Parent Survey for Transition Planning
Student Grade Date
Parents Phone
Part of your child’s IEP involves “transition planning” which is determining what type of work he/she wants to do after graduation, what further educational training he/she might consider, and what independent living skills he/she will need to develop to be independent. This survey is provided to you to give the school staff information as to how you see your son/daughter currently performing and what are your goals for your child. Please complete and return this survey back to school to give us your thoughtsand help in developing the IEP.
Thank you
Residential Information
What kind of chores does your child do on a regular basis at home?
What kind of chores does your child do on an occasional basis at home?
Has your child done any paid work for family, friends or neighbors?
Do you have transportation available for him/her to get to and from a job site?
During which hours would you be able to transport him/her to and from a job site?
Are there any employers or services near your home that you would like for your child to work?
Do you have any family, friends or neighbors who may be potential employers for your child? If so, please list their names and phone number.
In what kind of environment does your child work best? For example: indoors, outdoors, quiet, alone, group)
Has your child participated in a sheltered workshop setting operated by the County Board of Developmental Disabilities?
Has your child had a formal paying job?
Educational Information
Considering your child’sage and grade level, how do you rate their functional abilities in the following areas?
Functional Area BelowAverageAboveArea ofComments to School
Average AbilityAverageSpecial
Daily Living Skills
Community Functioning
Recreation Skills
General Academic Skills
Reading Skills
Math Skills
Time Management
Money Management
Motor Skills Ability
Sensory Skills(vision, hearing)
Communication Skills
Social Skills
Vocational Skills
Daily Functioning
How well does your child take care of their daily personal grooming?
How do you assist your child in getting through the day?
What kind of behavior challenges do your child or family face?
Does your child have any physical or health restrictions that may affect their ability in a work setting?
Does your child take any medications, prescribed by a doctor or over the counter, on a regular basis?
Do you have community support that could assist the school in securing a paying job for your child?
Goals and Preferences
Has your child been referred to or is he/she currently receiving services through any community social service agency or program? (For example: County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation, Social Security, Mental Health Services, etc.)
What type of education after high school would you like for your child to receive? (For example: military service, adult trade school, two year program, four year college degree, etc.)
What work goals does your child have for him/herself after graduation from high school?
What work goals do you, the parents, have for your child after high school graduation?
Where do you want your child to be in five years after graduation concerning their living arrangement, work status, and further training or education?
Please add any additional thoughts or concerns you have about your child and their abilities to live and work on their own after graduation.