Present: Dr Alexander Anderson GP Partner
Mr Neil Stevens Group Practice Manager
Miss Jennifer Nias PPG member
Mr Mike Bolton PPG member
Mr Barry Spooner PPG Member
Apologies: Dr James Oliver
Mr Neil Wiseman
1. Welcome The Practice manager opened the Annual General Meeting of the Patient Participation Group at the Mullion Health Centre at 6.35 pm and Dr Sandy Anderson was introduced to the group.
2. Previous meeting minutes The Practice Manager reviewed the minutes from the last meeting held at the Constantine Surgery on the13th August 2013, points of note are:-
· A Physiotherapy service would be commencing at The Constantine Surgery on wed 20th November, patients were able to self refer for back & neck conditions.
· A touch screen has now been installed at the Mullion Health Centre JN thought that the advice on waiting time for an appointment and your position to be seen by the Doctor or nurse was very helpful.
· Appointments on line was being introduced on 18th November it was agreed that this should help provide a better service for all patients registered at the practice and help reduce the Did Not Attend (DNA) numbers.
· Text Messaging was now available for patients giving consent who are aged over 16 years for their own Mobile number ( not shared ) to receive text messages. At present patients were only being advised on appointment times, it was planned in future that this would include Flu clinics and other health related matters, (but not test results).
· Clinical records The group discussed which is a program being rolled out nationally where by identifiable patient data is extracted from patients records, for research and national planning purposes. Due to concern over patient confidentiality it has now been agreed that all patients in England would be written to at their registered address regarding consent for this data extraction, patients would be presumed “opting in” unless the patient advised the GP practice otherwise.
· The repeat prescription service had changed system provider recently, MB had experienced problems with obtaining a request which was not authorised, and also specifying where the medication/prescription may be collected from, he was also unable to access the system from overseas, NS advised that he would raise these matters with the Practice IT Manager.
3. Election of the committee & executive The arrangements for the committee and executive for the PPG was discussed with the following appointments voted for there were no objections or abstentions
· Chair person Dr James Oliver
· Secretary Mr Neil Stevens
· Committee Miss Jennifer Nias
Mr Mike Bolton
Mr Barry Spooner
Dr Simon Giles ( post meeting )
4. Constitution The PPG group reviewed the constitution, with the wording to clause 2 paragraph 3 amended slightly The constitution was then voted on and agreed by the PPG to be accurate and to be reviewed annually at the next AGM meeting or earlier if required in exceptional circumstances.
5. South Kerrier Planning Workshop SA discussed the recent South Kerrier workshop on 18th September, which SG also attended. Main points included :-
· The issue of Dementia care
· Community Mental Health Care
· Bed-blocking issues in RCHT & HCH
6. Dental Provision MB had raised a question on behalf of another patient the matter of Dental provision in the Lizard area, a detailed response was received from the Dental Contracts team, at NHS England which was passed to that particular patient.
7. Practice developments
· Liquid Nitrogen SA spoke on the success of the skin cancer treatment facility that the Friends of Constantine helped to establish at Mullion. Liquid nitrogen is used to treat skin lesions such as sun damage (actinic keratosis), some superficial skin cancers and a range of benign problems. The practice was investigating the provision of this treatment to patients at the Mullion & Constantine surgeries.
· Research & Development NS advised the group that the practice is registered as a a host site for academic research studies. Recent and ongoing studies have included investigations into Diabetes and a study into patients with a low BMI associated with genetics. The practice was pleased with a higher than average response to these research studies.
8. AOB
· All PPG members agreed there was a need to widen PPG membership JN spoke on the Penryn Surgery PPG and would enquire if a member from their PPG would be willing to attend our next PPG meeting. MB spoke on using email addresses to make patients more aware of the group.
· JN asked if at a future meeting the PPG could be advised on commissioning matters SA & NS agreed that his would be possible.
· Next meeting would be held at The Constantine Surgery on Thursday 9th January 2014 commencing at 6.30 pm
· There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30 pm.