
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)

Other authors writing in English (Br-)

Daniel Braben

(U College London, Emeritus)


Braben, Daniel. Promoting the Planck Club. 2014.

Adam Brace


Brace, Adam. Stovepipe. Drama. Prod. National Theatre / High Tide, 2009.

Michael Bracewell


Bracewell, Michael. England Is Mine: Pop Life in Albion from Wilde to Goldie. London: HarperCollins, 1997.


Von Bulow, Cosima. "Saint Rachel, by Michael Bracewell." Literary Review Feb (1995): 44.*

Hugh Henry Brackenridge (1746-1816)


Brackenridge, Hugh Henry. Modern Chivalry. Satirical prose. 1792-1815.

Lady Elizabeth Brackley


Ezell, Margaret. "'To Be Your Daughter in Your Pen': The Social Functions of Literature in the Works of Lady Elizabeth Brackley and Lady Jane Cavendish." Huntington Library Quarterly 51 (1988): 281-96.

Mary Elizabeth Braddon (1837-1915)


Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. Lady Audley's Secret. Ed. David Skilton. Oxford: Oxford UP.


Onslow, Barbara. Presswomen: A Fifth State. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000. (19th c.: George Eliot, Anna Maria Hall, Mary Braddon, Charlotte Yonge).

Laurence Braddon


Braddon, Laurence. To Pay Old Debts with New Taxes. Pamphlet. 1723.

John Bradford


Bradford, John. Two Notable Sermons Made by That Worthy Martyr of Christ Master John Bradford. Preface by Thomas Sampson. London, 1574.

William Bradford (1590-1657)


Bradford, William. Of Plymouth Plantation. 1630.

_____. Of Plymouth Plantation. New York: Random House, 1981.


Carbone, Steven A., II. "William Bradford, the Puritan Ethic, & the Mayflower Compact." Inquiries Journal 2.11 (2010): 1-2.



Goldberg, Jonathan. "Bradford's 'Ancient Members' and 'A Case of Buggery . . . Amongst Them." In Nationalisms and Sexualities. Ed. Andrew Parker, Mary Russo, Doris Sommer, and Patricia Yaeger. New York: Routledge, 1992.

Gómez-Galisteo, M. Carmen. Early Visions and Representations of America: Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca's Naufragios and William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation. New York, London, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsbury, 2013.

Grabo, Norman S. "William Bradford: Of Plymout Plantation." In Landmarks of American Writing. Ed. Hennig Cohen. Washington: Voice of America (Forum Series), 1969.*

Moore, Betty. "The Maypole at Merry Mount: An Example of the Historical Potential." (Bradford). ES 12 (1982): 251-82.

Barbara Taylor Bradford


Bradford, Barbara Taylor. A Woman of Substance. Novel.

_____. Hold the Dream. Novel. HarperCollins.

David Bradley (USA)


Bradley, David. "Novelist Alice Walker: Telling the Black Woman's Story." New York Times Magazine 8 January 1984: 25-37.


Benito, Jesús. "David Bradley's The Chaneysville Incident: The Narrator as Historian." In Onega, Telling Histories: Narrativizing History, Historicizing Literature. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995. 181-91.*

Marion Zimmer Bradley


Bradley, Marion Zimmer. The Shattered Chain. New York DAW Books, 1976.

_____. The Mists of Avalon. Novel series. 1983.

_____. Las nieblas de Avalon.

_____. "Darkover" 14 + novel series. 1970s.

_____. The Firebrand. Novel.

_____. The Forest House. Novel. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1995.

_____. "Responsibilities and Temptations of Women Science Fiction Writers." In Women Worldmakers: New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ed. Jane B. Weedman. Lubbock: Texas Tech P, 1985. 25-42.*

_____. "Men, Halflings, and Hero Worship." In Understanding The Lord of the Rings: The Best of Tolkien Criticism. Ed. Rose A. Zimbardo and Neil D. Isaacs. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2004. 76-92.


Aldiss, Brian, and David Wingrove. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction. London: Gollancz, 1986.

_____. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction. London: Paladin, 1988.*

Hornum, Barbara. "Wife/Mother, Sorceress/Keeper, Amazon/Renunciate: Status Ambivalence and Conflicting Roles on the Planet Darkover." In Women Worldmakers: New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ed. Jane B. Weedman. Lubbock: Texas Tech P, 1985. 153-64.* (Marion Zimmer Bradley).

Wood, Diane S. "Gender Roles in the Darkover Novels of Marion Zimmer Bradley." In Women Worldmakers: New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ed. Jane B. Weedman. Lubbock: Texas Tech P, 1985. 237-46.*

Martha Bradley


Bradley, Martha. The British Housewife. The Cook, Housekeeper and Gardiner's Companion. 6 vols. 1756. Vol. 1, introd. Gilly Lehmann. Prospect, 1996.

Mary Wilhemina Hastings Bradley


Bradley, Mary Wilhemina Hastings Alice in Jungle Land. Memoir.

Henry Bradshaw (d. 1513)

(b. Cheshire; st. Gloucester College, Oxford; Benedictine)


Bradshaw, Henry. Life of St. Werburgh. Poem. pre-1500.


Hazlitt, William. "Henry Bradshaw." In The Lives of the British Poets. London: Nathaniel Cooke, 1854. 1.114.*

Anne Bradstreet (1612?-1672)


Bradstreet, Anne. The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America. London, 1650.

_____. Several Poems Compiled with great variety of Wit and Learning. Boston, 1678.

_____. The Tenth Muse (1650) and, from the Manuscripts: Meditations Divine and Morall, Together with Letters and Occasional Pieces. Facsimile ed. Introd. J. K. Piercey. Gainesville: Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, 1965.

_____. The Works of Anne Bradstreet. Ed. Jeannine Hensley. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press, 1967.

_____. The Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet. Ed. J. R. McElrath and A. P. Robb. Boston: Twayne, 1981.


Di Santo, Margherita. "Spunti di modernità nella poesia di Anne Bradstreet." Cuadernos de Literatura Inglesa y Norteamericana 1.2 (1996): 25-32.*

Duke, Maurice, Jackson R. Bryer, and M. Thomas Inge. American Women Writers: Bibliographical Essays. Westport (CT): Greenwood, 1983.

Kitis, Eliza. "Construction of an Identity: The Significance of Sui-Referential Markers in Bradstreet's 'The Flesh and the Spirit'." Gramma 3 (1995): 27-40.*

Martin, Wendy. "Anne Bradstreet's Poetry: A Study of Subversive Piety." In Shakespeare's Sisters. Ed. Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1979. 19-31.

_____. An American Tryptich: Anne Bradstreet, Emily Dickinson, and Adrienne Rich. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1984.

Mawrer, Randall R. From "'Farewell Dear Babe': Bradstreet's Elegy for Elizabeth." Early American Literature (Spring 1980): 29-41. Rpt. in The Critical Perspective: Volume 3: Elizabethan-Caroline. Ed. Harold Bloom. (The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism). New York: Chelsea House, 1986. 1630-34.*

Richardson, Robert D., Jr. From "The Puritan Poety of Anne Bradstreet." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Fall 1967): 317-31. Rpt. in The Critical Perspective: Volume 3: Elizabethan-Caroline. Ed. Harold Bloom. (The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism). New York: Chelsea House, 1986. 1625-30.*

Walker, Cheryl. The Nightingale's Burden: Women Poets and American Culture before 1900. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1982.

White, Elizabeth Wade. From "The Tenth Muse—A Tercentenary Appraisal of Anne Bradstreet." William and Mary Quarterly (July 1951): 355-75. Rpt. in The Critical Perspective: Volume 3: Elizabethan-Caroline. Ed. Harold Bloom. (The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism). New York: Chelsea House, 1986. 1620-25.*

Internet resources

"The Prologue." In Anne Bradstreet Poems Summary and Analysis - Gradesaver



Joan Brady


Brady, Joan. Theory of War. Novel. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1994. Whitbread Prize.

_____. The Impostor.

_____. Prologue.

_____. Death Comes for Peter Pan.

_____. The Emigré. Novel. London: Secker and Warburg, 1999.*

Robert Brady (Caius College, Cambridge)


Brady, Robert (Dr.). A Full and Clear Answer to a Book lately written by Mr. Petyt. 1681.

_____. An Introduction to the Old English History. 1684.


Pocock, J. G. A. "Robert Brady, 1627-1700. A Cambridge Historian of the Restoration." Cambridge Historical Journal 10 (1951).

_____. The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law: A Study of English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1957. (Brady, Petyt).

Caryl Brahms


Brahms, Caryl, and S. J. Simon. A Bullet in the Ballet. Fiction. Introd. Ned Sherrin. London: Hogarth.

_____. No Bed for Bacon. Novel. London, 1941. (On Shakespeare).

_____. No Bed for Bacon. Introd. Ned Sherrin. London: Hogarth, 1986.

Brahms, Caryl, and Ned Sherrin. No Bed for Bacon. Musical comedy, adapted by Ned Sherrin and Caryl Brahms from the latter’s comic novel written with S. J. Simon. 1959.

Cecilia M. Brainard


Otano, Alicia. "Analyzing Child Perspective in Cecilia M. Brainard's When the Rainbow Goddess Wept." In Actas del 25º Congreso AEDEAN, Granada 2001. CD-ROM. Granada: U de Granada: Departamento de Filología Inglesa, 2002.*

John Braine (1922-1986)


Braine, John. Room at the Top. Novel. 1957.

_____. Life at the Top.

_____. Stay With Me Till Morning. Novel. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1970.

_____. The Queen of a Distant Country. Novel. London: Methuen, 1972.

_____. The Pious Agent. Novel. London: Methuen, 1975.

_____. Waiting for Sheila. Novel. London: Methuen, 1976.

_____. Finger of Fire. Novel. London: Methuen, 1977.

_____. One and Last Love. Novel. London: Methuen, 1981.

_____. The Two of Us. Novel. London: Methuen, 1984.

_____. These Golden Days. Novel. London: Methuen, 1985.

_____. Rev. of At Freddie's. By Penelope Fitzgerald. Sunday Telegraph.

Richard Braithwaite (1588-1673)

(b. Burnside, Westmoreland; st. Oriel College, Oxford, and Cambridge, l. Burnside; m. Frances Lawson 1617; Justice of peace, captain, official and poet; wife d. 1633; remarried, l. Appleton, Yorkshire).


Braithwaite, Richard. Anniversaries upon his Panarete.

_____. Essays on the Five Senses. 1635.

_____. Love's Legacy, or Panarete's Blessing to Her Children.

_____. Holy Memorials, or Heavenly Mementos.

_____. The Cardinal Vertues.

_____. The Seven Beatitudes.

_____. Drunken Barnabee's Journal.

_____. Barnabae Itinerarium, or Barnabee's Journal. 7th ed. 1818.

_____. Odes. Lee Priory, 1815.


Hazlitt, William. "Richard Braithwaite." In The Lives of the British Poets. London: Nathaniel Cooke, 1854. 1.276-77.*

Christopher Bram

(US gay writer)


Bram, Christopher. Father of Frankenstein. (On James Whale).


Gods and Monsters. Dir. Bill Condon. Screenplay by Bill Condon, based on Christopher Bram's novel Father of Frankenstein. Cast: Ian McKellen, Brendan Fraser, Lynn Redgrave, Lolita Davidovich, David Dukes, Kevin J. O'Connor. Regent Entertainment, 1998. Spanish DVD: Dioses y monstruos. Madrid: Columbia Tristar Home Video, 1999.*

Ernest Bramah


Bramah, Ernest. Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat. Richards Press; Doubleday, 1928.

_____. "The Malignity of the Depraved Ming-Shu Rears Its Offensive Head." From Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat. In Great English Short Stories. Ed. Lewis Melville and Reginald Hargreaves. London: Harrap, 1931. 863-71.*


Ernest Bramah Bibliography


John Bramhall


Bramhall, John. Defence of True Liberty. In Early Responses to Hobbes. London: Routledge/Thoemmes, 1999.

_____. Bishop Bramhall's Vindication of of Himself and the Rest of the Episcopal Clergy from the Presbyterian Charge of Popery. Ed. with a preface by Samuel Parker. 1672.

Hobbes and Bramhall. Hobbes and Bramhall on Libery and Necessity. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990s.


Eliot, T. S. "John Bramhall." 1927. In Eliot, Selected Essays. 3rd. ed. London: Faber, 1951. 354-62.*

Thomas Brampton (c. 1414)


Brampton, Thomas. Metrical version of the Seven Penitential Psalms. 1414.


Hazlitt, William. "Thomas Brampton." In The Lives of the British Poets. London: Nathaniel Cooke, 1854. 1.82.*

James Bramston (1694?-1744)


Bramston, James. The Art of Politicks, in Imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry. Satire. 1729.



Brand. Popular Superstitions. Ed. W. C. Hazlitt.

Dionne Brand


Kay, Jackie, and Dionne Brand. "Strawberry Train." Poem. In AEDEAN XXX: Proceedings of the 30th International AEDEAN Conference. [Huelva, 2006]. Ed. María Losada Friend et al. Huelva: U de Huelva, 2007.*


González Gándara, Jorge. "Negotiating Ethnicity: Dione Brand's What We All Long for." In New Perspectives on English Studies. [32nd International Conference of AEDEAN, Nov. 2008]. CD-ROM. Ed. Marian Amengual et al. Palma: U de les Illes Balears, 2009.*

Roupakia, Lydia Efthymia. "'Art-iculating' Affective Citizenship: Dionne Brand's What We All Long For." Atlantis 37.1 (June 2015): 31-50. (Multiculturalism).

Max Brand


Brand, Max. Seven Faces. Fiction. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1998.

Marc Brandel


Brandel, Marc. The Mystery of the Kidnapped Whale. Based on the characters created by Robert Arthur. New York: Random House, 1983.

_____. Los tres Investigadores en: Misterio de la ballena secuestrada. (Alfred Hitchcock y Los Tres Investigadores, 35). Trans. Barcelona: Molino, 1985.*

Samuel Brandon


Brandon, Samuel. The Virtuous Octavia. 1598. Ed.R. B. McKerrow, MSR, 1909.

Di Brandt


Brandt, Di. Questions i asked my mother. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1987.

Edward Brathwaite

Brathwaite, Edward. In Alan Bold. Edward Brathwaite. Edwin Morgan. (Penguin Modern Poets 15). Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Beverley Braune


Braune, Beverley. Camouflage. Poetry. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 1998.

Richard Brautigan


Brautigan, Richard. In Watermelon Sugar. New York: Dell, 1973.

_____. The Hawkline Monster. Novel. 1974.

_____. The Tokyo-Montana Express. New York: Dell, 1981.


Chénetier, Marc. Richard Brautigan. 1983.

Pérez Gállego, Cándido. "Richard Brautigan." In Pérez Gállego, Literatura Norteamericana de Hoy. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1977. 149-200.*

Fanny Brawne

(Loved by John Keats)


Brawne, Fanny. Papers in The Romantic Age. 18 vols. database. (English Letters). Intelex / Oxford UP, 2004. (Correspondence and papers from William Blake, Robert Burns, Samuel Wesley, Maria Edgeworth, Sydney Smith, David Ricardo, Robert Southey, Jane Austen, J. M. W. Turner, Edward John Trelawny, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Fanny Brawne From the Oxford UP ed.).



Celia Brayfield


Brayfield, Celia. White Ice. Novel. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1994.

_____. Pearls. Novel. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Jean Binta Breeze (Jamaica/Britain, 1957)


Breeze, Jean Binta. Riddym Ravings and Other Poems. Race Today Publications, 1988.

_____. In The New British Poetry. Ed. Gillian Allnutt et al. London: HarperCollins-Paladin, 1988.

Herbie Brennan


Brennan, Herbie. Faerie Wars. 2003.

_____. El portal de los elfos. Trans. Raquel Vázquez Ramil. Barcelona: Salamandra, 2004. (Trans. of Faerie Wars).

J. H. Brennan


Brennan, J. H. Los engendros del demonio, 1: Lobo de Fuego. Madrid: Alianza.

_____. Los engendros del demonio, 2: Las criptas del terror. Madrid: Alianza.

_____. Los engendros del demonio, 3: El sino de los demonios. Madrid: Alianza.

_____. Los engendros del demonio, 4: El mal antiguo. Madrid: Alianza.

J. Keirn Brennan


Brennan, J. Keirn. "Let the Rest of the World Go By." Song. 1919. Warner Bros. Music.

Maeve Brennan


Brennan, Maeve. The Springs of Affection: Stories of Dublin. London: Flamingo, c. 1999.

Howard Brenton (b. 1942)

(Left-wing British dramatist)