The trial consists of a task, comprising a maximum of fourand a minimum of threeriders
from the same team whoworktogetherto cut four pre-selectedcowsfrom a herd
located in a special containment zone, one at a time in accordancewith the reestablished
order definedby the jury (one per rider) andherdingtheminto a
demarcated zone which is separate from the rest of the herd.
The four team members willperformtheirtasksindividuallywitheachridercuttingone
cow. The otherthree members of the team will help tomaintain the herd in the
containment zone in eachattempt but maynotoverstep the line of the zone
demarcating the action of fellow team members.
Before the competition starts the Chef d’Equipesshouldconfirmthat the cows are duly
As soon as the animal has been cut andherdedoutside the containment line, one or
more ridersmay help the ridertoaccompany the animalto a speciallydefined
Eachteam’scowswillbedulyidentifiedwith a view toavoidinganydoubts. The trial
willonlybecompletedwhen the cut cow is in the demarcated area and the rest are in
the containment zone.
The draw in respect of the neck ring colour of the animalstobe cut willberealisedafter
all of the animals have been herdedinside the containment zone in the presence of
the team leaders of the variousdelegations. A teams’ entry order draw willbealsobe
held for at the same time.
The time limit forcutting a cowwillbethree minutes. Afterthisperiod has elapsed,
competitorswillbedisqualifiedand no points awarded.
The chronometer willbeactivatedwhen the riderwhoshouldundertake the cutting
exercise enters the herdcontainment zone andends as soon as the cow is herdedinto
the establishedlocation.
1. Riding Arena
The cow trial riding arena willcomprise a rectanglewith a minimum size of 80 m. x 30 m.
It shouldbe flat and free of stones or objectswhichcouldendanger the competitors
andconsequentlyprejudice the jury’s assessment of them. It is stronglyrecommended
that a sandysurfacebeused.
The surfacemayalsobegrass or compactedifnottoo hard or slippery.
Appendix 4 contains a map of the riding arena.
2. Classification
Riders are classified on the basis of the time taken to complete the trial plus any
The Cow Trial classificationwillbebased on the points totalawardedto the team riders.
Only the three best resultsachievedby team riderswillcountfor the Team
Points willbeawarded in conformitywith the Points Table (Appendix 1).
The winning team willbe the team with the highestnumber of points.
3. PenaltiesforFaultsCommitted in CowCutting
A 10 s. penalty willbegivenwhenever a cow (otherthan the onebeing cut) oversteps
the containment zone line and a 10 s. penalty willbealsobegivenwheneverone of
the riders different from the onewho’sdoing the test (helper) oversteps the
demarcation line of the respectiveintervention.
Anycowabandoning the herd, ahead of time, must be led back to the containment
4. Safety of HorsesandCattle
A riderwhobehaves in such a manner as toendanger the safety of his/her mount or
the cattlewillbedisqualifiedfor mishandling.
Cattleprodsmayonlybeusedifthey do notinjure the animals. Anysigns of injury or
traces of bloodcausedby the riderwillentail the competitor’sdisqualification.