Troop 970 Beach Trip
First Landing State Park
Virginia Beach
September 12-14, 2008
This year’s Beach Trip will be to the First Landing State Park (formerly Seashore State Park) near Virginia Beach.
GENERAL INFO: Originally built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s, First Landing State Park is located on the Chesapeake Bay and is Virginia’s most visited. The park offers boating, swimming, Nature and History Programs, hiking, biking, picnicking, a boat launch, and 19 miles of trails on 2,888 acres. It also has campsites, some with bay access, water and electric hook-ups, and nearby access to restrooms and showers. The park's name was changed in 1997 to First Landing State Park to reflect its heritage as the first place where members of the Virginia Company landed before they went on to settle Jamestown.
Our plans call for a departure from SUMC by 6:00 PM on Friday, September 12. Additional details are as follows:
Times: Friday, 5:30 pm meet at SUMC for at 6:00 pm Departure
Scouts will be delivered home around 6:00 pm Sunday
Meals: Friday Dinner: Bring something or plan to stop for fast food
Saturday Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner: Adults cook
Sunday Breakfast: Adults cook
Sunday Lunch will be fast food on the way home
Cost: TBD based upon attendees and menu. Mr. Beardsley has volunteered to coordinate meals but will be reaching out for assistance.
Scout in Charge: Schaefer Beardsley.
RSVP: RSVP’s must be received by September 4, 2008 (payment via scout account). Please download the standard Troop 970 permission slip and Health form. Or see below
Questions: Contact Mr. Beardsley 703-574-3145 or email
Event Permission Slip
First Landing Beach Trip
Event or Location
September 12 - 14, 2008
Event Dates
Name of Scout(s) Attending:
Name of Adult Attending:
Will adult provide transportation for this event? ____ Yes ____ No
If yes, Vehicle (year/make/model)
Number of passenger seat belts? ______Tag Number
Driver’s License Number /State
Auto Insurance Company
Policy Number
Coverage (Liability/Property Damage)
Cell Phone Number
Parent or Guardian
(signature) (date) ______
Troop 970 Universal Medical Permission and Release Form
In consideration of the benefits to be derived and having confidence that every precaution will be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of my Scout,
has my permission to participate in all Troop 970 activities for the one year period beginning on September 1, 2008 and extending through August 31, 2009. These activities include, but are not limited to, troop meetings, patrol meetings, troop sponsored outings, hikes, campouts, high adventure trips and service projects. At all activities Troop 970 will, in accordance with BSA policies and our guidelines, have at least two registered adult Scout Leaders (or one registered leader and one Scout Parent) providing supervision.
As the legal guardian, I wish to inform the Troop 970 Scout Leaders and other medical professionals of the following information concerning the above named Scout (please use the back of this form or additional paper as necessary):
Current or past medical conditions or restrictions, which may impact medical treatment, are:
Medications, which must be given regularly, their frequency and dose are:
(Medications must be provided in the original prescription container, with medication name, dosage instructions and doctor's name legible.)
Scout's Medical Insurance Coverage Carrier:
Policy # or ID Information
Physician's Name Phone:
In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the Troop 970 activity leader to obtain medical attention from a physician and/or a hospital. I give my permission for the physician and/or the hospital to treat this Scout in accordance with customary medical practices. I agree to pay for any and all costs that may not be covered by my insurance policy.
My child is presently considered physically fit to participate in all Troop 970 activities (other than the restrictions listed above.)
Parent or Guardian Signature: Date:
Parent or Guardian Printed Name: Home phone:
Home Address:
Employer: Work phone:
Work Address:
Other Contact information (cell phone)
Note: Return this form to the Scoutmaster or a designated Troop 970 activity leader prior to attending any Scout activity. This form, or a copy of it, will accompany the Scout while he participates in the activity. Scouts, who do not have a copy of this form on record with the Scoutmaster, must be accompanied by a parents or a legal guardian.