Caulfield School of Information Technology

Postgraduate Student/Staff Meeting No. 1, Semester 1, 2013

Minutes of Caulfield School of Information Technology Postgraduate Student Staff Meeting held on 9th April 2013, 11.30am





Voula Apos

Michelle Ketchen

Chris Ling

Rob Meredith

Campbell Wilson

Steve Wright


Arinjoy Biswas

Jeff Chen

Mohsen Faryabi

Haley Heo

Ishita Nautiyal

Susmit Nayak

Ivan Yososaputro


Michael Morgan

Judy Sheard

Grace Rumantir


Annelie De Villiers


Campbell Wilson opened the meeting at 11.30am and welcomed all to the first meeting.

Arinjoy (MIT Professional)

FIT5171 -System validation and verification, quality and standards.
The lecturer experienced technical difficulty with video conferencing between Clayton and Caulfield campus. Technical difficulty did take up most of the lecture time. Students felt that a 1 hour tutorial is not long enough for this unit. Students feel that they don’t get enough contact time with the tutors for assignments. The lecturer’s consultation times are only offered at Clayton. Student would like consultation times offered at the Caulfield campus.
Action: Technical problems have been resolved in regards to video conferencing between campuses. The class prior has been moved to allow the lecturer to set up earlier without causing delay or disruption to the lecture. It is recommended that in the first instant the lecturer should be approached directly about issues relating to the unit. The school will forward feedback to the lecturer in this instance.

FIT5168 Semi-structured data management.
Students attending the lecture seem to run out of seats. Students that come in late disrupt the lecture to find an available seat. Some even sit in the aisle.
Action: School to check room capacity and enrolment numbers for this unit.
Response: There are no other large lecture theatres available on campus. The lecturer has been informed of this issue and will take note to ask students to sit closer together, not leaving too many gaps between their seats.

Building H registration.
Students have experience delays in getting access to building H after hours. Some students feel that there is not enough information given about the registration system.
Action: School to follow up with Campus Security.
Response: Security doesn’t seem to be aware of any issue with the registration process. Most students tend to go the security office if their card does not work after 3 days. To avoid any upset to students, Security have advised that students who have applied for access have proof of registration on them to show the security officer on duty. The officer will provide the appropriate access to the student. Postgraduate students are able to register for access to building H up to level 2 only. Building registration information is given to students when they first enrol. Students may also visit the following website for more information.

Haley – (MBIS Professional)
Library computers.
Students are using desks with a computer as study space and are not using the computers. Broken chairs in the postgraduate lounge in building H.
Action. School will forward feedback to the library and campus facilities and services in this instance. It is recommended that student feedback representatives remember to redirected students to the appropriate channels as per student feedback representative information pack.

Jeff (MBIS)
FIT5157 - Services science.
Students feel that assignment structure is not fair. Assignment 1 requires 3 students to work in a group, however assignment 2 requires to only have 2 students in the group. Students have approached the tutor and were told it can’t be changed. Students have suggested that they could take on more work load in assignment 2 to incorporate the third group member.
Action: Steve Wright to forward contact the lecturer.

Ivan (MBIS)

FIT5158 - Customer relationship management and data mining.
Some students feel that one of the tutors does not provide enough feedback to students. One student did raise this with the tutor in the tutorial, however the tutor’s response was not appropriate.

There are technical issues with VPN software in tutorials. There are also significant errors in the tutorial sheets. A student has emailed the tutor in regards to some to these issues. The student was not happy with the tutors response.
Action: School to contact ESolutions and lecturer to escalate issues
Response: VPM software issues have been escalated with the I.T Manager of the Faculty. Problems will be resolved as a priority. I.T team and lecturer are working together on a resolution.

Faulty computers in labs.
Three computers in lab B3.50 are not working. Computers in B3.42 lab have errors when students access the Moodle website.
Action: School to log a call to I.T Service Desk.

Campus wall clock.
Monash campus clocks have not been change to reflect daylight savings time
Response: The School have escalated this to campus management. Call has been logged for this to be actioned.

Mohsen (MIT Professional)
Monash Connect.
Waiting times at Monash Connect are too long. Students are waiting between 30-45 minutes as there is only one staff member available to answer student queries. Students would like more staff at the front pods to eliminate long waiting times.
One student has asked if a quicker process can be put in place for student wanting to only pick up documents/letters, instead of waiting in queues for quick pick up.
Action: The school to forward feedback to Monash Connect Manager.

Student workshop initiative.
It was asked if the School/Faculty would be able to support students to run their own workshops. Workshops could incorporate certain software programs to assist other students who would like to expand on their skills, or have a brief overview of a software package without spending money on costly courses. It was suggested that these workshops could have a discounted fee attached which may be appealing to students.
Response: The School would consider looking at an expression of interest or a proposal of a workshop. The School/Faculty would be able to provide space for these however these workshops would not be able to attract any fees/payments. It would have to be a voluntary free service provided to Monash students. If the student is still interesting in pursuing this idea, we encourage the student to submit their proposal to the Head of School, Judy Sheard. It was also suggested that if the student would prefer to have a fee associated with their workshop that they contact the Monash Short Course centre or the Library with their proposal.

End Meeting 12.30 pm.