Attachment 25

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SW-1 (Rev. 4/17/08) Renewal Waiver:

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Send Original plus one copy to:

Waiver Office, California Department of Education Faxed originals will not be accepted!

1430 N Street, Suite 5602

Sacramento, CA 95814

5 / 6 / 7 / 2 / 5 / 5 / 3
Local educational agency:
Pleasant Valley School District / Contact name and recipient of approval/denial notice:
Linda Peralta – 805-445-8662 / Contact person’s e-mail address:

Address: (City) (State) (ZIP)
600 Temple Avenue Camarillo CA 93010 / Phone (and extension, if necessary):
805 445-8662
Fax number: 805 445-8611
Period of request: (month/day/year)
From: 7-1-2009 To: 6-30-2011 / Local board approval date: (Required)
March 5, 2009


1.  Authority for the waiver: ý Specific code section: EC 60422(C)(1) through (3)
Write the EC Section citation, which allows you to request, or authorizes the waiver of the specific EC Section you want to waive.
Section EC60422(c) The State Board of Education may grant the school district additional time to meet the purchasing requirements of subdivision (a) if the governing board of the school district demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the state board, that all of the following criteria apply to the district:
1.  The school district has implemented a well designed, standards-aligned basic instructional materials program.
2.  The school district, at the time of its request for additional time pursuant to this subdivision, has sufficient textbooks or basic instructional materials for use by each pupil.
3.  The school district has adopted a plan for the purchase of standards-aligned instructional materials in accordance with subdivision (a) but the plan indicated an alternative date for compliance that is declared in the request for additional time.
2.  Education Code section to be waived. EC 60422(a) “24 month” rule for IMFRP adoptions
Curriculum Area: Mathematics and English/Language Arts Grade Levels: K-8 Alternative Date(s) for Compliance: Mathematics to be implemented in 2010-2011 (12 month delay); English/Language Arts to be implemented in 2011-2012 (12 month delay)
3.  Collective bargaining unit information. (Not necessary for EC 56101 waivers)
Does the district have any employee bargaining units? No ý Yes If yes, please complete required information
Bargaining unit(s) consulted on date(s): February 17, 2009
Name of bargaining units and representative(s) consulted: Deborah J. Miller, President
The position(s) of the bargaining unit(s): Neutral ý Support Oppose (Please specify why)
Comments (if appropriate):
4.  Education Code or California Code of Regulations section to be waived.
EC 60422. (a) A local governing board shall use funding received pursuant to this chapter to ensure that each pupil is provided with a standards-aligned textbook or basic instructional materials, as adopted by the State Board of Education subsequent to the adoption of content standards pursuant to Section 60605 for Kindergarten and grades 1 to 8, inclusive, or as adopted by the local governing board pursuant to Sections 60400 and 60411, for grades 9 to 12, inclusive. Pupils shall be provided with standards-aligned textbooks or basic instructional materials by the beginning of the first school term that commences no later than 24 months after those materials were adopted by the State Board of Education
5.  Desired outcome/rationale.
Pleasant Valley School District (PVSD) is requesting a waiver of one year to postpone the adoption of new instructional materials for K-8 Mathematics. This extension necessitates a 12-month extension for K-8 English Language Arts. K-8 Mathematics would be extended from Fall 2009 to Fall 2010 and English Language Arts would be extended from Fall 2010 to Fall 2011. This would extend the use of our current standards-aligned state approved textbooks. This waiver would allow Pleasant Valley School District to address several issues.
Continued on Attachment A
6.  Demographic Information:
For this waiver, Pleasant Valley School District has a K-8 student population of 6,663 and is located in a small city in Ventura County.
Is this waiver associated with an apportionment related audit penalty? (per EC 41344) ý No Yes
(If yes, please attach explanation or copy of audit finding)
Has there been a Coordinated Compliance Review finding on this issue? ý No Yes
(If yes, please attach explanation or copy of CCR finding)
District or County Certification – I hereby certify that the information provided on this application is correct and complete.
Signature of Superintendent or Designee:
/ Title:
Superintendent / Date:

Signature of SELPA Director (only if a Special Education Waiver)

N/A / Date:


Staff Name (type or print): / Staff Signature: / Date:
Unit Manager (type or print): / Unit Manager Signature: / Date:
Division Director (type or print): / Division Director Signature: / Date:
Deputy (type or print): / Deputy Signature: / Date:

Attachment A:

Desired Outcome / Rationale for Waiver (continued)

The additional year will allow the Pleasant Valley School District the necessary time to make the best selection for our student population. The new Mathematics adoption, which includes evaluating core materials, Algebra Readiness materials, and intervention materials for grades 4-8, and planning for the most recent requirement that all eighth grade students be enrolled in Algebra within the next three years, is requiring all of our time and resources. We have not finished selecting our district’s mathematics materials and, if we were to start the process for language arts, one or both programs would not receive the attention required to make the best selection to meet the needs of our students and families. In addition, once new mathematics materials are selected, we need to use existing resources for extensive staff development in order to effectively implement the new materials.

With the uncertainty of the State Budget crisis, we are facing teacher layoff and teacher reassignment, many which could be assigned to grade levels they have never taught, or not taught in awhile. This will make the additional time for the selection process even more critical and also allow for the extensive staff development that these teachers will need to successfully implement our new materials.

1. Responses to the Statutory Criteria for Approval:

Section EC60422(c) The State Board of Education may grant the school district additional time to meet the purchasing requirements of subdivision (a) if the governing board of the school district demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the state board, that all of the following criteria apply to the district:

(1) The school district has implemented a well designed, standards-aligned basic instructional materials program.

The District has systemically implemented a well designed, standards-aligned instructional materials program following the state adoption cycle. For each core textbook adoption, a textbook adoption committee is formed that is responsible to make the final recommendation to the Board for adoption. The committee is made up of teachers from each grade level and administrators. The process for adoption includes reviewing the state standards, analyzing the student population and its past academic performance and needs, reviewing samples from the various textbook companies, narrowing the selection to a maximum of 3 companies, piloting/actually teaching units from the textbooks, and then making a final recommendation to the Board. The process was scheduled to fall within the Education Code requirements and adoption of mathematics textbooks was scheduled for the 2009-2010 school year. However, as explained in the narrative above, the District is requesting a waiver of extension of one year to select the K-8 mathematics textbooks/ instructional materials. The 12- month extension in mathematics necessitates a 12-month extension for English Language Arts to avoid the adoption of textbooks in 2 curricular areas in the same year.

(2) The school district, at the time of its request for additional time pursuant to this subdivision, has sufficient textbooks or basic instructional materials for use by each pupil.

The District currently has sufficient textbooks in all core subject areas: language arts, math, science and social studies that are aligned with the current state standards, and are state adopted/approved. (See attached Board resolution that addresses EC 60119 (attachment B).) While the district is requesting a waiver for an additional year to adopt mathematics materials and a waiver for an additional year the adopt language arts materials, our students will continue to use state-approved, standards-aligned materials. Every student has a copy of core text as well as supplementary materials. Pleasant Valley School District has received no Williams Uniform Complaints regarding textbooks and instructional materials. On March 5, 2009, the Pleasant Valley S.D. Board of Trustees approved the waiver request of the 24-month rule for Instructional Materials Restructuring Program for Mathematics and also Language Arts.

(3) The school district has adopted a plan for the purchase of standards-aligned instructional materials in accordance with subdivision (a) but that plan indicated an alternative date for compliance that is declared in the request for additional time.


·  K-8 teachers will start piloting mathematics materials.


·  K-8 teachers will continue piloting of mathematics materials and selections will be determined.

·  New mathematics materials will be ordered.

·  Introductory staff development will be provided to all K-8 mathematics teachers.

·  K-8 Language Arts adoption process begins.

·  K-8 language arts teachers will preview new materials.

·  K-8 language arts teachers will start the piloting process.


·  Implement new mathematics materials K-8

·  Extensive staff development for the implementation of new mathematics materials.

·  K-8 language arts teachers will continue piloting process and make selection.

·  New language arts materials will be ordered.

·  Introductory staff development will be provided to all K-8 language arts teachers.


·  Implement new language arts materials K-8

·  Extensive staff development for the implementation of new language arts materials, K-8

II. Assessment information: STAR results in the particular subject matters.

III. Summary Rationale: Request for an Alternative Date of Compliance for EC 60422(a)

·  Using our current standards-aligned Mathematics and English language arts materials, most of our students are meeting or exceeding grade level standards as measured by the CST’s in Mathematics and Language Arts. Using our current materials for an additional year will not hinder the progress of student achievement. In addition, all 11 of our schools’ API scores are above 800, with 2 schools scoring over 900, again demonstrating achievement with our current math and language arts programs.

·  During the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 school years, Pleasant Valley School District (PVSD) needs to focus on the selection of our mathematics selection and begin introductory staff development, especially with teacher layoff and redistribution of grade levels due to the current State of California’s budget crisis and its effect on our district.

·  Fall of 2010 will be the implementation of the new mathematics adoption and extensive staff development of our teachers to successfully complete the implementation.

·  During the 2010-2011 school year, Pleasant Valley School District will start its adoption process for the adoption of the language arts materials with full implementation in 2011-2012.