LibMark Committee Meeting – Monday 5 February

Present: Margherita Barbante (Chair), Oleshya Zavinski (minutes),

Lorraine Seeger, Lesley Fell, Shauna McEwan, Amanda Sergant

Apologies:Leith Mackay


1.Business Arising: Minutes Approved

Thank you, to Graham Dudley for booking the Dept Vic Communities Room for Libmark meetings

Welcome new members, Lesley Fell, Shauna McEwan and Amanda Sergant

Margheritaand Lorraineoverview development ofLibmark and 2006 activities

LorraineintroducesKevin Hennah, Retail Consultant & Trainer to Libmark as guest on agenda

As a Retail Consultant, Kevin Hennah has been working closely with Public and School Libraries for a number of years on strategies to maximise productivity of space and improve overall presentation and image.

It is proposed that Kevinrun a half day seminar or follow up workshop with Public Libraries – possibly March or April

Proposed venues

- William Angliss

- State Library – cost issue – charges around $600 a day

- Jill Allen to be contacted re, East Melbourne Library Community Room (Space 50- 70)

- City Library – No booking due to restructure

- North Melbourne – parking issues

Possible topics,

Revisit marketing handbook

Generation X marketing

Community Profiling


Readers Advisory

Youth Scan – similar to Australia Scan


All, Commitment is required by all, to attend meetings held first Monday of every month.

MB to contact Picture Victoria to determine if follow up required

MB contact Viclink to see how much available in budget to put towards Seminars

MB to contact Jill Allen East Melbourne Community centre

3.Kevin Hennah

Background and ideas for seminar/workshop

Worked with public libraries and presently with school libraries

Cybersigns – Queensland & NSW




Positioning of categories

New content and images to support workshop presentation

Eg Sydenham Interactive Learning Centre

New Zealand Public Libraries

Uk Libraries paint broader picture

Designers such as Sachi now involved with Public Libraries


Don’t spend a fortune

Youth makeover focus

Rachel Van Riel – Opening the book director – look at furniture and ideas

Public libraries - Why don’t public libraries take a different approach?

Budget – spend absolutely the minimum eg use paint

Raeco as a supplier

Explore cheaper options eg use a kitchen Co.

Remove handmade signs


Layout – colour

Focus on Youth


Walking through – revisit hot spots and power displays

Develop an image library – eg supplier Image Box (Caulfield) offers digital graphic solutions

Teen and youth areas an opportunity to create separation. Is it really necessary?

Target Audience

Determine who will attend

Possibly focus - decision makers or Children’s Librarians

Workshop Brief

2 X ½ day work shop- approx 50 to attend

3 hours per session- interactive sessions with guest speakers

9.30am – 12.30

12.30 – 4.30 pm

Target audience- decision makers, children’s librarians, displays & marketing


Floor coverings - carpet

Window dressing


Image Box – image library


External Signage and internal – eg Don’t need signs such as photocopier, Info –desk – Hello or Welcome

Suppliers and suppliers list

Date of Seminar

Friday 4 May

Possible names – Makeover on a budgets

Include show bags - possible supplier Beatle Branding as supplier

Suppliers catalogues to included in the show bags


Kevin to return workshop brief and costing to Lorraine

Contact Beatle Branding as a source for bags

Guest Speakers, Cybersigns (Phil Williams)

All, to determine target audience broad appeal or narrow appeal to specialists such as Children’s Librarians and decision makers and determine marketing strategy

4. Seminar October 2007

Proposed dates

Friday 12 October – secondary date Friday 19 October


  • David Chalk – Youth Scan Australia Council - Youth perceptions and communications methods
  • Look at technologies
  • CLICK 06
  • Pod casting
  • Video casting
  • Online Blogs
  • Websites
  • Libraries building communities
  • Partnerships- Jim Curvey known in adult learning – Learning Communities

Target audience

  • Building Communities coordinators’


Leith, to follow up subscribers list

List serve

Out reach

Email list

All, to bring interesting (1-2) websites/ topics or articles for postings next meeting

All, Revisit 12 month plan

All, Focus on 2007 October Seminar

Other Business

Farming out of jobs

Look at revitalising what we do to maintain profile

Next Meeting:

Monday 5 March