
August 2015


A warm welcome back following a long summer break. I am sure you will appreciate your child being back to their school routine. A special welcome to Riley who is a new pupil in Primary 1. He arrived this morning full of smiles!


Once again would you please sign the enclosed permission forms and the Annual Data Check Form for session 2015/16. These should be returned to school as soon as possible.

I have also attached the Administration of Medication forms for pupils who require them.


Can I please ask that you write your child’s name on all school sweatshirts, cardigans, poloshirts, etc. to ensure that there are no mix-ups during the session.


Our first Parents’ Evening will take place on Tuesday 15 September. Further information will be available nearer the date.


Our first parent support group meeting of the new session will take place on Wednesday 2 September at 10.00 a.m. at Castlepark Early Years Centre, Carron Place, Castlepark, Irvine, KA12 9LQ.Please come along for a cuppa, chat and catch up following the holidays.


Please find attached a copy of our summary School Improvement Plan for this current session. Our major focus areas will continue to be the development of the curriculum in the areas of literacy and numeracy. We will also be focussing on GIRFEC (Getting It Right for Every Child) and use of wellbeing indicators to drive improvements and improve outcomes for our young people.


Our programme of outings will resume this week. Could I ask that you continue to send £1.50 each week for your child’s class outing or £12 for the term.


If you have signed up to the ‘Snack Healthy’ Programme please send in either £8 for the term or £1 each week. Remember you no longer need to send in snacks for your child.

A 2 week programme has been devised using Government advice on Healthy Eating for Schools. The programme runs Monday to Thursday and costs £1 per week (charge in mainstream schools is 40p per day). As well as children and young people receiving a healthy snack it aims to broaden the range of foods eaten by the pupils. The classes will also participate in a rota and take responsibility for:-

  • Collecting money
  • Setting out snacks
  • Preparing daily menus, etc.


The annual holiday list for school session 2015/16 is attached for your information.


If you have not already done so, could I ask that 4 packs of wipes - Pampers or Johnsons, if possible - be sent in with pull-ups for this term. Thank you.


This term the focus for our interdisciplinary topic will be a ‘Scottish Literacy Study’. This will coincide with Scottish Food & Drink fortnight that takes place in September. Keep a close eye on your child’s class blog for photographs and news about the learning that is taking place.

Remember to visit Haysholm Glow Blogs for news & information about what is happening in school.


The Visual Structure Workshop that had to be cancelled at the end of term will now take place on Tuesday 1 September from 10.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. This workshop will cover visual timetables and schedules and how they can be used at home to promote communication & learning.


A multi-sensory Storyteller will visit the school on Monday 31 August to deliver sensory stories to all of the children and young people. Stories are told through voice, emotion and objects of reference. The last time we had a visit from a Storyteller our learners were very motivated and engaged in the experience.

Yvonne Gribben

Head Teacher

______School Values