1. Get brief backgrounds on the guest(s) on the call (use this info to tailor the call):
  2. Where are they from?
  3. What do they do for a living/for work/how do they spend their time?
  4. Why are they on the call? What interests them in this information?
  5. Company Overview
  6. MA was founded in 1992
  7. Based in North Carolina
  8. The entire management team has been together from the time they opened their doors. Do you know any company with that loyalty?
  9. They’ve generated nearly $3.8 billion in accumulated retail sales and have paid out nearly $2.2 billion in profits and commissions to the field. That means they’ve paid out more than 50% of what they’ve earned to us in the field. Is your company that generous?
  10. Do business in US, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, theUK. Our global expansion program has moved us into certain parts of Latin America.Of the 174 countries in the world, we’re only in a handful!
  11. Never lost money from the minute they opened their doors because they are giving people what they want and need right now:
  12. High-quality, market-driven products and services delivered through 1:1 marketing
  13. An online shopping experience that’s so powerful that Amazon is afraid of it
  14. A means of creating either part-time or full-time ongoing income, in your own time and on your own terms
  15. Product Strategy
  16. MA is a product broker. What does that mean?
  17. We don’t rely solely on the sales of any one product, which makes us recession-proof.
  18. We move with the market so that we are always offering products and services in the hottest, biggest industries in the world.
  19. They take the money otherwise spent on advertising and put it into product development and quality assurance.
  20. We offer more than 2,500 products and services. Our largest markets include health & nutrition; weight management; cosmetics; internet services; and many others like financial services, anti-aging and even pet health.
  21. In each major, MA offers products and services that have a huge competitive advantage, provide an unparalleled customer experience and in many cases, we can actually create products that are customized for an individual.
  22. Motives Cosmetics – explain custom foundation
  23. Isotonix Supplements – explain custom supplements
  24. Gene SNP – custom healthcare
  25. Webcenters – explain custom websites
  26. We teach you how to become a professional in an industry of your choice by giving you the tools, training and support necessary to create strong relationships with 10-15 customers. Do you know 10-15 people that want to lose weight, wear costmetics or want to get healthier? If you can provide great service to 10-15 people that want something you’re offering on a regular basis, you can get your piece of these billion dollar industries!
  27. Web Portal Overview
  28. Part of our mission is to revolutionize the way people shop. The tides have changed in the retail world. People are going from brick and mortar to click and order…from standing inline to shopping online.
  29. With the acquisition of shop.com, Market America is the #1 online shopping destination.
  30. Bigger than Amazon – 50 million products and services
  31. What makes our experience so special? People! MA provides the most efficient and friendly online shopping experience anywhere.
  32. Our 4-step process revolutionizes the online experience for our customers:
  33. Search (intuitive, fast search focuses on finding not searching!)
  34. Shop (4,000 partner stores, comparison pricing, 50 million products)
  35. Save (data on sales comes to us in real time, often multiple times per day; get 12,000 deals per week)
  36. Share (when you shop on our web portal, you can earn 2%-50% cashback on your purchases and when you recommend your friends, you get cashback on their purchases too!). You can also share all of our products and services through social networks like Facebook and email – we give you all the tools you need to do that.
  37. Do you know anyone that shops online and would be interested in getting paid to do so? As anunfranchise owner you’ll get your own web portal as part of your start-up costs. This allows you to get your share of tremendous Internet profits!
  38. Compensation
  39. This is a real business and takes between 2-3 years to fully develop. If you want to do it faster, we can show you how to do that.
  40. There are 2 ways that we earn money.
  41. First, you’ll earn retail profits and commissions from your customers, from both online and offline sales.
  42. Profits range from 30%-1,000%
  43. Purchases made through your web portal earn commissions that range from $300-$1500 per week
  44. Second, and probably more important, MA has created a compensation plan that pays you the way rich people do – they earn money on other people’s efforts. This is called leverage and is one of the 3 keys to wealth. (Explain leverage using either a salon, barber shop or real estate agency example)
  45. We’ll work together to help you identify 2 business partners that you’ll work with as a team.
  46. Together, we’ll coach and teach them how to build the business as you are – identifying your product focus, securing 10 customers, shopping through the portal and interviewing for 2 business partners.
  47. You’ll earn 100% credit for every single sale that those two partners generate.
  48. Your commission from being a great student as you learn, and eventually for being a great teacher and leader is anywhere from $300-$1500 per week.
  49. That brings the total commission you can earn from your own unfranchise to between $300-$3600 per week, per unfranchise – and, yes, you can own as many as you’d like! Would $3600 per week solve some problems for you?
  50. Close
  51. There’s so much more to share about MA but for now, I just need you to answer one question for yourself – is there anything that you heard that was of interest to you?
  52. If the answer is NO that’s OK. At minimum, get back together with the person that invited you on the call (tailor depending on who and how many people are on the call) and let him/her teach you how to get paid to shop online.
  53. If the answer is YES -- That’s Great! (book them into a full plan showing). That will answer a lot of the questions you have and begin the process of deciding if we’re a good fit for each other.