies.


  1. Describe the process of determining the type, level and duration of financial assistance to be provided for each household.
  1. Describe how you will ensure that the resources will be targeted toward households at the highest risk of homelessness and how the assistance provided will be just enough assistance to prevent or end an episode of homelessness.
  1. Describe services or activities designed to assist individuals or families in locating, obtaining, and retaining suitable housing. How will housing search be conducted?
  1. What strategies will you employ to create partnerships with landlords in your service area?
  1. Describe the process of determining rent reasonableness, ensuring minimum habitability standards are met when placing a household and conducting housing inspections. Include the process of ensuring that household with young children are placed in housing that is in compliance with the Lead Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act?
  1. Hotel/Motel Vouchers – Homeless Class – Are housing resources move-in ready? If not, are short term options available (shelter)? If not, or if not adequate, will hotels/motels be used?
  1. Financial Assistance – Prevention Class – For persons remaining in their housing or moving to new housing without experiencing homelessness, describe likely financial assistance and length (number of months) of assistance for rent and/or utilities. Include maximum and minimum levels of assistance. What level of rental cost share will be required, and how will quarterly (or more) evaluation of financial assistance be conducted?
  1. Financial Assistance – Homeless Class –For persons who are homeless, describe likely financial assistance and length (number of months) of assistance by line item; rent, utilities, moving costs, and deposits. Include maximum and minimum levels of assistance. What level of rental cost share (range 0% to 50%) will be required, and how will quarterly (or more) evaluation be conducted?


  1. HPRP regulations stipulate that “after 3 months, if program participants receiving short-term rental assistance need additional financial assistance to remain housed, they must be evaluated for eligibility to receive up to 15 additional months of medium-term rental assistance, for a total of 18 months.” Describe your process for re-certifying eligibility.
  1. Termination – The HUD rule requires due process for participants that are prematurely terminated. Please review the HUD rule and outline policy to be implemented by your agency. Note that housing stability status must be noted at program exit, and most likely, for a period thereafter.
  1. What strategies will you put in place to help transition households off the assistance/services and create a sense of “ownership”?
  1. What process will you use for following-up with participants once they leave the program?


  1. List and describe proposed HPRP-funded program staff or contract personnel sought for this implementation. Describe job requirements, qualifications and required experience for each. Begin with program-related personnel needed to implement financial assistance, case management (include caseloads, contact frequency, etc.), professional supervision of case managers, outreach, HMIS data entry, housing search, housing inspection, negotiations with landlords, legal services, credit repair, and other eligible functions.
  1. Professional Oversight - Describe requirements for human service professionals (on staff or to be added) who will oversee assessment, supportive services, housing stability plans, and case management (HSS). Describe how staff will be supervised.


  1. Client Management and Reporting - Please describe your process for ensuring that all required information is entered accurately into Pathways in a timely manner.
  1. If your agency is using multiple databases for tracking the program discuss how you will handle entering information into two systems.
  1. What are the overall goals of your program? How will you track whether or not you are meeting these goals? What steps will you take if you are not meeting your goals?
  1. How will you determine if you are implementing the program as planned? Describe the process for revising program implementation as needed (for example, not enough households are being served).
  1. Describe how your agency will evaluate the program including methods to follow-up with clients once rental assistance ends?
  1. Program Limitations / Gaps – Describe the potential limitations and barriers in implementing the proposed program. Describe how you intend to address these barriers.
  1. Continuous Quality Improvement – Describe the process you will use for assessing whether or not your program is running successfully.


  1. List and describe proposed HPRP-funded administrative staff or contract personnel necessary for management of the HPRP grant, including HPRP-related training, accounting for the use of grant funds, preparing reports, audits, and similar costs related to administering the grant.
  1. Describe the financial management system you will use to issue and process financial assistance. Include the process you will use to request reimbursement from DCA. What measures will you take to ensure your financial management system is accurate?
  1. What is the timeline for program implementation? Include steps such as hiring staff, developing MOU with partner agencies, developing policies and procedures,developing outreach materials, training staff, serving first household, serving 50% of target beneficiaries, etc.
  1. What key steps have to take place at your agency in the next month or so to ensure the program is able to start successfully? What is the plan for accomplishing these steps?