Trends and Topics by the Dozen

Virginia Educational Media Association

2007 Shenandoah Spring Regional

  1. Accelerated Reader
  2. FloridaCenter for Reading Research: Accelerated Reader. Retrieved February 28, 2007, from
  3. Everhart, N. (2005). A Crosscultural Inquiry Into Levels of Implementation of Accelerated Reader and Its Effect on Motivation and Extent of Reading: Perspectives from Scotland and England. School Library Media Research Online. Retrieved February 28, 2007, from
  4. Pappas, M. (2004, December). School Libraries Organized by AR or Lexile Scores?Knowledge Quest, 33(2), 69-70.
  1. Boys and Reading
  2. Knowles, E. and Smith, M. (2005). Boys and Literacy: Practical Strategies for Librarians, Teachers, and Parents. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
  3. Sullivan, M. (2003). Connecting Boys With Books. Chicago: ALA.
  4. Horton, R. (2005, December). Boys Are People, Too: Boys and Reading: Truth and Misconceptions. Teacher Librarian, 33 (2), 30-32.
  5., Jon Scieszka. Retrieved February 28, 2007, from
  1. Cataloging
  2. ISBN-13 Are You Ready for ISBN-13? Retrieved February 28, 2007, from (Also possibly helpful--
  3. FRBR—Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records FRBR’s idea: Catalog the work, or the expression of that work, once; let future records for manifestations use, or even link to, the classifications and headings in the work or expression record, “What is FRBR?” Retrieved February 28, 2007, from
  4. Hart, A. (2006, August/September). FRBR and School Libraries. Library Media Connection, 25(1): 28, 30-31.
  5. “AACR3”—the new edition of cataloging rules being prepared for publication in 2008; Resource Description and Access., Retrieved February 28, 2007, from
  1. Collaboration
  2. Baskin, K. (2003, January). Teacher/Librarian Collaboration: What Literature Has to Tell Us. Library Media Connection 21(4), 24-28.
  3. Buzzeo, T. (2002). Collaborating to Meet Standards: Teacher/Librarian Partnerships for K-6. Worthington, OH: Linworth.
  4. Buzzeo, T. (2002). Collaborating to Meet Standards: Teacher/Librarian Partnerships for 7-12. Worthington, OH: Linworth.
  5. Montiel-Overall, P. (2005). Toward a Theory of Collaboration for Teachers and Librarians. School Library Media Research Online. Retrieved March 1, 2007, from
  6. Linking Libraries and Academic Achievement. Retrieved February 28, 2007, from
  1. Copyright
  2. Russell, C. (2004). Complete Copyright: An Everyday Guide for Librarians. Chicago: ALA.
  3. Simpson, C. (2005). Copyright for Schools: A Practical Guide. 4th ed. Worthington, OH: Linworth.
  4. Copyright & Fair Use: StanfordUniversity Libraries. Retrieved March 5, 2007, from
  5. Copyright Crash Course. Retrieved March 5, 2007, from
  1. E-books

a. For a Fee (for General Collection and Professional)

1. Follett offers 2500 e-books, both fiction and nonfiction titles, appropriate for grades K-12, as well as various professional titles

2. Greenwood currently has approximately 300 e-books available which are appropriate for the 9-12 environment, in addition to various professional titles

b. E-books (for Free)

1. The International Children’s Digital Library provides an online library for the world’s children--1612 books written in 38 languages

2. Digital Book Index provides links to over 130,000 e-books, 90,000 of which are free

c. Reference—Gale Virtual Reference Library now offers more than 600 titles online

  1. Evidence-Based Practice
  2. Booth, A. and Brice, A. (Eds.). (2004). Evidence-Based Practice for Information Professionals: A Handbook. London: Facet.
  3. Loertscher, D. V., and Todd, R.J. (2003). We Boost Achievement: Evidence-Based Practice for School Library Media Specialists. Salt Lake City: HiWillow.
  4. School Library Impact Studies, Library Research Service. Retrieved March 1, 2007, from
  5. School Libraries Work! Updated 2006 Edition. Retrieved March 1, 2007, from
  6. Eisenberg, M. B. (2004, March). It’s All About Learning: Ensuring that Students are Effective Users of Information on Standardized Tests. Library Media Connection 22(6), 22-30.
  1. Flexible Access/Scheduling
  2. Buchanan, J. (1991). Flexible Access Library Media Programs. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
  3. Ohlrich, K. B. (2001). Making Flexible Access and Flexible Scheduling Work Today. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
  4. McGregor, J. (2006). Flexible Scheduling: Implementing an Innovation. School Library Media Research Online. Retrieved March 1, 2007, from
  5. Needham, J. (2003, June). From Fixed to Flexible: Making the Journey. Teacher Librarian 30(5), 8-13.
  6. AASL Position Statement on Flexible Scheduling. Retrieved March 1, 2007, from
  1. Graphic Novels
  2. Goldsmith, F. (2005). Graphic Novels Now: Building, Managing, and Marketing a Dynamic Collection. Chicago: ALA.
  3. Gorman, M. (2003). Getting Graphic! Using Graphic Novels to Promote Literacy with Preteens and Teens. Worthington, OH: Linworth.
  4. Lyga, A. A. W., and Lyga, B. (2004). Graphic Novels in Your MediaCenter: A Definitive Guide. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
  5. Kan, K. (2003, April/May). Getting Graphic at the School Library. Library Media Connection, 21(7), 14-19.
  6. Thompson, T. (2007, January). Embracing Reluctance When Classroom Teachers Shy Away from Graphic Books. Library Media Connection 25(4), 29.
  1. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
  2. Dickinson, G. (2006). Achieving National Board Certification for School Library Media Specialists: A Study Guide. Chicago: ALA.
  3. Milam, P. (2005). National Board Certification in Library Media: A Candidate’s Journal. Worthington, OH: Linworth.
  4. National Board of Professional Teaching Standards, Early Childhood through Young Adulthood/Library Media Overview. Retrieved March 1, 2007, from
  5. Milam, P. (2006, October). Now More Than Ever: Why National Board Certification in Library Media is Vital. Library Media Connection 25(2), 24-25.
  1. Virtual Reference Service
  2. Davidsen, S., and Yankee, E. (2004). Web Site Design with the Patron in Mind: A Step-by-Step Guide for Libraries. Chicago: ALA.
  3. Church, A. (2006, November/December). Your Library Goes Virtual: Promoting Reading and Supporting Research. Library Media Connection 25(3), 10-13.

c. RochesterCitySchool Libraries Ask-A-Librarian, Rochester, NY, Email a librarian! Retrieved March 1, 2007, from

d. IM A Librarian: Alexandrian Public Library, Mt. Vernon, IN Instant Message a Librarian for Reference or Homework Help, Retrieved March 1, 2007, from

  1. Wikis and Blogs

a. CHS Library Booktalk Blog Retrieved March 1, 2007, from

  1. Joyce Valenza’s Never Ending Search: A Discussion of Searching, Teaching, and Learning in the 21st Century. Retrieved February 28, 2007, from
  2. McPherson, K. (2006, October). Wikis and Literacy Development. Teacher Librarian 34(1), 67-69.
  3. Ishizuka, K. (2006, September). Come Blog With Me. School Library Journal 52 (9), 22-23.
  4. Linking Libraries and Academic Achievement (Charlie Makela’s blog). Retrieved March 5, 2007, from

Audrey Church