Seminar Readings - Senior Social Science ABQ

Session topic: Assessment Considerations

Media: Assessment for Learning Technique (Concept Mapping)

• Black, Paul & Wiliam, Dylan. (1998). Inside the Black box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment. Phi Beta Kappan.

York Region Document - "The Tough Questions"

Session topic: Supporting Teachers

Media: I am a Teacher, Inspirational Poem

• Shain, Martin. (2001) Teacher stress, satisfaction, and health. Orbit, 31(4), 39.

• Patterson, J., Collins, L., & Abbot, G. (2004). A study of teacher resilience in urban schools. Journal of International Psychology, 31(1). (Sent to you as a separate attachment)

Session topic: The Adolescent Learner

• Schwartz, Allan. “What made George lose his curiousity?” Available online at the Devereux Institute website,

• African Canadian high school girls and their quest for education; [1]

Wane, Njoki N, Neegan, Erica. Orbit. Toronto: 2004. Vol. 34, Iss. 1; pg. 36

Session topic: Equity Issues (Gender)

Media:MSNBC Interview with Dr. Leonard Sax Author of Boys Adrift
• Selected Publications by Dr. Leonard Sax,
• Hunt, David & Cook, Sheila. (2004). Are schools really shortchanging boys? Reality check on the new gender gap. Orbit, 34(1), 3.

• Datnow, Amanda & Hubbard, Lea. (2004). Single-sex public schooling: Lessons from California. Orbit, 34(1), 9.

Session topic: Instructional Technology

Media:Marc Prensky on Technology in the Classroom

• The Role of Technology in Teaching and the Classroom (Marc Prensky, Educational Technology, Nov-Dec 2008)

• Heritage, Classrooms and the World Wide Web: A Teacher Educator's Perspective on the Gateway to Learning Materials Project (John Myers, OISE/UT)

• “Untangling the Web: Internet and Schools” Weir, RW in Orbit, Vol 32, #2,

• "The Laptops are Coming! The Laptops are Coming!, Rethinking Schools Online, Volume 22 No. 4 - Summer 2008