Date: April 10, 2005

Teacher: Dawn Morgan

School: Jeter Elementary

Grade: 2nd grade

Focus (Skill Theme): Throwing and Catching

Sub-Focus: Throwing/catching a Frisbee

Equipment: 13 Frisbees, 1 bucket, 10 hula-hoops, and six poly spots

Protocols: “Go” for start and “Freeze” for stop

Objective: At the end of this lesson students should be able to successfully throw and catch a Frisbee.

Learning Cues: “Throw with force”, “Curl into your body” “Step with same foot”, “Gator hands”

· Go over “Freeze” and “Go” protocols, and enforce them more efficiently during this lesson!

Set Induction: “Today we’re going to work on throwing, but we’re going to use Frisbees instead of balls! Before we get started we need to learn how to hold a Frisbee. First of all, you put the Frisbee in the hand you’ll be throwing with, your index finger to be on top of the Frisbee, the rest of your fingers are curled together underneath (I will be demonstrating this while I’m telling them). When I say go you have 10 seconds to get 2 Frisbees from the bucket, and come back…GO!”

Organizational Formats:

Frisbees will be in 1 bucket

4 cones will set boundaries for today’s activities

Hula-hoops will give the students a target to throw at

Remaining cones will show the students where to stand during different activities.

Content Development:

· Practice gripping the Frisbee, go through the motion of throwing it (I)

“When I say go you have 10 seconds to go stand beside one of the cones in front of a hula hoop. For now all I want you to do is practice gripping the Frisbee, curl it into your chest, and pretend to release it. When you’re pretending to release it, put some force behind it.”

·  Throw to a hill (E)

“Now I want you to throw at the hill, why do you think we are using a hill? Yes that is right so we can get our Frisbees easily. Now make sure that we keep our Frisbees at the area of the hula-hoops. When I say “Go” I want you all to toss a Frisbee anywhere on the hill. Don’t worry about the hula-hoops. You will toss it pick up your second Frisbee and toss that one when I say go and then run to retrieve them both.”

· Throw to a hula-hoop that is on a hill(E)

“Now I want you to stand on your poly spot, and try to throw the Frisbee into the hula hoop. Make sure you’re holding it correctly, remember to curl it into your chest and put a little force behind it. You don’t want to throw it too hard, or you’ll miss your target.”


“This time when you throw it I want you to step forward with the same foot. For example, if you’re throwing with your left arm, you step forward with your left foot”

· Throw to a partner (E)

“To be able to play Frisbee you also need to be able to catch it, so that’s what we’ll be working on now. One way to catch is called “Gator hands”, to do this you put the inside of your wrist together, and form a V with your fingers. When the Frisbee comes to you, you step toward it with Gator hands and “eat” the Frisbee with your hands. I want everyone to try it without a Frisbee. Now, I’m going to divide you into groups, 1 person will throw the Frisbee so the other can practice catching it. Everyone should take turns throwing and catching.”

· Throw to a partner continued (E)

“Now that you have practiced Gator hands you may continue to catch that way, or this next way that I’m going to show you …” (demonstrate a regular catch with the Frisbee).

Culminating Activity:

“Now that we’ve worked on throwing and catching we’re going to play a game! Everyone needs to spread out in the area between the 4 cones. The first person with the Frisbee is going to throw it to someone else who isn’t close to them, after throwing he/she must run to another open area. The person you threw it to will catch the Frisbee; throw it to someone else, and run to another open area. Everyone needs to be ready to catch and throw the whole time because you never know when it might come to you. The object of the game is not to let the Frisbee hit the ground!” “ You all are doing so good with one Frisbee I am going to add in another Frisbee. Remember to work on the special words that we used.”


“Where do your fingers go when you’re throwing the Frisbee?”

“Which leg do you step forward with when you’re throwing the Frisbee?”

“Who can tell me one way to catch the Frisbee?”