First Tuesday Social Justice Films Suggestion Form
& Co-Sponsor Information

Please return this form to:

Please give us as much information as you can find about your film suggestion. The Social Justice Ministry schedules films on an ongoing basis after discussions online and at monthly meetings. Please be aware that we are not able to promote or show certain films with our current licenses. If a documentary's website is promoting community screenings we will probably be able to show it.

We can usually screen films distributed by Swank Motion Pictures (, Good Screenings ( , and a number of production companies covered under our license with CVLI (

Title of Film ______

Main issue(s) this film addresses


Website ______

Producer ______

Director ______

Distributor ______

Do we have screening rights? ____

We may need to call or e-mail to check on this if it's not clear from the websites or on the CVLI producer list linked above.

E-mail contact ______

Phone ______

Suggested Co-Sponsor Groups or Special Speakers ______

Contact Information ______

(This is optional, see co-sponsor information below. You may copy/paste this information to use when requesting a group co-sponsor one of our films. If you have any contacts or experience with the group, or appreciate what they work on, it's helpful to begin your letter with this. There is a list of many of our past co-sponsors on the film website. Let us know if you will contact your suggested group or if you would like us to do that.)

First Tuesday Film Festival Co-Sponsors

The Social Justice Ministry at UUCOC hosts a First Tuesday Social Justice Film Festival each month showing documentaries and dramas on a wide range of socially relevant issues. Films are free and open to the public, donations accepted. Co-sponsoring organizations are local groups with an interest in the topic of the film. We always follow with a community discussion, and ask co-sponsors to send someone from their group to help lead the discussion. We also ask them to help promote the film, send notices or Facebook invitations to group members and help post flyers as they are able.

We list co-sponsors on our film flyers and website with a link here: