Birthday Script - Elementary Level

Written by Nick Sensei – English Teacher Instructor, 2005

This script has five characters, the Birthday Boy, the brother, the mother, the father and a friend of the family. The story is about the Birthday boy walking up at home and then receiving his birthday cake and his family singing Happy Birthday to him. After he receives birthday presents from his family. A family friend arrives to say Happy Birthday and give the gift.


Birthday boy –BB Father -- FF

Brother –B Family Friend --FF

Mother – M

Scene Summary

Scene 1. – Birthday Boy wakes up excited and goes to the kitchen.

Scene 2 – Mother greets BB then calls everyone into the kitchen. They call sing Happy Birthday and eat some cake.

Scene 3 – Giving Presents

Scene 4 – BB is playing with presents.

Scene5 – A visitor arrives and gives presents.

Scene 1 – Birthday Boy wakes up excited and goes to the kitchen.

BB – Wow! It’s December 6th, my birthday. How many presents will I get? Where is everyone? I wonder what my birthday cake would be like?

Mom, Dad, Joe, where are you guys?

Scene 2 – Mother greets BB then calls everyone into the kitchen. They all sing Happy Birthday and some cake.

M – Good morning Sam.

BB – Hi Mom!

M – Happy Birthday.

Hey Nick, Joe, Sam see it – come to the kitchen .

( Joe and Dad come into kitchen. )

F--Happy Birthday Sam.(handshake and hug)

BB-Thanks , Dad!

B – Happy Birthday Sam.(High five)

BB – Thank you.

M – Here is your birthday cake, Sam.

BB –Well! Looks good!

F – Let’s put in the candles.

B – How old are you Sam?

BB – I’m 12 years old. Count the candles Joe.

B – 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12. You’re 12 years old, Sam.

BB – Yes. When is your birthday ?

B – My birthday is in March.

F- - Let’s sing the Birthday Song.


F—1,2,3,4. Happy Birthday to you……..

BB – Sam blows out candles.

M – OK Sam, make a wish.

( BB wishes. )

M – Here Sam, cut your cake.(gives Sam a knife)

BB – OK.

( BB cuts the cake. )

F – Let’s eat the cake later.

BB&B – OK.

Scene 3 – Giving Presents

M – Let’s go and give Sam his presents.

B,F – OK.

( B,F walk to lounge.)

M – Here Sam, Happy Birthday.

BB – Thanks mom. What is it?

Wow ! It’s a Teddy bear.

F -- Here Sam, Happy Birthday.

BB – Thanks Dad. What is it?

Wow ! It’s a book.

B – Hey Sam. Happy Birthday.

BB – Wow! Thanks Joe. What is it?

Wow ! It’s a car.

Scene 4 – Sam is playing with birthday presents.

BB – Wow! This is a great Teddy bear.

B – Can I play with it?

BB – Sure ! Here.

B –Thank you.

BB –You’re welcome.

BB – Wow! This is a great book.

B – Can I read it?

BB – Sure ! Here.

B –Thank you.

BB –You are welcome.

BB – Wow! This is a great car.

B – Can I play with it?

BB – Sure ! Here.

B – Thank you! You are a good brother.

BB – Thank you!

Scene 5. – Visitor arrives and gives birthday present

FF1 – (Knock, Knock on door)

Hi! Nick.

Hi! Kuni.

FF – Where is Sam?

F- - Come in, Sam is in the TV room.

BB – Hi! Kuni.

FF – Hi! Everybody. Hi! Sam, Happy Birthday.

Here is your birthday present.

BB—Thank you.

FF –You’re welcome.

FF– Please open it.

BB—Wow! It’s a DVD.

BB – I like my birthday.

Can I have one again tomorrow?