Curriculum Vitae


Professor Emeritus,The University of Tsukuba

Address: 1-1-1 Tennodai Tsukuba Iaraki 305-8577 Japan

Tel: +81-90-6520-6522 Tel +81-50-1018-0031(home)


Homepage URL:

Research themes: 1. Quantitative Analysis of Corporate Mergers

2. Behavioral Analysis of International Joint Ventures

3. Japanese Management

Academic Background:

Thesis Doctor: Doctor of Economics (Business Administration)

Title: A Study of Corporate Merger in Japan, Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya City University, 1988

Doctoral Course of Business Administration, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo, 1975.

Master Course of Industrial Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,NagoyaInstitute of Technology, 1970.

Bachelor Course of Industrial Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, 1968.

Professional Positions:

Senior Lecturer, School of Business, Toyo University, Tokyo 1975-78

Associate Professor, School of Business, Toyo University, 1978-1984

Research Associate, Haas School of Business, University ofCalifornia at Berkeley, 1979-80

Fulbright Visiting Lecturer, Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University, 1981-82

Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Nagoya City University

Australia-Japan Foundation Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Commerce, University of New South Wales,1985-87

Professor, Faculty of Economics, Nagoya City University

FulbrightVisiting Professor, College of Business and Public Administration, University of Missouri at Columbia, 1991

Visiting Professor, Faculty of Commerce, University of New South Wales, 1993

Professor, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University ofTsukuba, 1994-2005

Professor, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering,

University of Tsukuba, 2005-2007

Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba, 2007-present

Professor, Graduate School of Accounting, Aichi University,2007-2015

Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Aichi University,


Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, International Pacific University


Academic Awards:

MalaysianFourTechnologyUniversities League

BestPaper Award,Nov. 2014

The Japanese Associationof Administrative Science

Academy Award for Research, Nov. 2007

The Japanese Associationof Administrative Science

Academy Award for Research, Nov. 2006

Japan Academy of International Business Studies

Best Paper Award, Oct. 2006

Academic Society Affiliations:

The Japanese Association of Administrative Science

President 2006-2008, Adviser 2008-present

Japanese Journal of Administrative Science

Editor-in-Chief, 2002-2006, Managing Editor 2006-present

The Japanese Economy, Associate Editor, 1985-2003

Journal of Financial Management and Analysis: International

Review of Finance, AssociateEditor, 1992-present

Review of Pacific Basin Financial Market and Policies

Associate Editor, 1998-present

Councilor, The Union of National Economic Association in Japan, 2005-present
Councilor, Japan Federation of Management related Academies, 2009-2012

Director, Japan Federation of Management related Academies, 2012-present

Social Activity:
Councilor, Japan-United States Educational Exchange Promotion Foundation (Fulbright Foundation), 2011-2012.

Director, Japan-United States Educational Exchange Promotion Foundation (Fulbright Foundation), 2012-2016.
President, CHUBU Fulbright Alumni Association, 2008-2016

President, Nagoya Fulbright Association, 2012-2016

President, East-West Center Association Japan (Nagoya),


President, East-West Center Association Japan (Tokyo), 2018


1. Corporate Behavior and Organizational Dynamics (in Japanese) (Hakuto Shobo ,1977, 1990, 1997 ) ISBN 4-561-26180-X

2. Theory of Computer Usage (in Japanese) (Hakuto Shobo ,1978 )

ISBN 3034-268340-6915

3. Quantitative Analysis of Corporate Mergers (in Japanese) (Hakuto Shobo ,1981, 1990 )ISBN 4-561-26181-8

4. The Anatomy of Japanese Business (M.E. Sharp Inc. /Croom Helm ,1984 )

ISBN 0-7099-3324-X

5. Many Aspects of Selection (in Japanese) (Shojinsha ,1985 )ISBN 4-915624-00-5

6. Financial Management (in Japanese) (Chuo Keizai-Sha,1985 )ISBN 4-481-30171-6

7. International Business and the Management of Change (Avebury,1990 )

ISBN 1 85628 193 0

8. Merger Analysis of Small and Medium-sized Financial Institution (in Japanese) (Taga Syupan,1992 )ISBN 4-8115-2801-8

Translation in Chinese byLi Yi Kun (Taipei, Taiwan, 1995 ) ISBN 957-99543-7-2

9. International Finance in the New World Order (Pergamon,1995 )

ISBN 0 08 042410 4

10. Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance (JAI Press,1995 )

ISBN 1-55938-737-8

11. Management and International Review: Euro-Asian Management and BusinessII ― Issues in Foreign Subsidiary and National Management (Springer, 1995) Brij N. Kumar ed. ISBN 978-3-409-13255-8

12. Elementary Business Administration (in Japanese) (Eisosha,1998 )

ISBN 4-900720-8

13. M & A Investment by Value Management (in Japanese) (Chuo Keizai-Sha,2001 )

ISBN 4-502-35704-9

14. Diagnosis of Business Paradigm Shift: Proposal for New Business System (in Japanese) (Doyukan,2002 )ISBN 4-496-03412-3

15. Collaborative Research in Financial Services and Administrative Science (Evergreen Publishing,2007 )ISBN0-9750961-4-1

16. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets: Integration, Innovation and Challenges (Elsevier,

2008 ) ISBN 978-0-7623-1471-3

17. Selected Papers Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the JAAS (Japanese Association of Administrative Science) (Evergreen Publishing,2008 )


18. Collaborative Research in Applied Statistics, Quantitative Finance and Economics (Evergreen Publishing, 2009 )ISBN 978-1-921473-85-2

19. Collaborative Research in Electronic Healthcare-Computer IntensiveTimeSeries, Pharmacy Informatics and Bioinformatics (Evergreen Publishing, 2009)

ISBN 978-1-921473-98-2

20. A Study of Corporate Mergers in Japan: Empirical Studies by Accounting Data (VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2011)ISBN: 978-3-639-37385-1

21. The Anatomy of Japanese Business, (Routledge Library Editions: Japan, 2011)

ISBN: 978-0-415-59188-1

22. Handbook of Administrative Science, (in Japanese) (Chuo Keizai-Sha, 2011)

ISBN 978-4-502-68750-1

23. Transition in Japanese Employment Model: Causes and consequences of changes in the Japanese employment model in the post economic bubble era,

Hamid Hassan and Yasuo Hoshino(Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013)

ISBN: 978-3-659-44422-7

24. International Green Marketing and Retail Companies,

Nurul Zarirah Nizam and Yasuo Hoshino (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016)

ISBN: 978-3-659-85706-5

25. Performance of ICT Companies in ASEAN and East Asia,

Mohd Fazli Mohd Sam and Yasuo Hoshino, (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016)

ISBN: 978-3-659-90685-5

26. Entry Mode Strategies and International Performance,

Yasuo Hoshino and Kais Ben Yousself, (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016)

ISBN: 978-3-659-91382-2

27. Subsidiary Network and Location on Multinational Performance,

Yasuo Hoshino and Ilian Petrov Somlev (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016)

ISBN: 978-3-659-92824-6

28. The Performance of Japanese Direct Investment in Four ASEAN Countries,

Yasuo Hoshino and Pimonwan Mahujchariyawong(Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016) ISBN: 978-3-659-94528-1

29 Japanese FDI in the USA and Latin America: OLI advantages, Entry and Performance, Yasuo Hoshino and Cristian Vega-Cespedes (Lambert Academic Publishing 2016) ISBN:978-3-650-06625-5

30Firm Size, R&D and Performance of Japanese and Thai Firms, Yasuo Hoshino and

Paiboon Archarungroj(Lambert Academic Publishing 2016)ISBN:978-3-650-06625-5

31Performance of Japanese Foreign Investments in NAFTA, Europe and NIEs, Mourad Monsour and Yasuo Hoshino(Lambert Academic Publishing 2016) ISBN: 978-3-659-97796-1

32Long Term Return Reversals in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, P.S.M. Gunaratne, Yasuhiro Yonezawa and Yasuo Hoshino (Lambert Academic Publishing 2017)ISBN:978-3659920806


1.A Note on Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Macro Models,(refereed) Japan Economic Research Center Japan Economic Research,Yasuo Hoshino, 1974, 3, 67-80

2.A Study of Oligopolistic Corporate Behavior-Product Life Cycle and Oligopoly (in Japanese), Tokyo University Economic Studies, Yasuo Hoshino, 1974, 17, 14-26

3.An Ecological Model of Organizations-Various Types of Nonlinear Dynamics and Stability (in Japanese), (refereed),Organizational Sciences, Yasuo Hoshino, 1974, 8 / 4 , 51-60

4.Break Even Point Analysis and Merginal Analysis -A note for Unification- (in Japanese), Toyo University, Journal of Business Administration, Yasuo Hoshino, 1975, 1, 63-76

5.A Study of Corporate Model -An Empirical and Theoretical Study of A Motor Corporation- (in Japanese), Toyo University, Journal of Business Administration, Yasuo Hoshino, 1975, 2, 77-106

6.Cost Reduction by Learning Curve (in Japanese), Toyo University, Journal of Business Administration, Yasuo Hoshino, 1975, 3, 117-134

7.Corporate Sizes and Pateto Distribution (in Japanese), Toyo University, Journal of Business Administration, Yasuo Hoshino, 1976, 4, 41-59

8.Simulator for FACOM331 by MELCOM1101 (in Japanese), Toyo University, Journal of Business Administration, Yasuo Hoshino, 1976, 5, 143-198

9.An Optimum Control of Organizational Behavior (in Japanese), Toyo University, Research Report of Business Research Institute, Yasuo Hoshino, 1976, 1, 55-68

10.A Measurement of Multinational Corporations and Pareto Distribution (in Japanese), Toyo University, Journal of Business Studies, Yasuo Hoshino, 1977, 6, 55-70

11.A Measurement of Corporate Sizes and Pateto Distribution (in Japanese), Toyo University, Journal of Information Sciences, Yasuo Hoshino, 1977, 5, 13-25

12.Dynamic Analysis of Organization (in Japanese), Toyo University, Research Report of Business Research Institute, Yasuo Hoshino, 1977, 2, 49-64

13.Analysis of Organizational Dynamics by the Formation of Statistical Dynamics (in Japanese), Toyo University, Journal of Business Administration, Yasuo Hoshino, 1977, 6, 157-175

14. A Quantitative Analysis of the Performance of Corporate Mergers (in Japanese), Toyo University, Journal of Business Administration, Yasuo Hoshino, 1977, 8, 67-160

15.An Analysis of Corporate Socioeconomic Indicators (in Japanese), , Research Institute,Yasuo Hoshino, 1978, 3, 85-144

16.An Analysis of Financial Ratios by Multivariate Analysis (in Japanese), Toyo University, Journal of Information Sciences, Yasuo Hoshino, 1978, 6, 21-44

17.An Analysis of the Differences of the Effects of Corporate Mergers before and after Mergers (in Japanese), Toyo University, Journal of Business Studies, Yasuo Hoshino, 1978, 7, 47-66

18.A Development of Organizational Dynamics by the Theory of Catastrophe (in Japanese), Toyo University, Journal of Business Administration, Yasuo Hoshino, 1978, 9, 43-70

19.A Quantitative Analysis of Corporate Mergers (in Japanese),Toyo University, Journal of Business Administration, Yasuo Hoshino, 1978, 10, 35-103

20.An Analysis of Corporate Mergers Based on Financial Data (in Japanese), Toyo University, Research Report of Business Research Institute, Yasuo Hoshino, 1979, 4, 1-292

21.The Performance of Corporate Mergers in Japan, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, (refereed), Yasuo Hoshino, 1982, 9 / 2 , 153-165

22.Corporate Mergers in Japan, Toyo University, Business Research Institute, Yasuo Hoshino, 1983, 1, 1-154

23.An Analysis of Mergers in the Credit Associations (in Japanese), Special Research Bulletin of Toyo University, Yasuo Hoshino, 1984, 401-424

24.Corporate Bankruptcy in Japan, Management International Review, (refereed), Yasuo Hoshino, 1984, 24 / 2, 70-77

25.An Analysis of the Performance of Mergers in the Credit Associations (in Japanese)

Oikonomika, Yasuo Hoshino, 1985, 21 / 2-3-4, 379-393

26.An Analysis of the Differences between Merging and Nonmerging Credit Associations (in Japanese), Corporate Accounting, Yasuo Hoshino, 1985, 37 / 10, 129-135

27.An Analysis of the Performance of Takeovers in Australia by Nonparametric Statistics (in Japanese), Corporate Accounting, Yasuo Hoshino, 1986, 38 / 5 , 118-126

28.Characteristics of Japanese Corporations with Manufacturing Facilities in Australia

Bulletin of Australian Studies, Yasuo Hoshino, Terrence J. Byfield, 1986, 12, 95-114

29.On the Take-over Effects of the Australian Enterprises Characterized by Frequent Take-over Bids (in Japanese), Accounting, Yasuo Hoshino, 1986, 130 / 2, 213-225

30.A Comparative Analysis of Australian and Japanese Companies in Australian Electronic Manufacturing Industry,Oikonomika, Yasuo Hoshino, David A. Varvel, 1987, 23 / 3 , 4,25-44

31.An Analysis of Mergers among the Credit Associations in Japan, International Review of Economics and Business, (refereed), Yasuo Hoshino, 1988, 35 / 2 , 135-156

32. The Performance of Corporate Takeovers in Australia, Commemorative Proceedings for the Retirement of Professor Osamu Aoki,Yasuo Hoshino,1988, 53-73

33.A Quantitative Analysis of Mergers among Credit Cooperatives (in Japanese), Oikonomika, Yasuo Hoshino, 1989, 26 / 2, 75-98

34.A Quantitative Analysis of Mergers among Credit Associations -An Extended Version- (in Japanese),Oikonomika, Yasuo Hoshino, 1990, 27 / 2 , 1-24

35.A Quantitative Analysis of the Performance of Mergers among Credit cooperatives and Credit Associations (in Japanese), The Norinchukin Bank Research Center New Research Series of Cooperative Financial Institutions, Yasuo Hoshino, 1990, 2, 1-72

36.An Questionnaire Survey of Mergers by Chairmen of Credit Cooperatives and Members of National Union of Credit Associations and Credit Cooperatives (in Japanese), Oikonomika, Yasuo Hoshino, 1991, 27 / 3-4 , 55-76

37.An Analysis of Mergers among Credit Associations in Japan: An Extended Version,

Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Business Studies, Yasuo Hoshino, 1992, 47-54

38. An Empirical Study of Merger Effects in Agricultural Cooperatives in Japan, Gifu Prefecture, Research Report of Agricultural Cooperative Union, No.18, (in Japanese), 1992, 1-35.

39.Start of Part Time Graduate School- A case of Nagoya City University (in Japanese),

Economics Education (Keizaigaku Kyouiku), Yasuo Hoshino, 1993, 12, 53-58

40.An Analysis of Mergers between Credit Associations and Credit Cooperatives in Japan, Proceedings of the Third International Conference of International Trade and Finance Association, Yasuo Hoshino, 1993, 527-551

41.The Performance of Merging U.S. Credit Unions, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of North American Economic and Finance Association, (refereed), Yasuo Hoshino, 1993, 1-14

42.The Performance of Charterd Bank Acquisitions in Canada, Oikonomika, Yasuo Hoshino, 1993, 30 / 1, 1-15

43.A Statistical Test for Measuring the Performance of Mergers among U.S. Credit Unions, Journal of Financial Management and Analysis: International Review of Finance,(refereed), Yasuo Hoshino, 1993, 6 / 2, 6-11

44. The Merger Effects of Japanese Agricultural Cooperatives as Small and Medium-sized Financial Institutions, New Management Concepts And Changing Managerial Roles in Euro-Asia Business, Proceedings of Xth Annual Conference of the Euro-Asia Management Studies Association, Nurnberg-German, (refereed), Yasuo Hoshino,1993, 23-53

45.The Performance of Mergers of Japanese Agricultural Cooperatives, (refereed), Management International Review, Yasuo Hoshino, 1995, 35 / Special Issue, 131-144

46.The Degree of Success of Japanese Joint Ventures in China (in Japanese), Review of Business Administrative Behavior, Zhang Ligun and Yasuo Hoshino, 1995, 10 / 2 , 37-48

47.Merger Effect of Credit Associations in Japan (in Japanese), Community Financial Service Research Paper, Yasuo Hoshino, 1996, 2, 7-19

48.Investing Ratio and Business Performance of the Third Sector in Japan (in Japanese),(refereed), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Toru Nishikido and Yasuo Hoshino, 1998, 12 / 1, 1-12

49.The Impact of Firm Size on Export Performance and Attitude: An Empirical Study on Thailand Exporter,(refereed), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Paiboon Archarungroj and Yasuo Hoshino, 1998, 12 / 2 , 79-88

50.The Performance of Merger among Banks (in Japanese), Bulletin of Tokyo Kasei Gakuin Tsukuba Woman's University, Yasuo Hoshino, 1999, 3, 65-76

51.Performance of Japanese Overseas Subsidiaries: The Effects of Entry Mode and Ownership Advantages, (refereed), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Pimonwan Siripaisalpipat and Yasuo Hoshino, 1999, 13 / 1 , 19-32

52.Firm Size and R & D on Profitability: An Empirical Analysis on Japanese Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, (refereed), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Paiboon Archarungroj and Yasuo Hoshino, 1999, 13 / 2, 71-86

53.Entry Mode and Performance of Foreign Companies in Japan (in Japanese), (refereed), Organizational Science, Yasuo Hoshino and Shinichiro Takabayashi, 1999, 32 / 3 , 65-75

54.Mergers among Financial Institutions: Credit Associations and Banks (in Japanese),

Community Financial Service Research Paper, Yasuo Hoshino, 2000, 4, 22-36

55.Firm-specific Advantages, Entry Modes, and Performance of Japanese FDI in Thailand,(refereed), Japan and the World Economy, Pimonwan Siripaisalpipat and Yasuo Hoshino, 2000, 12 / 1 , 33-48

56.Further Study on the Performance of Mergers among Credit Associations in Japan,

The Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference in Management Science, Tamkang University, Yasuo Hoshino, 2000, 253-270

57. Firm-specific Factors, Shareholding Structure and Corporate Performance: The Case of Japanese Manufacturing Investment in Europe,Best Papers Proceedings 2000, the Annual Conference, (refereed), Association of Japanese Business Studies, Oiso, Kanagawa, Japan, Mourad Mansour and Yasuo Hoshino,2000, 170-184

58.The Effects of Social Performance Measures on Financial Performance in Multi-Divisional and Multi-Subsidiary System Organizations (in Japanese), (refereed), Journal of Business Management, Noriko Hoshi, YasuoHoshino and Yasuhiro Monden,2000, 6, 17-30

59.Entry Strategy in the View of Network Relationship and Stability of Japanese Manufacturing Affiliates in 4 ASEAN Countries, Best Papers Proceedings 2000, the Annual Conference, Association of Japananese Business Studies, Oiso, Kanagawa, Japan, Pimonwan Siripaisalpipat and Yasuo Hoshino, 2000, 261-275

60.The Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Taiwanese Corporations, (refereed), Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Yeh, Tsung-ming and Yasuo Hoshino, 2000, 3 / 2 , 183-199

61.Ownership Structure, Board, Bank Control and Shareholders' Wealth: From Evidence of Japanese Acquirers, Proceedings of Ninth Annual Meeting of Nippon Finance Association, Yeh, Tsung-ming and Yasuo Hoshino, 2001, 182-196

62.Effects of Ownership and Internalization Advantages on Performance: The Case of Japanese Subsidiaries in the United States and Latin America, (refereed), Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Cristian Vega-Cespedes and Yasuo Hoshino, 2001, 4 / 1, 69-94

63.Shareholders' Wealth, Bank Control, and Large Shareholders: An Analysis of Japanese Mergers,(refereed), Japan Journal of Finance, Yeh Tsung-ming and Yasuo Hoshino, 2001, 21 / 2 , 150-166

64.Firm-specific Factors, Shareholding Structure and Corporate Performance of the Japanese Manufacturing Investment in Europe,(refereed), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Mourad Mansour and Yasuo Hoshino, 2001,14 / 3 , 117-127

65.Entry Mode Choice of the Japanese MNREs in Europe:Impact of Firm and Industrial Factors, (refereed), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Mourad Mansour and Yasuo Hoshino, 2002, 15 / 3, 231-247

66.The Influence of Investing Securities and Retirement Allowance on Stock Market Valuation (in Japanese), Bulletin of Tokyo Kasei Gakuin Tsukuba Woman's University, Yasuo Hoshino and Kenji Hayashi, 2002, 6, 123-133

67.The Performance of Mergers among Financial Institutions in Japan (in Japanese), Community Financial Service Research Paper, YasuoHoshino, 2002, 6, 14-29

68. Productivity and Operating Performance of Japanese Merging Firm:Keiretsu-related and Independent Mergers, (refereed), Japan and the World Economy, Yeh Tsung-ming, YasuoHoshino, 2002, 14 / 3, 347-366

69.The Impact of M & As on Shareholder Wealth: Evidence from Taiwanese Corporations, (refereed), The Developing Economies, Yeh Tsung-ming and Yasuo Hoshino, 2002, XL / 4, 553-563

70.Further Study on the Performance of Mergers among Credit Associations in Japan,

(refereed), Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Yasuo Hoshino and Stephen J. Turnbull, 2002, 5 / 3, 395-416

71.Effects of Ownership and Internalization Advantages on the Performance: A Comparative Study of Japanese Manufacturing and Service Subsidiaries in the United States and Latin America, (refereed), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Cristian Vega-Cespedes and Yasuo Hoshino, 2002, 16 / 2 , 163-177

72.Effects of Keiretsu Relations on Location, Entry Mode and Performance of Japanese Foreign Subsidiaries in the USA and Latin America, (refereed), Best Paper Proceedings, the 15th Annual Conference of Association of Japanese Business Studies, Cristian Vega-Cespedes and Yasuo Hoshino,2002

73.Ownership and Internalization Advantages Effect on Performance: A Cross-Comparative Study of Manufacturing and Service Subsidiaries in the US and Latin America, (refereed), Proceedings of (AIB )Academy of International Business Southeast Asia and Australia Regional Conference, Cristian Vega-Cespedes and Yasuo Hoshino,2002

74.Entry Model and Performance of Foreign Corporations in Japan (in Japanese), Bulletin of Tokyo Kasei Gakuin Tsukuba Woman's University, Yasuo Hoshino and Yen-Jen Wang, 2003, 7, 179-198

75.Influence of Corporate Culture, Structure and Strategy on Organizational Performance:An Empirical Study of Business Organizations in Sri Lanka, (refereed), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Sriya Kumarasinghe and Yasuo Hoshino, 2003, 16 / 3 , 227-242

76.An Analysis of the Determinants of the Performance of Japanese Manufacturing Investment in NAFTA, Europe and NIEs.,(refereed), Journal of Business Management, Mourad Mansour and Yasuo Hoshino, 2003, 10, 65-82

77.The Choice between Joint Ventures and Wholly Owned Subsidiaries: the Case of Japanese Direct Investment in Europe, (refereed), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Kais Ben Youssef and Yasuo Hoshino, 2003, 17 / 1 , 31-46

78.A Methodological Approach to analyze Adjustments in Capital and Risk:Japanese Banks in Perspective, (refereed), Journal of Financial Management and Analysis, Wenxiu Ma and Yasuo Hoshino, 2003, 16 / 2 , 1-13

79.Director's Remuneration & Bonus and Change of Market Value of Firms -Panel Analysis before and after the Collapse of Bubble Economy- (in Japanese),(refereed), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Kaori Ohmori and Yasuo Hoshino, 2004, 17 / 2, 85-95

80.A Study of Mergers and Alliances in the Airline Industry (in Japanese), (refereed), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Ryoki Nakahashi and Yasuo Hoshino, 2004, 17 / 3 , 139-148

81.A Questionnaire Survey on Corporate Merger, Acquisition, Spin-off and Divestment (in Japanese), Bulletin of Tokyo Kasei Gakuin Tsukuba Woman's University,YasuoHoshino and Tsubasa Aizawa, 2004, 8, 195-210

82. Influence of Location Factors on Establishment and Ownership of Foreign Investments:The Case of the Japanese Manufacturing Firms in Europe, (refereed), International Business Review, Ilian Somlev and Yasuo Hoshino, 2005, 14 / 5 , 577-598

83.Growth and Ownership: Evidence from Foreign Manufacturing Affiliates in Japan,

(refereed), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Lailani L. Alcantara and Yasuo Hoshino, 2005, 18 / 3, 211-222