I don't need to be a follower in order to be accepted. I am who I am.

Just Because

© Angie Flores

Just because I have never done drugs, doesn't mean I'm not cool.
Just because I am a virgin, doesn't make me lame.
Just because I'm not a fighter, doesn't mean I'm weak.
Just because I am not a party girl, doesn't mean I can't hang.
Just because I get good grades, doesn't mean I'm a nerd.
Just because teachers like me, doesn't mean I am teachers pet.
Just because I am not a rebel, doesn't mean I'm scared.
Just because I am quiet, doesn't mean I don't speak up for what I believe in.
Just because I have morals, doesn't make me a good two shoes.
Just because I walk away from trouble, doesn't make me a pushover.
Just because I think before I act, doesn't make me a loser.
I am who I am and this is who I shall forever be. I do not care what others think of me. Like me or not that is your choice. Accept me for who I am

Source: Accept Me For Who I Am Poem, Just Because, Poem about Teens
Best Teen Poems

Just because I’m a guy
Just because I’m a guy,
Doesn’t mean I’m not sensitive,
Doesn’t mean I’m strong and threatening,
Doesn’t mean I’m failing all my classes,
Doesn’t mean I’m always so slovenly,
Doesn’t mean I can’t have a broad vocabulary,
And doesn’t mean I play COD all day.
Just because I’m a guy,
Doesn’t mean I can’t be a computer nerd,
Doesn’t mean I can’t be cool and a computer nerd,
Doesn’t mean I can’t be in a good relationship with anyone that lasts more than a month,
Doesn’t mean I have to be in one,
Doesn’t mean I’m not shy,
Doesn’t mean I watch NFL all day,
And definitely doesn’t mean I can’t watch My Little Ponies : Friendship is Magic.
Just because I’m a guy,
Doesn’t mean I have to be popular,
Doesn’t mean I want to be popular at all,
Doesn’t mean I’m friends with everyone in the school,
And doesn’t mean my friends are just wannabe me’s.
Just because I’m a guy,
Doesn’t mean you can boss me around or base me off of stereotypes.

Source: Accept Me For Who I Am Poem, Just Because, Poem about Teens
Best Teen Poems