Ultimate Football Rules and Game Play

Materials Needed: Jerseys, football, scoreboard, cones

The Field/Court: The field or court is a rectangular shape with an end zone line at each end. Game can be played anywhere there is enough open space. Lines may be painted or markers / cones can be put down for sidelines and end zones. If played indoors the sideline is where the remainder of the team plays to help field players advance ball toward their end zone.


Teams will play on the basketball court and use the sidelines for the teammates and the baseline as the end zone.

  1. Teams line up Boy/Girl as best as possible and will wait to begin.
  2. The first 7 players from each sideline will come out onto the court.
  3. Start of the Game: The non-jersey team throws the ball towards the jersey team for a “throw off” to get the game started. Where ever the ball is caught or lands is where the offensive team begins possession.Players may only hold the ball for 5 seconds before a pass must be made, and may not move once they have possession of the ball.
  4. Once ball is caught by the offense the team throws the football to team mates as they are moving down the court toward their designated end zone. They may pass the ball into their sideline for assistance, but the ball must come back out, it cannot be passed down the sideline (Turnover)
  5. Movement of the Ball: The ball may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. Players may not run with the ball. The person with the ball ("thrower") has 5 seconds to throw. The defender guarding the thrower ("marker") counts out the stall count.
  6. Change of Possession: When a pass is not completed (ex: out of bounds, dropped, blocked, intercepted) the defense immediately takes possession where the ball was dropped or intercepted and becomes the offense.
  7. Scoring: Each time the offense completes a pass into the defense's end zone, the offense scores 1 point. Both feet need to be in the end zone at the time of the catch in order to score. If only 1 foot is past the line or momentum carries a player into the end zone, then 1 more pass must be made into the end zone to score. The ball must be caught in the end zone from a pass coming from the field of play – not the sideline.
  8. Continuous Movement: Immediately after a score occurs, the team that scores drops the ball and the opposite team picks up the ball to go the opposite way. Offensive players should always be looking for, and running into open space! Defensive players should play man to man defense, constantly moving to make it harder for the offensive player to be open to catch a pass. Players should be constantly moving unless they have the ball.


  1. There are no sidelines in outdoor ultimate football
  2. Start of the Game: The non-jersey team throws the ball towards the jersey team for a “throw off” to get the game started. Where ever the ball is caught or lands is where the offensive team begins possession. Players may only hold the ball for 5 seconds before a pass must be made, and may not move once they have possession of the ball.
  3. Once ball is caught by the offense the team throws the football to team mates as they are moving down the field toward their designated end zone.
  4. Movement of the Ball: The ball may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. Players may not run with the ball. The person with the ball ("thrower") has 5 seconds to throw. The defender guarding the thrower ("marker") counts out the stall count.
  5. Change of Possession: When a pass is not completed (ex: out of bounds, dropped, blocked, intercepted) the defense immediately takes possession where the ball was dropped or intercepted and becomes the offense.
  6. Scoring: Each time the offense completes a pass into the defense's end zone, the offense scores 1 point. Both feet need to be in the end zone at the time of the catch in order to score. If only 1 foot is past the line or momentum carries a player into the end zone, then 1 more pass must be made into the end zone to score. The ball must be caught in the end zone from a pass coming from the field of play – not the sideline.
  7. Continuous Movement: Immediately after a score occurs, the team that scores drops the ball and the opposite team picks up the ball to go the opposite way. Offensive players should always be looking for, and running into open space! Defensive players should play man to man defense, constantly moving to make it harder for the offensive player to be open to catch a pass. Players should be constantly moving unless they have the ball.

During game play one may NOT:

  • Foul – no body contact; defender may only stand an arms distance away from person with the ball, and may not strip the ball from someone’s hands.
  • Only one defender may guard the offensive player with the ball
  • Pass down the sideline, nor may you score from a sideline pass (indoor rules)
  • Run the ball into the end zone.

Spirit of the Game: Ultimate stresses sportsmanship and fair play. Competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of respect between players, adherence to the rules, and the basic joy of play.