EDEWG Conference Call 07/25/2002

Utilities: Met-Ed / Penelec, Penn Power, PECO, Duquesne Light, Allegheny Power

Suppliers/Service Providers: First Energy Solutions, Systrends, ElectricAmerica, PPL Energy Plus

Other: PUC


  1. Discuss process in which EDEWG is informed and/or acts upon finalized FREDI documentation.

2. Discuss FirstEnergy (Penn Power) re-testing timeline and process.

Discuss process in which EDEWG is informed and/or acts upon finalized FREDI documentation

It was felt that since there are number of active EDEWG members involved in the FREDI Advisory Committee, that those members will make sure we bring any relevant items to EDEWG for discussion.

Once all of the FREDI implementation guides are finalized, we will file the FREDI implementation guides with the PUC. This could be another 6 months or more. At that time, we will replace the PA PUC attachments with a link to the FREDI list server.

Discuss FirstEnergy (Penn Power) re-testing timeline and process.

The plan is to convert to SAP in April 2003. There is not a specific timeline for testing at this time, but it may be 4th quarter 2002 - 1st quarter 2003. The plan will be to have 2 months available for testing.

  • Penn Power will have full testing.
  • Met-Ed / Penelec will have an abbreviated test.

First Energy is planning to have a workshop prior to testing to explain any changes. Any mapping changes that would affect a supplier will be identified at the supplier workshop.

Question: Penn Power is currently rate ready. Are there plans to expand functionality? Although this is undetermined at this time, additional functionality may become available in the future.

Question: What testing will be required for Met-Ed / Penelec?

Although specifics are not determined, it is projected to be one enrollment.

Question: How many suppliers will this affect for Penn Power?

Currently, there are four active suppliers for Penn Power.

Question: What about inactive suppliers?

Before an inactive supplier could become active, they would be required to test.

Question: Will there be one testing contact point for both Penn Power, and the former GPU companies (Met-Ed / Penelec)?

First Energy will evaluate this as they develop the testing plan.

Question: Will the DUNS+4 change?

First Energy is evaluating this and will address it at the workshop.

Question: Can I test new functionality during this testing period (for instance, currently only dual billing for Met-Ed, but want to add rate ready)?

First Energy will evaluate this. It was suggested they encourage suppliers to test prior to the upgrade testing period.

Comment from a supplier: Based on map changes in Ohio, some suppliers may not be comfortable testing only one First Energy company.

Comment about Workshop: There was a suggestion to broadcast the scheduling of the Workshop on the various List Servers.

If you have specific questions, please contact First Energy Supplier Support at

Question: Is First Energy Solutions also changing to SAP? First Energy Solutions reported they are not implementing SAP in April 2002. However, they my upgrade their existing software, which could require minimal testing with the utilities.

Internet EDI Sub Team

Question: When is the first conference call scheduled?

To date, NAESB EDM 1.6 has not been published, and we are trying to find the publication date. It is expected to be submitted to the NAESB Board for approval by July 31, 2002.

This item will be on the next EDEWG call, and the conference call will be scheduled after that.

Next Conference Call:

The next conference call will be on Thursday, August 8, 2002 at 2:00. To participate, call 717 901-0620.