Ration Analysis

Accounting Capstone

Toshiba corp. (tosbf) income statement / 2013 / 2012
Period End Date / 03/31/2013 / 03/31/2012
Stmt Source / N/A / Annual
Stmt Source Date / 03/31/2013 / 05/08/2013
Stmt Update Type / Original / Updated
Currency Code / JPY / JPY
Total Revenue / 5,935,259.0 / 6,204,725.0
Cost of Revenue / 4,384,414.0 / 4,635,197.0
Gross Profit / 1,550,845.0 / 1,569,528.0
Selling,General and Administrative / 1,221,551.0 / 1,262,402.0
Interest Income/Expense,Net-Operating / -32,692.0 / -31,815.0
Other Operating Expenses / 0.0 / 0.0
Operating Expenses / 1,395,292.0 / 1,423,949.0
Operating Income / 155,553.0 / 145,579.0
Net Interest Income / -32,692.0 / -31,815.0
Pretax Income / 155,553.0 / 145,579.0
Provision for Income Tax / 59,827.0 / 64,223.0
Minority Interest / 18,193.0 / 10,007.0
Discontinued Operations / 0.0 / -1,295.0
Net Income / 77,533.0 / 70,054.0
Dividend Per Share / 7.59 / 7.60
Tax Rate / 0.384608 / 0.255000
Basic EPS / 18.31 / 16.54
Basic Weighted Average Shares
Basic EPS from Continuing Operations
Basic EPS from Discontinued Operations
Basic EPS,Continuing and Discontinued
Diluted EPS / 18.31 / 16.32
Diluted Weighted Average Shares
Diluted EPS from Continuing Operations
Diluted EPS from Discontinued Operations
Diluted EPS,Continuing and Discontinued
Toshiba corp. (tosbf) Balance sheet / 2013 / 2012
Period End Date / 03/31/2013 / 03/31/2012
Stmt Source / N/A / Annual
Stmt Source Date / 03/31/2013 / 05/08/2013
Stmt Update Type / Original / Updated
Currency Code / JPY / JPY
Cash, Equiv and Short Term Investments / 209,169.0 / 214,305.0
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Receivables / 1,372,307.0 / 1,307,634.0
Accounts Receivable
Notes Receivable
Receivables Adjustments/Allowances
Inventories / 1,003,108.0 / 884,187.0
Finished Goods
Other Inventories
Raw Materials
Prepaid Assets and Others / 579,123.0 / 603,387.0
Deferred Current Assets / 0.0 / 0.0
Deferred Taxes,Current Assets / 0.0 / 0.0
Total Current Assets / 3,163,707.0 / 3,009,513.0
Net Property,Plant,and Equipment / 884,680.0 / 851,365.0
Gross Property,Plant,and Equipment
Land and Improvements
Buildings and Improvements
Construction in Progress
Accumulated Depreciation
Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets / 0.0 / 0.0
Other Intangible Assets
Investments and Advances / 675,809.0 / 652,061.0
Notes Receivable,Non-Current / 0.0 / 0.0
Deferred Non-Current Assets / 0.0 / 0.0
Other Non-Current Assets / 1,382,536.0 / 1,239,798.0
Total Non-Current Assets / 2,943,025.0 / 2,743,224.0
Total Assets / 6,106,732.0 / 5,752,737.0
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Payables / 0.0 / 0.0
Accounts Payable
Taxes Payable
Accrued Expenses,Current / 0.0 / 0.0
Current Debt / 1,623,329.0 / 1,619,169.0
Notes Payable,Current
Other Current Borrowings
Other Current Liabilities / 1,120,395.0 / 1,050,393.0
Total Current Liabilities / 2,743,724.0 / 2,669,562.0
LT Debt and Capital Lease Obligation / 1,231,036.0 / 1,073,550.0
Long Term Debt
Accrued Expenses,Non-Current / 715,450.0 / 779,414.0
Employee Benefits / 0.0 / 0.0
Minority Interest / 382,066.0 / 366,730.0
Other Non-Current Liabilities / 0.0 / 0.0
Total Non-Current Liabilities and MI / 2,328,552.0 / 2,219,694.0
Total Liabilities / 5,072,276.0 / 4,889,256.0
Capital Stock / 439,901.0 / 439,901.0
Common Stock
Retained Earnings / 635,586.0 / 591,932.0
Additional Paid in Capital / 404,430.0 / 401,125.0
Treasury Stock / -1,542.0 / -1,498.0
Accum Gains/ Losses Not Affecting RE / -443,919.0 / -567,979.0
Total Equity / 1,034,456.0 / 863,481.0
Total Liabilities and Equity / 6,106,732.0 / 5,752,737.0
Ordinary Shares Outstanding / 4,234.97 / 4,234.97
Toshiba corp. (tosbf) Statement of cash flows / 2013 / 2012
Period End Date / 03/31/2013 / 03/31/2012
Stmt Source / N/A / Annual
Stmt Source Date / 03/31/2013 / 05/08/2013
Stmt Update Type / Original / Updated
Currency Code / JPY / JPY
Net Income / 95,726.0 / 80,061.0
Net Income from Continuing Operations
Operating Gains/Losses / -13,889.0 / -13,926.0
Gain/Loss on Sale of Property,Plant and Equipment
Earnings/Losses from Equity Investments
Depreciation,Amortization and Depletion / 217,752.0 / 249,646.0
Deferred Taxes / 0.0 / 0.0
Other Non-Cash Items / 71,710.0 / 112,230.0
Change in Receivables / 5,660.0 / -194,430.0
Change in Inventories / -64,874.0 / -19,178.0
Change in Pay/Accrued Exp / -179,769.0 / 120,594.0
Change in Payables
Change in Other Current Assets / 0.0 / 0.0
Change in Other Working Capital / 0.0 / 0.0
Cash Flow from Operating Activities / 132,316.0 / 334,997.0
Purchase/Sale of Prop,Plant,Equip: Net / -175,033.0 / -178,277.0
Purchase of Property,Plant and Equipment
Sale of Property,Plant,and Equipment
Purchase/Sale of Intangibles,Net / -29,630.0 / -39,426.0
Purchase of Intangibles
Purchase/Sale of Investments,Net / 15,413.0 / -2,991.0
Purchase of Investments
Purchase of Long Term Investments
Sale of Investments
Sale of Long Term Investments
Other Investing Changes,Net / -7,097.0 / -156,533.0
Cash Flow from Investing Activities / -196,347.0 / -377,227.0
Issuance/Payments of Debt,Net / 208,121.0 / 36,319.0
Issuance/Payments of LT Debt,Net
Payments to Settle Long Term Debt
Proceeds or Issuance of Long Term Debt
Issuance/Payments of ST Debt,Net
Proceeds or Issuance of Short Term Debt
Issuance/Payments of Common Stock,Net / 0.0 / 0.0
Payments for Common Stock
Cash Dividends Paid / -42,547.0 / -37,007.0
Other Financing Changes, Net / -123,802.0 / 448.0
Cash Flow from Financing Activities / 41,772.0 / -240.0
Cash, Equivalents, Start of Period / 214,305.0 / 258,840.0
Cash, Equivalents, End of Period / 209,169.0 / 214,305.0
Change in Cash / -5,136.0 / -44,535.0
Free Cash Flow / -163,895.0 / 3,838.0
Effect of Exchange Rate Changes / 17,123.0 / -2,065.0

The various key ratios of Toshiba Corporation are shown below:

The different ratios of TOSHIBA CORPORATION
Gross Margin / 26.13 / 61.76
Pre-Tax Margin / 2.62 / 34.76
Net Profit Margin / 1.31 / 27.48
5 Yr Gross Margins (5-Year Avg.) / 24.3 / NA
5Yr Pre Tax Margin (5-Year Avg.) / 0.9 / NA
5 Yr Net Profit Margins (5-Year Avg.) / -0.1 / NA
Debt/Equity Ratio / 1.19 / 0.53
Current Ratio / 1.15 / 1.78
Quick Ratio / 0.58 / 1.74
Interest Coverage / NA / 9.9
Leverage Ratio / 5.9 / 1.97
Book Value/Share / 2.44 / 8.69
Return On Equity / 8.15 / 16.46
Return On Assets / 1.31 / 8.35
Return On Capital / 1.58 / 10.72
Return On Equity (5-Year Avg.) / -3.3 / NA
Return On Assets (5-Year Avg.) / -0.2 / NA
Return On Capital (5-Year Avg.) / -2.2 / NA
Income/Employee / 376,373.79 / 70,253.52
Revenue/Employee / 28.81 Mil / 255,655.66
Receivable Turnover / 4.5 / 7.2
Inventory Turnover / 4.65 / NA
Asset Turnover / 1 / 0.3

Now, the Dell, Incorporated financial statements are show below, again with all financial data in U.S. dollars:

Dell Inc (DELL) Income Statement / 2013 / 2012
Period End Date / 02/01/2013 / 02/03/2012
Stmt Source / N/A / 10-K
Stmt Source Date / 01/31/2013 / 03/12/2013
Stmt Update Type / Original / Updated
Currency Code / USD / USD
Total Revenue / 56,940.0 / 62,071.0
Cost of Revenue / 44,754.0 / 48,260.0
Gross Profit / 12,186.0 / 13,811.0
Selling,General and Administrative / 8,102.0 / 8,524.0
Research and Development / 1,072.0 / 856.0
Special Income/Charges / 0.0 / 0.0
Operating Expenses / 9,174.0 / 9,380.0
Operating Income / 3,012.0 / 4,431.0
Net Interest Income / -170.0 / -198.0
Other Income/Expense,Net / -1.0 / 7.0
Pretax Income / 2,841.0 / 4,240.0
Provision for Income Tax / 469.0 / 748.0
Net Income / 2,372.0 / 3,492.0
Dividend Per Share / 0.16 / 0.00
Tax Rate / 0.165083 / 0.176415
Basic EPS / 1.36 / 1.90
Basic Weighted Average Shares
Basic EPS from Continuing Operations
Basic EPS,Continuing and Discontinued
Diluted EPS / 1.35 / 1.88
Diluted Weighted Average Shares
Diluted EPS from Continuing Operations
Diluted EPS,Continuing and Discontinued
Dell Inc (DELL) Balance Sheet / 2013 / 2012
Period End Date / 02/01/2013 / 02/03/2012
Stmt Source / N/A / 10-K
Stmt Source Date / 01/31/2013 / 03/12/2013
Stmt Update Type / Original / Updated
Currency Code / USD / USD
Cash, Equiv and Short Term Investments / 12,777.0 / 14,818.0
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Short Term Investments
Receivables / 9,842.0 / 9,803.0
Accounts Receivable
Loans Receivable
Inventories / 1,382.0 / 1,404.0
Finished Goods
Raw Materials
Other Current Assets / 3,967.0 / 3,423.0
Total Current Assets / 27,968.0 / 29,448.0
Net Property,Plant,and Equipment / 2,126.0 / 2,124.0
Gross Property,Plant,and Equipment
Land and Improvements
Accumulated Depreciation
Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets / 12,678.0 / 7,695.0
Other Intangible Assets
Investments and Advances / 2,565.0 / 3,404.0
Notes Receivable,Non-Current / 0.0 / 0.0
Other Non-Current Assets / 2,203.0 / 1,862.0
Total Non-Current Assets / 19,572.0 / 15,085.0
Total Assets / 47,540.0 / 44,533.0
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Payables / 12,386.0 / 12,088.0
Accounts Payable
Taxes Payable
Accrued Expenses,Current / 1,674.0 / 2,176.0
Current Debt / 3,843.0 / 2,867.0
Deferred Liabilities,Current / 4,373.0 / 3,738.0
Deferred Revenue,Current
Other Current Liabilities / 1,163.0 / 1,132.0
Total Current Liabilities / 23,439.0 / 22,001.0
LT Debt and Capital Lease Obligation / 5,242.0 / 6,387.0
Long Term Debt
Deferred Liabilities, Non current / 3,971.0 / 3,855.0
Deferred Revenues,Non-Current
Minority Interest / 21.0 / 0.0
Other Non-Current Liabilities / 4,187.0 / 3,373.0
Total Non-Current Liabilities and MI / 13,421.0 / 13,615.0
Total Liabilities / 36,860.0 / 35,616.0
Capital Stock / 12,554.0 / 12,187.0
Common Stock
Retained Earnings / 30,330.0 / 28,236.0
Treasury Stock / -32,145.0 / -31,445.0
Accum Gains/ Losses Not Affecting RE / -59.0 / -61.0
Total Equity / 10,680.0 / 8,917.0
Total Liabilities and Equity / 47,540.0 / 44,533.0
Ordinary Shares Outstanding / 1,738.00 / 1,761.00
Dell Inc (DELL) Statement of Cash Flows / 2013 / 2012
Period End Date / 02/01/2013 / 02/03/2012
Stmt Source / N/A / 10-K
Stmt Source Date / 01/31/2013 / 03/12/2013
Stmt Update Type / Original / Updated
Currency Code / USD / USD
Net Income / 2,372.0 / 3,492.0
Net Income from Continuing Operations
Operating Gains/Losses / 0.0 / 0.0
Net Foreign Currency Exchange Gain/Loss
Depreciation,Amortization and Depletion / 1,144.0 / 936.0
Deferred Taxes / -428.0 / 19.0
Other Non-Cash Items / 642.0 / 612.0
Stock-Based Compensation
Change in Receivables / -343.0 / -425.0
Change in Inventories / 48.0 / -52.0
Change in Pay/Accrued Exp / -200.0 / 272.0
Change in Payables
Change In Account Payable
Change in Accrued Expenses
Change in Other Working Capital / 48.0 / 673.0
Cash Flow from Operating Activities / 3,283.0 / 5,527.0
Purchase/Sale of Prop,Plant,Equip: Net / 135.0 / 14.0
Sale of Property,Plant,and Equipment
Purchase/Sale of Business,Net / -4,844.0 / -2,562.0
Purchase/Acquisition of Business
Purchase/Sale of Investments,Net / 1,739.0 / -3,221.0
Purchase of Investments
Purchase of Long Term Investments
Sale of Investments
Sale of Long Term Investments
Other Investing Changes,Net / 167.0 / 278.0
Cash Flow from Investing Activities / -3,316.0 / -6,166.0
Issuance/Payments of Debt,Net / -268.0 / 3,250.0
Issuance/Payments of LT Debt,Net
Payments to Settle Long Term Debt
Proceeds or Issuance of Long Term Debt
Issuance/Payments of ST Debt,Net
Issuance/Payments of Common Stock,Net / -672.0 / -2,677.0
Payments for Common Stock
Proceeds or Issuance of Common Stock
Cash Dividends Paid / -278.0 / 0.0
Other Financing Changes, Net / 8.0 / 4.0
Cash Flow from Financing Activities / -1,210.0 / 577.0
Cash, Equivalents, Start of Period / 13,852.0 / 13,913.0
Cash, Equivalents, End of Period / 12,569.0 / 13,852.0
Change in Cash / -1,283.0 / -61.0
Free Cash Flow / 2,770.0 / 4,852.0
Effect of Exchange Rate Changes / -40.0 / 1.0

The key ratios of Dell, Inc. are show below:

The different ratios of DELL Incorporated
Gross Margin / 20.16 / 23.62
Pre-Tax Margin / 2.8 / -5.79
Net Profit Margin / 2.36 / -6.38
5 Yr Gross Margins (5-Year Avg.) / 19.5 / 23.13
5Yr Pre Tax Margin (5-Year Avg.) / 5.3 / 4.74
5 Yr Net Profit Margins (5-Year Avg.) / 4.2 / 3.37
Debt/Equity Ratio / 0.38 / 0.68
Current Ratio / 1.18 / 1.19
Quick Ratio / 0.95 / 0.82
Interest Coverage / 7.33 / -9.29
Leverage Ratio / 4.25 / 3.95
Book Value/Share / 6.13 / 8.83
Return On Equity / 13.05 / -24.06
Return On Assets / 2.98 / -6.77
Return On Capital / 6.3 / -13.44
Return On Equity (5-Year Avg.) / 39.2 / 12.5
Return On Assets (5-Year Avg.) / 7 / 4.25
Return On Capital (5-Year Avg.) / 23 / 9.18
Income/Employee / 12,030.55 / -23,694.07
Revenue/Employee / 508,742.14 / 375,031.77
Receivable Turnover / 8.44 / 6.12
Inventory Turnover / 29.33 / 14.8
Asset Turnover / 1.26 / 1.06

•List and explain at least 2 specific challenges that the competitor company's managers may face when trying to improve these ratios

Please provide references.